1.The reasons why the condition of #4 BF is poor and its bosh thickens are that poor performance, high basicity and great cooling intension of slag.通过对高炉操作炉型的分析认为,炼铁4#高炉炉况变差、炉腹结厚的原因是炉渣性能差、碱度高,炉体冷却强度大。
2.BG 6# blast furnace bosh area had been broken out , the bosh inner used the high thermal conduction and plumbago carbon brick replace the micropore carbon brick, and the results are obviously better.本钢6#高炉炉腹区域烧穿,炉腹内衬采用高导热、高体密石墨碳砖代替原烧成微孔铝碳砖,实施效果良好。

1.For example, cooling water circulate constantly through the tuyere, hearth staves, bosh and inwall cooling plate etc.例如,冷却水不停地在风口、炉身、炉腹和内壁冷却板等部位循环流动。
2.continuous annealing unit with open web heat resistant steel rollers空腹耐热钢炉辊连续退火机组
3.blast-furnace cinder高炉矿渣, 鼓风炉炉渣
4.Cornish boiler单炉筒(卧式)锅炉
5.The shell and cover of the waste gas preheating section and NOF heating furnace.炉气预热段及NOF加热炉的炉壳及炉盖;
6.Used for lining in blast furnaces, hot air stoves, coke ovens and other industry furnaces.用于各种工业炉窑的耐火内衬,如高炉、风炉、热炉、热炉、炉等。
7.Used for lining in blast furnaces ,hot air stoves ,coke ovens and other industry furnaces.用于各种工业炉窑的耐火内衬,如高炉、热风炉、加热炉、均热炉、锅炉等。
8.ventral medial hypothalamus腹中下丘脑 腹中下丘脑
9.It's suitable for the patient with the symptoms of abdominal pain and distension.适用于腹痛、腹胀的病人。
10.laparotomy performed with a laparoscope.使用腹腔镜的剖腹手术。
11.The upper middle region of the abdomen.腹上部腹部的中上部分
12.The abdominal segment of an insect.腹面昆虫的腹部体节
13.The ventral nerve cord is covered externally by a peritoneum.腹神经线外被以腹膜。
14.an anal [dorsal, pectoral, ventral] fin尾 [背,胸,腹] 鳍
15.Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal prosthesis for inguinal hernia:with a report of 39 cases腹腔镜经腹腹膜前腹股沟疝修补术39例报告
16.Transabdominal inspection benefits totally extraperitoneal prosthetic hernioplasty for inguinal hernia经腹探查改良全腹膜外腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术
17.Laparoscopic placement of total peritoneum intraperitoneal onlay mesh in patients with inguinal hernia腹腔镜完全腹膜化腹腔内置片修补腹股沟疝
18.The soft belly or underside of an animal's body.下腹部腹部柔软部分或动物下腹

3)blast furnace bosh鼓风炉炉腹;高炉炉腹
4)bosh brick炉腹砖<高炉>
5)bosh brick高炉炉腹砖

摩腹摩腹 摩腹   导引功法名。揉摩腹部。有健脾胃、助消化等效用。《理瀹骈文》:“调中者摩腹,寓太和之理。”“饭后摩腹,助脾运免积滞也。”