1.The language alchemy in Li Hang-yu s novels;论李杭育小说的语言炼金术
2.The Influence of Arabic Alchemy to Europe in Renaissance;文艺复兴时期阿拉伯炼金术对欧洲的影响
3.Through comparative research on the ancient alchemy of China and the West, this paper emphatically analyses the similarities and particularities between China and the West with regard to their material bases of emergence, the objectives they were after,their theoretical systems, and their operating methods.通过对古代中西金丹术的比较研究,着重分析了中国炼丹术与西方炼金术在产生的物质基础、追求目标、理论体系、操作方法等方面的相同点和特殊性。

1.A practitioner of alchemy.炼丹术士,炼金术炼金术或炼丹术的实践者
2.occult arts(炼金术、占星术等的)秘术
3.one who was versed in the practice of alchemy.精通炼金术或炼丹术的人。
4.It was 20th century alchemy.这是20世纪的炼金术
5.an otiose Belief in alchemy.对炼金术无用的信仰
6.Other alchemists were honest.有些炼金术士很诚实。
7.Some alchemists were dishonest.有些炼金术士不诚实。
8.Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry炼金术和化学史学会
9.To transform by or as if by alchemy.被炼金术所变形被或似被炼金术所变形
10.Quest for the philosopher's stone.炼金术士们曾四处寻找点金石。
11.Besides gold, there were two other things that alchemists tried to make in their laboratories.除了炼制金子之外,炼金术士们还试图获得另外的两样东西。
12.Alchemists found that a number of materials were especially useful in their work.炼金术士们发现在炼制黄金过程中,有几种原料对他们特别有用。
13.an otiose belief in alchemy.See also Synonyms at futile对炼金术无用的信仰参见同义词
14.Azoth is often associated with the alchemical principle of coagulation.水银通常与炼金术中的凝结原理有关。
15.of or relating to alchemists.炼金术士的或与之相关的。
16.The alchemists were the forerunners of the scientists of today.炼金术士是今日科学家的先驱。
17.Mediaeval Alchemy contained Gnostic elements.中世纪炼金术包含诺斯替教的成分。
18.Religion had an intimate association with alchemy during the Middle Ages.在中世纪, 宗教和炼金术密切相联。

5)western alchemy西欧炼金术
1.This dissertation discusses the rise of early western alchemy during the 12th and 13th centuries, and try to explores the cause of this phenomenon.本文试图说明12、13世纪西欧炼金术兴起的基本情况,并在此基础上对炼金术兴起的原因作初步分析。
6)alchemical reaction"炼金术"反应

炼金术  炼丹术的又称。古代炼丹术除研制兼有"长生"和"点金"效用的万应灵丹以及各种长生药之外,还试图用化学方法将铜、铁等普通金属"点化"为黄金、白银。因此,炼金只是炼丹术的一个组成部分,用"炼金"二字概括炼丹术的全部内容是不全面的。中国化学史学家习惯上称后起的阿拉伯和欧洲炼丹术为炼金术,可能由于他们在炼金方面的成就在历史上较为受人注意之故。