1.In this paper, the authors made a detailed study on chrysoberyl by means of X -ray diffraction,chemical composition,Mossbauer spectrum and infrared spectroscopic analysis as well as measuring fluid inclusion.新疆阿尔泰地区某些花岗伟晶岩含有金绿宝石,它是一种罕见的稀有元素矿物,而且具有极高的经济价值。
2.Twenty four chrysoberyl and alexandrite samples from the major deposits all over the world were studi- ed qualitatively by XRF and the trace elements in chrysoberyl were gotten mainly to be Fe, Ga, Ti, in alexandrite to be Fe, Cr, Ti.对24块世界主要产地的金绿宝石和变石进行X荧光能谱分析,得到其所含的主要微量元素分别是Fe、Ga、Ti和Fe、Cr、Ti。
3.The paper summarizes the latest development of flotation of commercial beryllium minerals such as beryl,phenacite,bertrandite and chrysoberyl.综述了绿柱石、硅铍石、羟硅铍石以及金绿宝石等具有经济价值的含铍矿物的浮选研究现状,指出金绿宝石是我国仅次于绿柱石的重要铍矿资源,而高效开发和合理利用该类含铍矿石,是铍资源领域的重要课题。

1.alexandrite glass金绿宝石玻璃,变石玻璃
2.a green variety of chrysoberyl used as a gemstone.一种绿色的金绿宝石,用作宝石。
3.A greenish chrysoberyl that appears red in artificial light, used as a gemstone.变石,紫翠玉一种淡绿色的金绿宝石,在人工灯光下呈红色,用作宝石
4."The second, a ruby, a sapphire, and an onyx;"第二行是绿宝石,蓝宝石,金钢石,
5.And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond.出28:18第二行是绿宝石、蓝宝石、金钢石。
6.precious gems/stones,ie diamonds,rubies, emeralds,etc宝石(钻石、红宝石、绿宝石等).
7.Turns Green Gems into Skulls. Turns Blue Gems into Red Gems.将绿宝石变为头骨,蓝宝石变为红宝石。
8.All authorities on gems agree that the diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald are precious stones.所有的宝石权威都同意,钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石和绿宝石是宝石。
9.two diamonds and an emerald两枚钻石和一枚绿宝石
10.any of various gems (as chrysoberyl or chalcedony) that reflect light when cut in a rounded shape.切成圆形后能反射光线的各种宝石(如金绿石或玉髓)。
11.Which attracts you more, may I ask, ruby or emerald?请问红宝石和绿宝石中您更喜欢哪个?
12.Which attracts you more, ruby or emerald?红宝石和绿宝石,您更喜欢哪一个?
13.emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant.一对绿宝石手?和一个红宝石坠子。”
14.Her bracelet was set with emeralds.她的手镯上镶着绿宝石.
15.a kind of pink beryl used as a gemstone.绿玉的一种,用作宝石。
16.A rosy-pink variety of beryl, valued as a semiprecious gem.铯绿宝石一种玫瑰粉色的透明的绿宝石,其价值被视为次等宝石
17.A transparent blue-green variety of beryl, used as a gemstone.海蓝宝石,水蓝宝石一种透明青绿色绿玉,用作装饰性宝石
18.A green variety of microcline, often used as a semiprecious stone.天河石,绿长石一种绿色微斜长石,常用作半宝石

3)chrysolite chrysoberyl橄榄石金绿宝石
4)chrysoberyl cat's eye;Ceylon cat's-eye,oriental cat's-eye金绿宝石猫眼石
5)golden beryl;yellow beryl金色绿宝石,金绿柱石
6)alexandrite laser金绿宝石激光器
1.Design and experimental research of tunable alexandrite laser in the visible range;可见光可调谐金绿宝石激光器的设计与实验
