1.Establishment of quality control methods and standards for recombinant antitumor-antivirus-protein novaferon重组抗肿瘤抗病毒蛋白乐复能质控方法与质量标准的建立

1.Establishment of quality control methods and standards for recombinant antitumor-antivirus-protein novaferon重组抗肿瘤抗病毒蛋白乐复能质控方法与质量标准的建立
2.Practice will make you a good musician.反复练习能使你成为优秀的音乐家
3.How Music Theory of Gongfu Being Possible;“工夫的乐论”如何可能——论徐复观对中国古代乐论的心性学诠释
4.Happy Easter, Debbie!@ says Danny.“复活节快乐,黛比
5.Xerox will also make the Gyricon interactive,so a user could write on it and reuse it.施乐也将使Gyricon具有交互功能,因而用户能在它上面写字和反复使用。
6.If you have obtained the calmness, without happy and without unhappy, you then have possessed the power for rebirth.平静,没有快乐,也没有不快乐。能做到这一点,你就已经有了复元的能量。
7.a musical phrase repeated over and over during a composition.在音乐作品里反复重复的音乐片断。
8.The newspaper speculates that the goalkeeper may not play again until the New Year, but Foster remains upbeat about his future.媒体普遍推测福斯特将要在新年时才能复出,但他本人却非常乐观。
9.A crippled lifetime might be fair pay for such joy.享受过那样的欢乐,哪怕一辈子不能恢复健康也是值得的。
10.we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear.我们将来可以在网上进行娱乐活动,而且那时电视很可能不复存在。
11.It is not possible to reconstruct the complete symphony from these manuscript sketches.想要通过这些手写草稿恢复这一交响乐的全貌是不可能的。
12.He Xuntian s Sound Patterns,No.3,An Analysis;“宏复调”织体形态及其结构功能——何训田《声音的图案》之三音乐分析
13.Musicians can read written music.音乐家能看懂乐谱。
14.the lowest part in polyphonic music.复调音乐中最底的部分。
15.Thank you. and a happy easter to you !谢谢你。 祝你复活节快乐!
16.Soft repetition of a note or phrase.音符或乐句的轻轻重复.
17.each summer that the concerts are performed.举行音乐会的每个复季
18.Analysis of Technological Complexity Club技术复杂性分析俱乐部

Lenon company乐能
3)the Noh play能乐
1.The Nuo play and the Noh play are respectively one of important drama forms in China and Japan.文章从两者的起源开始探究,剖析了日本能乐在角色、行当和表演形式等方面受到中国傩戏的影响。
1.Delaying progression of chronic allograft nephropathy by conversion from cyclosporine to tacrolimus;普乐可复替换环孢素A减缓早期CAN肾功能减退
2.Effects of tacrolimus and cyclosporine on albumin secretion in cultured human hepatocyte;普乐可复和环孢素A对肝细胞分泌白蛋白作用的影响
3.Impact of multidrug resistance 1 gene polymorphism on tacrolimus dose and concentration-to-dose ratio in Chinese liver transplantationrecipients;MDR1基因多态性对肝移植受体普乐可复治疗的影响(英文)
5)Fule cream复乐霜
1.Objective:To study three antibiotics(Fluoroquinolone antibiotic-Moxifoxacin Tablets,Macrolide antibiotics-Azithromycin Dispersible Tablets,and β-lactams antibiotics-unasyn)on controlling AECOPD effect,shortening treatment periods,and affecting on lung function and quality of life(QOL).目的:研究三类抗生素治疗(氟喹诺酮类药物—拜复乐,大环内酯族—阿奇霉素,β内酰胺类—优立新),对控制COPD急性发作(AECOPD),缩短治疗周期,对病人肺功能及生存质量的影响。

乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平药物名称:拉西地平英文名:Lacidipine别名: 拉西地平;乐息平 ,乐息地平 ,司乐平外文名:Lacidipine,Lacipil, Caldine, Viapres适应症: 用于防治高血压。 用量用法: 口服:开始用量为4mg,1日1次,在早晨服用较好,但应维持4mg剂量不少于3~4周。 注意事项: 1.最常见的有头痛、皮肤潮红、水肿、眩晕和心悸,通常短暂,并随着相同剂量的继续用药而逐渐消失。偶有无力、皮疹(包括红斑和瘙痒)、食欲不振、恶心及多尿。与其他钙拮抗剂一样,极少数病人有胸痛和牙龈增生。 2.对本品中任何成分高度过敏者禁用。 3.妊娠与哺乳期妇女慎用。 4.乐息平与其他降血压药物和利尿剂、β阻滞剂并用,降压作用可以加强。与西米替丁并用,血浆乐息平水平可以增高。 规格: 每片:2mg、4mg。 类别:选择性钙通道阻滞剂\二氢吡啶类||降血压药