1.On the basis of the characteristics of BF Pulverized coal combustion, the combustion of pulverized coal in the blowpipe and tuyere is simulated step by step.根据高炉喷吹煤粉燃烧特点 ,对直吹管和风口回旋区分段模拟 ,以直吹管模拟结果作为回旋区输入 。
2.In the process of pulverized coal injection (PCI) into blast furnace, the blowpipe plays an important role in pre mixing the pulverized coal and oxygen, pre heating them and improving the pulverized coal pyrolization and combustion of the coal.在高炉富氧喷煤过程中 ,直吹管使喷入的煤粉与氧气预混、预热 ,并促使煤粉的热解和部分煤的燃烧。
3.Based on the study of gas solid flow field in blowpipe of BF with oygen enriched PCI, the oxygen and coal concentration distribution inside the blowpipe were simulated and discussed, including the influence of position and inserting angle of the oxygen coal lance, the pattern of the oxygen enriched jet, as well as grain size of the coal.在对高炉局部富氧喷煤直吹管内气固两相流流场研究的基础上 ,对直吹管内氧和煤粉的浓度场进行了数值研究 ,包括氧 -煤喷枪的插入角度和枪位、局部富氧射流的漩流数以及煤粉粒度的影响。

1.The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower, through the hot blast main, bustle pipe, bootleg, blowpipe and tuyere.热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和风口不断鼓人高炉。
2.the part of a wind instrument into which the player blows directly.演奏手直接往里吹的管乐的一部分。
4.Bend deformation often occurs on the blowing tube of the soot bl ow er during the test run, and directly affects the regular operation of the soot blower.在试运转时,吹灰器的吹灰管常常发生弯曲变形,直接影响吹灰器的正常运行。
5.Application of Under Pressure Pipe Blowing in HG-1900/25.4-HM2 Once Through Boiler蓄压吹管在HG-1900/25.4-HM2型直流锅炉上的应用
6.Selection of Steam Purge Mode to 600 MW Unit Super-critical Concurrent Boiler600 MW机组超临界直流锅炉吹管方式选择
7.Study on Steam-blowing Technologies with Stable Pressure by Turbine-driven Feed Pump for Supercritical Once-through Boilers超临界直流锅炉汽泵稳压吹管工艺的研究
8.To play on a pipe.吹(管乐)吹奏管乐器
9.mouth-operated blowpipe of base metals口吹式吹管,贱金属制
10.The mouthpiece of a wind instrument.吹口管乐器的吹口处
11.blow-out (carnival articles)一种从开口处吹气柔软管即变直伸长的玩具(狂欢节用的物品)
12.The door flip flopped in the strong wind.门被大风吹得砰砰直响。
13.from which this mighty wind was blowing dead on shore,狂风从海里直往岸上吹,
14.direct-fired mill直吹式制粉系统磨煤机
15.DC magnetic blowout valve type arrester直流磁吹阀型避雷器
16.The leaves twisted and turned in the wind.树叶被风吹得直打转。
17.The act of playing on a pipe.管乐器吹奏吹奏管乐器的动作
18.blowing machine for working glass (excl. hand-type blowers and blowpipes)玻璃加工用吹塑机(手工吹塑机和吹管除外)

Injection Port Diameter吹气管直径
3)pipe blowing吹管
1.At the same time, the features of pipe blowing technology for the .同时介绍了该锅炉的吹管工艺特点。
2.The pipe blowing process of one supercritical once-throng boiler in Guangdong province is introduced and analyzed.以广东某电厂600MW超临界机组为研究对象,对蒸汽吹管过程进行详尽的阐述和分析。
3.The article highlighted furnace cold dynamical test, the steady pressure pipe blowing, .重点介绍了锅炉冷态动力场试验、蒸汽稳压吹管、制粉系统调试、燃烧特性等试运的情况,以及设备存在的主要问题和改进建议。
1.Introducing a kind of boiler blowpipe about boiler supperheatera ndb oilerr eheaterb etweent heirc onjunction piping to clean all kinds of miscellaneous objects that stay in the system, avoiding them affecting turbine and boiler equipments, insure the steam good quality.介绍一种锅炉过热器、再热器及其连接管道吹管的方法,清除系统中存留的各种杂物,避免杂物对蒸汽品质和机、炉设备产生影响,从而确保机组安全、经济运行。
2.of Ignition and Blowpipe for NaYong Power Plant Unit #1, and summed up the equipment problem and defect of discovery in the ignition blowpipe course as well as experience lesson that the ignition blowpipe should be absorbed in the course .简介了纳雍发电厂 # 1机组蒸汽管道的点火吹管的过程、方法、目地等 ,并总结了点火吹管过程中发现的设备问题及缺陷 ,以及点火吹管过程中应吸取的经验教
3.If we add a blowpipe to the rear of the trough, and change the screen to a cover plate which can be lifted, the mesh would be cleaned thoroughly, and the tobacco smalls adhered to the trough can be wiped off.在槽体后部增加吹管,将网板改为掀盖式活动盖板,能够彻底清洁网板的网孔,去除槽体上的烟末结块,保证烟草物料质量。
1.Cause analysis of excessive high unit consumption of direct-fired pulverized system;直吹式制粉系统制粉单耗偏高原因分析及对策
2.Based on the analysis of the former design of the primary frequency regulation function for 4×600 MW direct-fired coal-fired units of the II construction stage of Jiaxing Power Plant,improvement suggestions are proposed.通过对嘉兴发电厂二期工程4台600 MW直吹式燃煤汽轮发电机组一次调频功能原设计的研究与分析,提出改进的关键点,分析不同类机组的差异,介绍了嘉电600 MW机组一次调频逻辑改进的特点。
6)directfiring boiler直吹锅炉

吹管试验分子式:CAS号:性质:又称吹管分析(blow-pipe ana-lysis),定性分析中的一种预测试验方法。将少量试样放入木炭的凹穴中,用吹管(一细玻璃或金属管)向着试样吹火焰,使其燃烧,观察试样在燃烧过程中的现象变化,来判断可能存在的化合物。例如,发生突燃的现象,可能是硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、氯酸盐及过氯酸盐等;燃烧的残渣为白色并产生蒜臭味,可能是含砷的氧化物。该方法适用于矿石的预测试验。