1.Analysis of defection on bend forging of large marine crank;大型船用曲拐弯锻成形缺陷分析
2.Too low content of pearlite after heat treatment was the main re ason causing the K-9cranks to be rejected.K-9曲拐质量不合格主要是由于热处理后,珠光体数量太少所引起。
3.Crankshaft is a very important component of large marine engine and its key part is crank.船用曲轴是大型船用发动机的重要部件,而曲拐是曲轴的关键部分。

1.Analysis of Inspection and Measuring Method for 120° Distributing Angle Errors of Crankshaft Crankpins曲轴曲拐120°角度误差检测方法分析
2.Research on the Upset Forging Technology of Marine Crank of 305 Crankshaft船用305曲轴曲拐镦锻成形工艺研究
3.The ignition will cause a tremendous rise of pressure in the crankcase, which will open the crankcase relief v/ v momentarily.燃烧会引起曲拐箱内压力急剧升高并即可爆开曲拐箱安全阀。
4.Could you tell the main reason for crankcase explosion?请您说出柴油机曲拐箱爆炸的原因?
5.Analysis on Measuring Accuracy in Inspecting Crank Angles for Six-cylinder Crankshafts六缸发动机曲轴曲拐夹角检测方法的精度分析
6.Study on S34MnV cleanliness during the process of crank steel produced by the EAF-LF(VD)-VTEAF-LF(VD)-VT工艺生产曲拐用钢S34MnV的洁净度研究
7.A very severe explosion can damage the crankcase door and cause fire in the engine room.非常剧烈的爆炸会损坏曲拐箱道门并引起机仓着火。
8.A twisted branch, which I mistook for a snake, made me leap aside in fright. I broke out into a cold sweat.一根曲拐的树枝使我惊跳起来,出了一层汗,以为是蛇。
9.. These words twist and turn like snakes squirming through my head, till I'm so muddled I can't remember a thing.这个:委曲拐弯的,好像长虫爬在脑子里,越爬越糊涂,越爬越记不
10.The feeding of consumable electrode and the pushing forming slider t are controlled by computer harmonically.自耗电极给进、曲拐成型滑块推入,由系统的计算机协调控制。
11.Inflection Point拐点,弯曲点,转折点
12.Full of twists and turns;tortuous.弯弯曲曲的;迂回的充满弯曲和拐弯的;曲折的
13.The road zigzagged up the hill.那条路曲里拐弯地延伸到山上。
14.tried to support his weight on a bending cane.试图用弯曲的拐杖支撑着他的体重。
15.The path ran zigzag up the hill.这条小道曲里拐弯地通往山上。
16.Research on a Newly Combinational Tri-turned Crankshaft for Diaphragm Pump新型组合式隔膜泵用三拐曲轴的研究
17.Study of the Inflexion Point on Demand and Price Curve for Chinese Car Market;轿车市场中需求与价格曲线上“拐点”的研究
18.Research on Planar Cubic PH Spline and the Inflection Points and Singularities on F-curve三次插值PH样条与F-曲线拐点和奇点的研究

crank shaft曲拐
1.Inclusions in steel were sampled from the EAF-LF(VD)-VC production process of marine crank steel S34MnV,including the electric period,LF-VD refining period,casting period,and forging ingots in a heavy machinery factory in north China to solve the difficulty of being rejected by ultrasonic flaw detection crank shaft.针对EAF-LF(VD)-VC工艺生产的大型船用S34MnV曲拐探伤不合的问题,分别在电炉、LF-VD精炼、浇注和锻造后钢锭取样对钢中夹杂物进行了研究。
2.The experimental samples were the marine crank steel S34MnV produced by the EAF-LF(VD)-VC production process,including the electric period,LF-VD refining period,casting period,and forging ingots from a heavy machinery factory in north China to solve the difficulty of being rejected by ultrasonic flaw detection for crank shaft.针对EAF-LF(VD)-VC工艺生产的大型船用S34MnV曲拐探伤不合的问题,分别在电炉还原期、LF-VD精炼期、浇注和锻造后钢锭取样对钢中夹杂物进行了研究。
1.Computing method on strength analysis of combination typed tri-crankshaft;组合式三曲拐轴的强度分析计算方法
2.Mechanics analysis based on crankle instead of crankshaft;活塞压缩机曲柄轴改曲拐轴的力学分析
4)Four crank四曲拐轴
5)split-pin crankshaft错拐曲轴
1.Influence of Constraint Condition on FEA for Split-Pin Crankshaft;约束条件对错拐曲轴有限元分析的影响
2.The general methods for the balancing analysis of inertia forces in the internal combustion engine(ICE) that adopted split-pin crankshaft technology was studied in this paper.针对某V6柴油机,对比分析了该柴油机采用错拐技术前后倾覆力矩及惯性力系的变化情况,结果表明,错拐曲轴平衡技术可有效抑制内燃机内部的激励载荷,是改善内燃机振动、噪声特性极为有效的技术措施之一。
6)Stagger crankshaft错拐曲轴
1.Using ANSYS software, the finite element analysis for the stagger crankshaft of a 60°V6 vehicle gasoline engine was conducted under extreme operation conditions.应用ANSYS软件,对某60°夹角V6车用汽油机的错拐曲轴进行了不同极限工况下的有限元计算,尤其对该曲轴的载荷和约束条件做了较为详细的讨论,得到了该错拐曲轴的应力分布,并校核了其静安全强度。
2.The structural strength difference between stagger crankshaft and common crankshaft and the influence of Various loads and different sliding bearing clearances on stagger crankshaft strength are studied.以90°夹角的某V型6缸柴油机为例,应用有限元分析方法,研究探讨了采用错拐结构前后曲轴强度的变化,以及不同载荷、不同主轴承间隙等因素对错拐曲轴强度的影响,并通过实验验证了有限元分析的正确性。
3.The analytical method based on FEA and experiments is used to study the structural strength of diesel engine stagger crankshaft.通过对比表明:理论分析与实验实测结果具有较好的一致性,针对错拐曲轴所采用的计算分析方法与实验方法均是合理可行的。

如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】: