1.The Properties of Refractory in the Tuyeres of a Blast Furnace;风口小套耐火材料的性能

1.Design Analysis of Soft Water Closed Circulating of Blast Furnace Tuyere Small Sleeve高炉风口小套软水密闭循环设计分析
2.Failure Mechanism of Small Sleeve of Blast-furnace Tuyere and Discussion of Changing to Use Be-bronze高炉风口小套破坏机理和改用铍青铜材料的探讨
3.A Study on the Fabrication Technology and Mechanical Properties of Al_2O_3 Matrix Nano-composite Ceramics and the Research of Nano-composite Ceramic Liner in the Tuyere for a Blast Furnace;氧化铝基纳米复相陶瓷的制备、性能及高炉风口小套陶瓷内衬的研究
4.Tangfeng s polite Formula and Xiaxiaozheng;《唐风》中的“套语”与《夏小正》
5.Experimental Study of Microvascular Fish-mouth Shape Sleev Anastmosis Using Cyanoacrylate Adhesives;小血管鱼口式套叠粘合法的实验研究
6.Don't stand in the draught. You may catch cold.别站在风口上,小心着凉。
7.The Ascertainment of Future Hedge Ratio for Minimum Risk基于风险最小化的期货套期保值比率的确定
8.An Analysis of Maximum Probability and Minimum Risk about Futures Hedging;期货套期保值最大概率与最小风险分析
9.The Research on the Optimal Futures Hedging Model Based on the Minimum Risk基于风险最小的期货套期保值优化模型研究
10.Application of the heterotypic shaped sets of arch in the tunnel entranced hole with small spacing shallow section and bias异型套拱在隧道洞口小净距浅埋偏压段的应用
11.The hot air is always carried to the furnace by a powerful turboblower, through the hot blast main, bustle pipe, bootleg, blowpipe and tuyere.热风由功率强大的鼓风机通过热风总管、环形风管、风口小弯管、直吹管和风口不断鼓人高炉。
12.Estimation and Suggestion of Construction Ventilation Necessary System of Tie zhaizi No.1 Tunnel Entrance铁寨子Ⅰ号隧道进口施工通风系统配套方案评估及建议
13.lapel mike可夹在口袋或衣襟上的小型麦克风
14.Local snacks are fresh, delicious and tasty.风味小吃,样样新鲜、美味、可口。
15.A Study on Export and Trade Risk Management of SME in China我国中小企业出口贸易风险管理研究
16.Keep your mouthguard in a well-ventilated plastic storage box when not in use. Make sure the box has several holes so the mouthguard will dry.不使用时,将你的护齿套放在通风的塑料盒子内,盒子必须有几个小洞使护齿套保持干燥。
17.The large conference hall adopts ceiling air supply mode with self-regulation slot outlets whose area could automatically vary with supply air temperature.大会议厅采用自动调节型条缝风口吊顶送风,风口截面大小可随送风温度自动调节。
18.Study on the Price Risk of the Central Grain Reserves Take Turns the Business Based the Hedge Theory;基于套期保值理论的国储小麦轮换价格风险规避研究

tuyere sleeve风口衬套
1.On the basis of the damage and corrosion mechanism of the used tuyere sleeves of Baosteel,use the brown corundum and zircon power as the raw materials and study the thermal shock resistance,bending strength,compressing strength,porosity of Al2O3-ZrO2 for new sleeve.在掌握了宝钢现有风口衬套破损原因和侵蚀机理的基础上,提出以棕刚玉和锆英石粉为主要原料,实验研究了新型风口衬套材质Al2O3-ZrO2的抗热震性、抗折强度、抗压强度、气孔率。
3)Tuyere medium sleeve风口中套
4)tuyere stock风口套管
5)tuyere cooler风口水套
6)slag tuyere渣口小套

风口回旋区风口回旋区coke circuiting zone of blast furnace fengkou hu一xuanqu风D回旋区(eoke eireulating zone of blastfumace)高炉炼铁过程中,炉内风口前焦炭在高速热风作用下边做回旋运动边燃烧的区域,又称焦炭循环区。此处是炉缸反应中碳气化的主要场所。在高炉炼铁过程中,经由风口鼓入炉内的热风,约以100m/s的高速射向炉缸中心,遇到由炉上部落至风口前端的赤热焦炭块即发生激烈的燃烧反应。焦炭因其粒度较大(一般大于25mm),比表面积小,不可能在以毫秒计的时间内完全燃烧气化,故在高速鼓风的冲击下作回旋运动,并继续燃烧直到完全气化。而热风裹携新产生的煤气,向前冲击焦块及渣铁液滴,其本身的动能急剧衰减,直至完全失去冲击力,最后以炉缸煤气的形式,依靠压力作用,折向上方低压的炉腹区域。焦炭回旋速度在4一30m/S范围内,其波动范围大,是由于焦炭粒度不同、互相碰撞和进入回旋区时初速度不同造成的。 作高速回旋运动的固、气多相流所产生的离心力与作用在此区域外部的料柱有效重力相平衡,从而在每个风口前形成了有一定尺寸的梨形疏松区,如图所示。从回旋区上方流下的液体(约有20~409/S的熔渣和铁液)被高速气流雾化并抛向炉子中心,它们与不同速度的焦粒运动中产生,又来不及气化的碎焦形成较致密的回旋区外壳。回旋区的尺寸及其在炉缸横断面上的分布决定了上部炉料下降的状态,从而造成了高炉作业顺行与否的基本条件。影响回旋区大小的因素有三:(1)鼓风条件。如风量、风温、风压、喷吹附加物的种类、数量及其在直吹管内分解及预燃烧的数量等。月可增大经由直吹管入炉气体动能的因素皆可促使回茄区增大,如增大鼓风量,提高风温及在直吹管内喷吹队加物数量增大、部分分解和燃烧等。而风压增高时将仗直吹管内同样质量的气体体积减小,故将降低鼓风司能使回旋区缩小。(2)上部料柱作用于回旋区外壳上配有效重力。影响此值的因素有焦炭负荷、散料的空隙度及堆密度等。凡增大有效重力的因素,如提高焦炭安荷、散料堆密度或减小空隙度等皆可使回旋区外壳承受的重力增大,从而将回旋区压缩变小。(3)由上部灌入回旋区的凝聚态物质的数量、粒度及密度。凡加速彭风动能值衰减的因素皆可使回旋区缩小,如焦炭粒度大、密度大及落下更多的渣铁液滴等。黔 ‘今焦炭块班圣井】焦末层 乏圣二习粘结层/尸斌煤气流向 回旋区内焦炭与气体的运动 (齐宝铭)