P12-X29 WellP12-X29井
3)Pleurotus cornucopiae P12姬菇P12
1.[Objective] The research aimed to discuss the biological characteristics of Pleurotus cornucopiae P12 and its assimilation capacity to carbon sources,nitrogen sources,inorganic salts and so on.[目的]探明姬菇P12的生物学特性以及同化碳源、氮源和无机盐等的能力。
4)P12 subunitP12亚基
1.Molecular cloning and analysis of a P12 subunit cDNA of fish DNA polymerase;鱼类DNA聚合酶δP12亚基cDNA克隆与序列分析
1.Prediction of Some Structure and Function of p12 Encoded by DOC-1 Gene and Construction of cDNA Library from Human Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Tca-8113 Cells;口腔癌缺失-1(deleted in oral cancer-1, DOC-1)基因是Todd等于1995年利用仓鼠口腔癌模型分离和证实的一个候选抑癌基因,p12蛋白是其编码的具有肿瘤生长抑制功能的蛋白。
6)Chromosome 8p 22-p 12染色体8p22-p12
