1.Migration and distribution of rare earth elements during washing process of Kailuan coals;开滦煤洗选过程中稀土元素的迁移和分配特征

1.PLC Control and Configuration at Coal Washing Workshop of Coal Washing and Selecting Plant;洗选厂洗煤车间PLC控制及其组态
2.Methods Plant; Distribution Plant, coke, bauxite, pig iron.洗选精煤;经销精煤、焦炭、铝矾土、生铁。
3.Approaching on Devoting Major Efforts to Develop Coal Washing and Dressing Processing Industry;关于大力发展煤炭洗选加工业的探讨
4.Development Steam Coal Preparation and Enhancing Saleable Steam Coal quality;发展动力煤洗选 提高商品动力煤质量
5.Exploration and Analysis of 5 000 000 t/a Coal Washing Technology500万t/a煤炭洗选技术工艺探析
6.Optimum Design of Coal Preparation Product Based on Quality Function Deployment基于质量功能配置的洗选产品优化设计
7.Shampoo and rinse with your shampoo of choice.选用一种洗发液来洗头,之后再把头冲净。
8.Choose an empty slot to place the cleaning cartridge into选择一个空的插槽来放入清洗磁带
9.Press "Next" to start cleaning the selected drives按“下一步”开始清洗所选驱动器
10."Choose if you want to perform another cleaner task."选择是否要执行另一个清洗器任务。
11.Screening Tests on Detergent Formulae for Boiler On-line Cleaning;锅炉带负荷清洗剂配方遴选试验研究
12.Application of FJC jet type flotation machine in Dongshan Coal Preparation PlantFJC喷射式浮选机在东山洗煤厂的应用
13.Discussion on reformation of flotation tailings process and implementation of washing water close-cycling改造浮选尾煤工艺 实现洗水闭路循环
14.Application of XJM-S16 flotation machine in Didao Coal Preparation PlantXJM-S16型浮选机在滴道洗煤厂的应用
15.To separate or clean(ore) by shaking a jig.淘汰选矿,筛选用震动筛矿器分离或清洗(矿石)
16.Discussion on the steam coal recovery through wind separation of washed gangue and the porous brick preparation with washed gangue洗矸风选回收动力煤 选后矸石烧结多孔砖
17.The new kind of washing powder, which is the first in quality, effective to get rid of stains and easy to use, is the first choice of wise housewives.新型洗衣粉品质超群,去污力强,洗涤方便,明智主妇的首选晶牌。
18.After sorting, the wool is scoured. This involves washing in warm, soapy water several times, followed by thorough rinsing and drying.原毛经过选毛之后要进行清洗,即:将原毛在温肥皂水中洗涤几次,然后进行彻底的漂洗和烘干。

Washing technique洗选工艺
1.Effect of breaking on the washing technique and benefit of lump anthracite;破碎作业对无烟块煤洗选工艺及效益的影响
3)washing and ash falling洗选降灰
4)coal processing洗选加工
1.Promotion with effort of the development of Chinese coal processing;大力促进我国煤炭洗选加工的发展
5)water-magnetic separation水洗-磁选
6)coal washing technique洗选技术
1.This paper expounds the present development of coal washing techniques, illustrates the basic principles and technical performances of new techniques and new equipment, looks forward to the developing trends of washing coal industry, and advances some problems needing solution in the coal washing industry.阐述了煤炭洗选技术发展的现状,重点说明了新工艺和新设备的基本原理和技术性能,预测了选煤行业的发展趋势,提出了选煤行业需要解决的问题。

煤炭洗选工艺的环境污染煤炭洗选工艺的环境污染environmental pollution of coal cleaning technology  煤炭洗选工艺的环境污染(e nvironmentalpollution of eoal eleaning teehnology)煤炭洗选过程中形成大量废水和强烈的机械噪声,是煤炭洗选工艺的主要环境污染。 选谋废水煤炭采出之后须在洗煤机中使用大量清水进行洗选分级,各级煤炭脱水后作为产品煤外运,余下的是选煤废水,其中含大量煤泥。有关选煤废水的处理,中国统配煤矿选煤厂要求洗水完全闭路循环,并分为三个等级标准。一级,煤泥全部由厂内的脱水机械回收,实现洗水全部复用;二级,煤泥大部在厂内回收,小部分在厂外沉淀池回收,洗水全部复用;三级,煤泥在厂外煤泥池沉淀,清水大部分复用,余下的达标排放。并规定实现一级标准是企业升级的必备条件。 选煤废水闭路循环的处理工艺分为脱水机法和压滤机法两大类,其基本流程相同,都是将来自洗煤机的含有多量煤泥的高浊度选煤废水(经洗选分级的产品煤已取出),在浓缩机内添加絮凝剂使煤泥絮凝沉淀,形成高浓的煤泥底流,然后分别进人不同的煤泥水终处理设备—脱水机或压滤机(两种工艺的区别主要在于各自的煤泥水终处理设备不同);煤泥在该处经历不同的工艺而脱水回收,上层清水则回流复用。 选煤噪声选煤噪声主要来自工艺设备的运转过程,如鼓风机、真空泵、局扇、过滤机等产生的空气动力性噪声;煤炭溜槽、振动筛、离心脱水机、胶带机、水泵、斗子提升机等运行形成的机械性噪声;电动机、电振给煤机、变压器等发出的电磁性噪声;其中有的设备运行时发出的实际是兼有数种特性的噪声。实际测定数据统枯结果表明,选煤厂噪声源的强度分布从蕊80dB(A)到>105dB(A),其中占比例数最高的是_91一95dB(A)部分,约占全部噪声源的33.5纬。总体看来大致呈正态分布。由于选煤机械产生的噪声以中频和低频频谱为主,因而其衰减速度便较高频噪声为慢,所以传播距离更远,造成的污染影响也更严重。 (许征帆)