1.the weirs and dams in the continuous casting tundish will no longer play any role in improvement of the steel quality if the hot metal is alreay refined to a rather high level of cleanliness before pouring into the tundish.钢水进入中间罐之前,在钢包炉内精炼时,若已将钢水纯度提到相当高的程度,则中间罐挡墙已不再具有继续改善钢质量的作用。
2.In order to further lowering production cost and increasing the baking quality of tundish, No.为降低生产成本、提高中间罐烘烤质量 ,济钢第一炼钢厂对连铸机中间罐烘烤工艺进行改造。
3.A physical model for molten steel taking in gas from ladle to tundish during continuous casting was built.建立了盛钢桶到中间罐钢液吸气的物理模型,利用NaOH水溶液 CO2系模型来研究注流及中间罐液面的吸气(CO2)速率,从而考察操作参数对中间罐钢液吸气速率的影响。

1.Application of magnisian coating material on tundish of three-strand shaped blank CCM镁质涂料在三流异形坯连铸机中间罐上的应用
2.A Study on Liquid Steel Mixing and Flow State in Tundish for C C Multl-Strand Billets多流水方坯连铸中间罐内液体流动状态的研究
3.A magnesia base paint has been used for making the working lining of the continuous casting tundish.本文介绍了连铸中间罐采用镁质涂料工作衬的实践情况。
4.Study on Batch Extractive Distillation with a Middle Vessel;带有中间储罐塔的间歇萃取精馏的研究
5.The heating and cooling characteristics of food products in containers are divided into three categories: (a) conduction, (b) mixed or intermediate, and(c)convection.罐装食品的传热性能被分为三类:(a)传导;(b)混合物或中间体;和(c)对流。
6.Preserved and sealed in a can or jar.罐装的在罐或坛中保存或封存的
7.I: You know... coca cola cans, soft drink cans. Look let's sit down here. Have you got a minute?你知道可口可乐罐,软饮料罐。我们坐这。你有时间?
8.This may be due to spoilage before canning, under processing during canning, and leakage of contaminated water through can seams during cooling.这个可能是由于罐装和罐装中的变质在罐装冷却时污水通过罐的接缝处漏进罐内
9.batch-type diffusion battery间歇式浸 出器组,间歇式渗出罐组
10.small cake baked in a muffin tin.松饼罐中焙制的小蛋糕。
11.I crushed the empty beer can in my hand.我压扁手中的空啤酒罐。
12.The tanker blew up on its homeward journey.油罐车在归途中爆炸了。
13.funnel petrol into a can用漏斗把汽油注入罐中
14.If you refuse to let the pots and pans of some households be smashed over a short period of time, you will cause the smashing of the pots and pans of all the people to go on over a long period of time.不在一部分人民家中一时地打烂些坛坛罐罐,就要使全体人民长期地打烂坛坛罐罐。
15.It is also recognized that blanching removes air from intercellular spaces of a fruit or vegetable, a step that is beneficial prior to sealing these products in containers.我们也认为热烫可除去水果或蔬菜细胞间隙中的空气。这是产品装罐密封以前有益的一步。
16.The problem of serious stress corrosion existed in sour water tank in sour water striping unit of sulphur workshop was analyzed.对硫磺车间的酸性水汽提装置中的酸性水罐存在的严重应力腐蚀问题进行了分析。
17.The shiny, flowing lines of glaze ran from the neck of the jar to its base, and only the one black hole showed where a piece was missing.光洁流畅的线条从陶罐的肩部流到底部,只是中间残缺着黑洞洞的一块。
18.gauging by ullage油罐油面上部空间高度的测定

middle vessel中间贮罐
3)middle vessel中间储罐
1.Study on simulation of batch extractive distillation with a middle vessel;带有中间储罐的间歇萃取精馏的模拟研究
2.The solvent selection and batch extractive distillation with a middle vessel (BEDM) were studied by theoretical analysis and experiment.本文通过理论分析和实验相结合的方法,主要研究了萃取精馏溶剂的选择以及带有中间储罐塔的间歇萃取精馏过程的操作性能和设计计算问题。
4)tundish car中间罐车
1.Revamping the transverse micro-adjustment mechanism of tundish car;中间罐车横向微调机构改造
2.A static analysis of tundish car frame by FEA method中间罐车车体的有限元静力学分析
3.The disign idea for thd tundish car of No.介绍了马钢第三钢轧总厂炼钢分厂2#六机六流中间罐车的设计思路,论述了该中间罐车的主要部件的设计选型及强度校核计算。
5)relay tank中间油罐
6)intermediate tank farm中间罐区

中间罐中间罐tundish zhongjianguan中间罐(tundish)用以接受从盛钢捅来的钢水并分配到每流的结晶器中去的连铸设备。它同时具有稳压。贮存以及中间罐冶金作用。 功能(1)稳压。降低钢水静压力,保持稳定的钢液面。(2)贮存。多炉连浇更换钢包时,中间罐内保持有一定量的钢水,保证钢流不间断。(3)分流。多流连铸机中,将钢水分配到每一流的结晶器中去。(4)冶金作用。包括净化功能、精炼功能和保温及调温功能。净化功能为夹杂物可在中间罐中进一步上浮,因而中间罐中钢水需有足够深度,保证一定的停留时间。同时在中间罐内加挡渣墙、堰等,可以消除中间罐底部死区,改善钢水流动轨迹,缩短夹杂物上浮距离,减少紊流,有利于夹杂物的上浮。在中间罐钢水中以加合成渣和喂丝等方法,可以精炼钢水。中间罐加盖保温,必要时,还可以用感应加热、等离子加热等对钢水进行调温,保证钢水在恒温和低过热度下浇注。谁葬卜 钢水流出口~不彝 图1中间罐示意图 1一罐盖;2一罐壳;3一耳轴;4一吊耳 结构和形状中间罐有矩形、梯形和三角形等形状。图1为典型的三流梯形中间罐示意图。罐壳为钢板焊接结构,钢板上钻有排气孔,罐体上有耳轴,吊耳,罐底有钢水流出的开口。罐壳内衬有耐火材料,通常由隔热层、永久层和工作层组成。隔热层为轻质绝热板,永久层有用耐火砖砌筑的,也有用散料浇注而成的。工作层一般为砌耐火砖或者为镁质喷涂料。钢流流出口处设有耐火材料制成的水口座砖。采用定径水口浇注时,在座砖内有一个优质耐火材料制成的定径水口。用塞棒控制钢流时,还需设置塞棒机构。塞棒机构可使塞棒上下运动,调节塞棒与水口座砖间的配合关系来控制钢流。塞棒机构是在浇注前快速固定到中间罐上的一个装置。由塞杆、提升杆、水平臂等组成。塞棒上下运动的方式有手动、电动和液压三种。液压装置包括液压缸和外部的液压系统;电动是在塞棒机构上装有伺服电机,用滑动水口控制钢流时是在中间罐底部钢流出口处装有滑动水口机构,一般采用三板式机构,由上水口、上滑板、中滑板、下滑板等4部分组成。上下滑板固定,中滑板作直线往复运动,改变水口大小,滑板的驱动也有手动和液压两种。图2为三板式滑动水口机构示意图。甲 图2滑动水口机构 1一上滑板;2一中滑板;3一下滑板;4一浸入式水口; 5一滑动水口架;6一结晶器;卜一液压缸; 8一中间罐;9一上水口;1。一水口座砖 (俞晏)