
1.Aspiration removes lightweight trash by blowing it away.轻的杂质由气吸装置经过吹风吹除。
2.The gentle breezes rustled through the leaves.微风穿过树叶吹了过来。
3.Traveling across the wet mead to me here,吹过潮湿的草地而吹到我身上,
4.He only played the pipe.他只不过是吹吹笛子罢了。
5.A moment later he extinguished his light;过了一会,他吹熄了烛。
6.The wind blew lightly, brushing through her hair.微风轻轻吹过她的头发。
7.A little air was moving over the mountain.一阵微风吹过山来。
8.A breeze blew over the garden.一阵微风吹过花园。
9.Come from the dying moon, and below,吹过那波涛翻滚的大海,
10.The wind moved restlessly through the trees.风不停地吹过树林.
11.The wind drifted the leaves across our yard.风把树叶吹过院子。
12.A breeze winnowing the tall grass.微风吹过高高的草地
13.whispering through the thin walls of the shelter.吹过藏身处的薄墙。
14.whistle through(风)呼呼地吹过(树枝)
15.The wind carried the ball over the fence.风把球吹过了篱笆.
16.My hat blew off while I was crossing the street.当我过街时,帽子吹掉了。
17.My hat blow off while I am cross the street .我过街时,帽子吹掉了。
18.Clouds scudded across the sky driven by high winds.劲风吹着飞云掠过天空。

3)the course of jet喷吹过程
4)blow mo(u)lding process吹塑过程
5)over blow过吹胀
6)sweep along the street吹过街道

凤凰台上忆吹箫箫 听沈野云吹箫醉后有赋【诗文】:琪树锵鸣,春冰碎落,玉盘珠泻还停。渐一丝风袅,悠*青冥。疑把红牙趁节,想有人、记豆银屏。何须数,琵琶汉女,锦瑟湘灵。追思旧时胜赏,醉几度西湖,山馆池亭。惯依歌花月,按舞娉婷。岁晚相逢客里,且一尊、同慰漂零。君休惜,吴音朔调,尽与吹听。【注释】:【出处】: