1.The paper introduces the ammonia process of producing high-grade zinc oxide from impurities zinc oxide dust which produced by the smoked stoves in a large internal smelter.本文介绍了利用氨法处理杂质成分复杂的某大型冶炼厂炼铅系统烟化炉氧化锌烟灰制备高等级氧化锌的工艺。
2.The theories of the reaction for all elements in dust at volatilizing kiln was studied.研究了钢厂烟灰各种成分的反应原理 ,根据这些原理 ,对炉料温度 ,炉料的混合与加料方式 ,窑内的负压控制和焦粉的粒度进行了条件试验 ,得出了最佳工艺条件 ,指导了生
3.It has not only economical and social benefit but also meets the need of clean production to reclaim rich metals such as copper,lead,bismuth,zinc from copper blast furnace dust.铜转炉烟灰富含Cu、Pb、Bi、Zn等元素,回收这些有价元素,不仅是环保和清洁生产的需要,而且可以获得一定的经济效益和社会效益。

1.A receptacle for tobacco ashes and cigarette butts.烟灰缸,烟灰盘装烟灰与烟蒂的容器
2.He tapped his ash into an ashtray.他把烟灰弹落到烟灰缸。
3.The ash from his cigarette fell on the floor.香烟上的烟灰掉到地上。
4.He shook the fire out of his pipe.他抖掉了烟斗里的烟灰
5.The chimney is almost chocked up with soot.烟囱几乎被烟灰堵住了。
6.tap the ashes out of a pipe把烟斗里的烟灰磕出来
7.an ashtray full of butts盛满烟头的烟灰碟.
8.Val flipped the ash off his cigarette.法尔弹掉香烟上的烟灰
9.He flicked the ashes from his cigar.他弹去雪茄烟烟灰
10.stain with a dirty substance, such as soot.因煤烟烟灰而留下污点。
11.Colored by or as if by soot.烟灰色的用或象用烟灰上色的
12.Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray.请把香烟灰弹在烟灰缸里。
13.The maid picked up the ashtray and emptied it into a wastepaper basket.女佣拿起烟灰缸,把烟灰倒进废纸篓。
14.He picked up the ash tray and put it on the table.他拾起烟灰缸,放到桌上。
15.There are dots of soot on the windowsill.窗台上有一点烟灰
16.the state of being dirty with soot.由于烟灰而肮脏的状态。
17.Soot has been blown down into the fireplace.烟灰被扫落到壁炉里。
18.Don't drop your ashes on the floor!别把烟灰掉到地板上!

1.To Detect Thallium in Soot in Stack with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry;火焰原子吸收光谱法测定烟囱烟灰中的铊
3)gray smoke灰烟
4)chimney soot烟囱烟灰

烟灰1.亦作"烟灰"。 2.烟吸完后剩下的灰。