1.The cause for rhomboidity of casting billet of 165 mm×165 mm is analyzed,the measures to solve worked out,rather good effect got.分析了承钢165 mm×165 mm连铸坯脱方的成因,找出了解决措施,取得了较好的效果。
2.Through analysis and calculation on flat roll spread rolling the reasonable rolling program to prevent rhomboidity is determined, the advantages and disadvantages of it and some practical problems to be solved stated.通过对平辊轧制的宽展分析与计算,确定了防止产生脱方现象的合理轧制程序,阐述了利用平辊轧制的优缺点和需要解决的实际问题。
3.After the water distribution of the secondary cooling was optimized,a better result was gained: the ratio of rhomboidity waster decreased from 0.分析了新疆八一钢铁有限公司第一炼钢厂1#连铸机二冷存在问题对120 mm×120mm断面连铸坯质量的影响,通过缩短外弧、侧弧喷淋管支管长度,使连铸坯在二次冷却时趋于均匀;降低HPB235钢二冷冷却强度,优化了二冷配水制度,取得了较好的效果:脱方废品率由0。
1.The quality problems of strands such as off-square,trasversal cracks and internal cracks caused by the cooling water were analyzed at Jiujiang Iron and Steel Co.九江钢铁公司炼钢厂小方坯因冷却水水质差和冷却工艺存在问题产生脱方、横裂和内部裂纹。
3)deacidfieation method脱酸方法
4)demoulding method脱模方法

1.Research and practice of big lead angle rotating unloading method for precise cold extrusion die of spherical slippery footstep球面滑履精密冷挤压大升角旋转脱模方法研究与实践
2.The Research on the Reduction on the Levels of Oligosaccharide in Soybean and Its Mathematical Model;大豆低聚糖的脱除方法及其数学模型的研究
3.Lost-wax casting: Traditional method of producing molds for metal sculpture and other castings.脱蜡法:制作金属雕塑和其它铸件用的模具的传统方法。
4.Analysis Methods for Decolorization Processes of Simulated Dye Wastewaters by Chemical Flocculation;模拟染料废水化学絮凝法脱色的过程分析方法研究
5.Effects of three defatting ways on porcine bone三种不同脱脂方法对猪骨脱脂的效应
6.A Method for Off-line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition Based on Hidden Markov Model一种基于隐马尔科夫模型的脱机手写汉字识别方法
7.Modeling and Simulation for Desulfurization Efficiency of Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization System湿法烟气脱硫系统脱硫效率的建模与仿真
8.To use cleverness or deceit in avoiding or escaping.逃避,逃脱用聪明的方法或欺骗避免或逃脱
9.Desulfurization Performance and Preparation Meathod of Nano-Zincbase Desulfurizer at Ambient Temperature;常温纳米ZnO脱硫剂制备方法及脱硫性能的研究
10.Degreasing Methods for the Bitter Almond and Detoxication the Hydrocyanic Acid from the Bitter Almond Essensail Oil;苦杏仁脱脂方法及其精油脱毒工艺研究
11.Influence of Different Ways of Machine Disconnecting on Machine Disconnection-related Difficulty among Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation不同脱机方法对机械通气患者脱机效果的影响
12.Sever leather degreasing methods are summarized, especialy emulsifying degreasing and enzymatic degreasing are introduced, and the development trends in this procedure is ezymatic degrease.对皮革脱脂方法进行了综述,重点介绍了乳化脱脂和酶法脱脂,认为酶法脱脂是未来的发展趋势。
13.Alternatively the gels may be destained electrophoretically.凝胶脱色的另一方法是电泳法。
14.Falling film towers are often used for hydrochloric acid production. another method, analogous to the lungs, is a new membrane absorber for SOx removal.降膜塔常用于盐酸生产。模拟人的肺脏,使用另外一种新型膜吸收器的方法来脱除Sox。
15.High-modulus polypropylene compound was developed by means of adding nano-meter montmorillonite to polypropylene.通过在聚丙烯中添加纳米蒙脱土的改性方法,开发了高模量聚丙烯专用料。
16.Gaseous Mercury Absorption from Simulated Flue Gas;吸收法脱除模拟烟气中气态汞的研究
17.Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in the New Types of Towers with Sloping Plates for Wet Dedusting and Desulfurizing;新型湿法除尘脱硫斜板塔的数值模拟
18.Numerical Simulation and Study of SCR De-NO_x System of Flue Gas;SCR法烟气脱硝系统数值模拟研究

1.The quality problems of strands such as off-square,trasversal cracks and internal cracks caused by the cooling water were analyzed at Jiujiang Iron and Steel Co.九江钢铁公司炼钢厂小方坯因冷却水水质差和冷却工艺存在问题产生脱方、横裂和内部裂纹。
3)deacidfieation method脱酸方法
4)demoulding method脱模方法
5)decladding method脱壳方法
1.The decladding method of shell fruit is consisted of mechanical decladding and non-mechanical decladding.在综述壳体物料脱壳机理和脱壳方法的基础上,对采用相同脱壳原理的加工设备进行归纳与分析,不同的脱壳机理针对不同加工对象的适应性和加工特性,为脱壳加工装备改进及优化设计提供参考。
6)degreasing method脱脂方法

疗产后阴下脱方疗产后阴下脱方 方名。出宋·陈自明《妇人大全良方·卷之二十三》。功效:举陷疗。主治:妇人产后阴挺。药物组成:鳖头2个(阴干),葛根1斤(当作1两)。用法:共为末,酒服方寸匕,日3服。又方:川椒1升,吴茱萸2升,戎盐半鸡子大。共为末,以绵裹如半鸡子大,纳于阴中,日一易。