1.In the course of produce of number one coupled tandem mill,blocks of entry side and exit side of the carrousel double mandrel sleeve tension reel in the exit side of the product line were frequently struck down by dial orientation block.对唐钢冷轧薄板厂一酸轧生产线出口的卡罗塞尔双芯轴卷取机在生产过程中,入口侧和出口侧的挡块频繁被转盘定位块撞掉的问题进行全方位的分析,并且运用多种方法对入、出口挡块进行了技术改造。

1.stationary barrier固定支架,固定挡块
2.Knee Blocker Remove/Install膝部挡块的拆卸/安装
3.Error Analysis and Quality Assurance of Manufacture on Baffle Plate of Radiation Field射野挡块制作的误差分析和质量保证
4.Improve on Dial Orientation Block of Carrousel Double Mandrel Sleeve Tension Reel卡罗塞尔双芯轴卷取机转盘定位挡块的改进
5.Construction Techniques for Lateral Chock Block in CRTSⅡ Ballastless Track Bed PlateCRTSⅡ型无砟轨道底座板侧向挡块施工技术
6.You'll have to put on another windscreen.你得换一块挡风玻璃。
7.Application of scenic granitiform retaining wall in the bank protection project景观砌块挡土结构在护岸挡墙工程中的应用
8.A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.遮阳板汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板
9.It is very fast to use computation module to process files.利用计算模块来处理文挡 速度很快.
10.Mary took a plastic tablecloth to keep off the rain玛丽拿一块塑料台布挡雨。
11.Mother spread a cloth over the glasses to keep the dust out.母亲将一块布摊开盖住玻璃杯以遮挡灰尘。
12.Turning the corner, we found a steep rock in our way.拐了一个弯,我们看到一块陡峭的岩石挡住去路。
13.He rolled down the hill until he was stopped by a large rock.他从山上滚下来,后来被一块大山石挡住了。
14.There are boxes and bolts of cloth arranged and stacked in such a way as to completely block the board.许多箱子和布匹堆放得完全挡住了这块布告牌。
15.He took my hand to help me over a boulder that blocked the way.他牵着我的手带我爬过那块挡道的卵石。
16.Building Blocks & Critical Height of Geosynthetic Reinforced Segmental Retaining Walls;新型砌块及其加筋挡土结构临界高度分析
17.Design Calculation Method and Experimental Study on Profiled Concrete-Block Retaining Structure;异型砌块挡土结构设计计算理论与试验研究
18.Numerical simulation and characteristic research of mechanism of geosynthetic reinforced concrete block retaining structure砌块加筋挡土结构数值模拟及性状研究

tailgate stop后挡板挡块
3)CVC blockCVC挡块
4)lead block铅挡块
1.Make,application and quality control of low melting-point lead block;低熔点铅挡块的制作、应用以及质量保证
5)anti-slide block抗滑挡块
1.Combined with the specific project practice,it calculates the horizontal anti-thrust rigidity of anti-slide block,analyses the affecting factors of arched bridge anti-thrust system,and puts forward the construction attention programs of anti-slide block,to accelerate the research on arched bridge anti-thrust system,and expand the application field of arched bridge.结合具体工程实例,对桥台抗滑挡块水平抗推刚度进行了计算,分析了拱桥抗推体系的影响因素,提出了抗滑挡块的施工注意事项,以促进拱桥抗推体系的研究,从而扩大拱桥的应用范围。
6)shear keys抗震挡块
