1.Discussing the influence of intermediate alumina on the electrolysis production;浅谈中间状氧化铝对电解生产的影响

1.It contains intermediate water.它包含着中间状态的水。
2.There has to be a medium between good and bad.中间状态介于好与坏之间.
3.On Middle Content of Things & Their Critical Conditions of Qualitative Changes;论事物内涵的中间成份与质变的中间状
4.A first-quarter moon is halfway between new moon and full moon.上弦月是新月和满月的中间状态。
5.No intermediate states are recognized or accepted.不能识别或接受任何中间状态。
6.One that is in a middle position or state.中间事物处于中间位置或状态的事物
7.Display status~~Displays the score/time in the status bar.状态栏~~在状态栏中显示得分/时间信息。
8.The Basic Theory of State Space Model amony State Space Analysis;关于状态空间方法中状态空间模型的札记(下)
9.Study on the Dotted-like Open Space in Urban Spatial Layout;城市空间布局中的“点”状开放空间研究
10.Two cell layers( diploblastic) separated by a gelatinous mesoglea.两层细胞(胚层)中间是凝胶状的中胶层。
11.The state or quality of being mediate.居中介入中间的性质或状态
12.Drop Theorem and Mackey Drop Property in Bornological Linear Spaces有界线性空间中的滴状定理与Mackey滴状性质
13.state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.满足和狂喜之中间的情绪状态。
14.as the space that the shape displaces in the air.那就是它的形状在空气中所占的空间。
15.[Center] - A Bok globule nicknamed the "caterpillar" appears at the right.中间——一个叫“毛虫”的博克球状体在右边。
16.the state of existing and being localized in space.存在的状态和空间中的所在位置。
17.Total Time taken to transition to the new performance state中转到新的性能状态所需的总共时间
18.Speckle noise pre-processing technology on imagecaptured at night for pattern matching夜间图像匹配中的斑状噪声预处理

intermediate state中间状态
1.extreme simplicity and over complexity-over the intermediate state is a way to obtaining meaning;极简与极繁——在对中间状态的消解中获得意义
2.Liheci is a kind of intermediate state that Chinese word is evolved from the monosyllable to the compound state.离合词是汉语词由单音节向双音节过渡的中间状态。
3)intermediate character中间性状
4)a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position.两极中间状态;中间位置。
5)Interlayered Stable Emulsion中间层乳状液
6)Central piriform cortex梨状脑中间区

厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗药物名称:短小棒状杆菌菌苗英文名:Corynebacterium Parvum Vaccine别名: 短棒菌苗;厌氧棒状杆菌菌苗 ,短小棒状杆菌菌苗 适应症: 临床试用于恶性黑色素瘤、乳腺癌及肺小细胞型未分化癌。腹腔注射对癌性腹水也有治疗作用。 用量用法: 1.皮内注射:最好注射在淋巴结引流区内,每点0.5mg,共8点,后可增加到12点,两点相距1~2cm,每周1~2次。 2.皮下注射或肌注:一般选择上臂三角肌处注射,每次3.5~4mg。注射前加等量的2%利多卡因以减轻疼痛。每周注射2次。 3.静滴:常用4~10mg,加于250~500ml等渗盐水或5%葡萄糖液中1~4小时内滴完。 4.一般以2~4周为1疗程,如有效可较长时期应用。 注意事项: 1.不良反应有寒战发热。转氨酶升高、血压波动等。 2.病人寒战时可给热饮料;体温高于39℃以上时可给解热剂或物理降温。必要时,给予输液或其他支援治疗。在静滴本品前可给予氢化可的松100mg,以减轻不良反应。 规格: 注射液:每支5ml(含死菌35mg)、1ml(含 死菌7mg)。菌苗中均含甲醛(防腐)。类别:免疫调节剂