1.A Novel Method for Measurement of Micro-drill’s CWT微型钻针内芯倒锥度测量新方法的研究

1.A Novel Method for Measurement of Micro-drill’s CWT微型钻针内芯倒锥度测量新方法的研究
2.scanning Auger microprobe扫描式俄歇微型探针
3.The Micromation of Micro Horizontal Directional Drill s Drive Equipment and Energy-saving Study;微型定向钻动力装置微型化与节能研究
4.Design and Research of PC-Based Micro Drills GrinderPC-BASED微型钻头磨床的研究与开发
5.To raise drilling performance of new micro-drill, a novel method was advanced for reginding of chisel edge.为了提高新型微钻头的钻削性能,提出了一种适合于微钻头的横刃修磨原理及方法。
6.The Software Design in A New-typed Microcomputerized Human Acu-moxibustion Model新型微机人体针灸模型系统软件设计
7.Design of No-cross Two-probe Type Waveguide-To-Microstrip Transitions Over W Band双探针不交错型波导—微带过渡设计
8.Methods: The root canal with root canal orifice burs and helical drilling bits were prepared in advance.方法:采用根管口台阶状车针与螺旋型根管钻组合起来扩大根管。
9.Cucurbited handle awl: With classy wood handle,the needles are made of top quality steel, and looks smoothly pretty and durability.葫芦型木柄定位钻:高级木柄,针体选用优质钢材,光滑美观耐用。
10.FIGURE 3. The eccentric bias system, which uses a contact with a backdrilled plunger, exhibits this typical resistance stability over multiple mating cycles.图3.偏心系统,使用后钻孔顶针,显示多次配接时的典型电阻稳定性。
11.A needle-shaped drill for boring holes in rock or masonry.钻头,钻石器,钻孔器用于在岩石或砖石上钻孔的针形钻
12.dowelling in the length, of coniferous wood针叶树木板,经纵钻孔的
13.a brooch of diamonds mounted in silver镶于银托上的钻石胸针.
14.Kinetics Model of Nucleic Acid Hybridization Studied by QCM石英晶体微天平研究核酸探针的杂交反应模型
15.Studies on the Less-painful Freeze-dried Powder and Submicron Emulsions of Pyritinol Hydrochloride;盐酸吡硫醇无痛型冻干粉针和亚微乳剂的研究
16.Preparation and application of new type high strength and micro expansive panel grouting materials in the high strength drilling shaft lining高强钻井井壁新型高强微膨胀节间注浆材料研究及应用
17.Objective: To introduce a new prefabricated post-and-core system, a helical drilling bit and a prefabricated post-and-core consisting of a root canal orifice bur which was designed by the author.目的:介绍一种由螺旋型根管钻、行设计的根管口台阶状车针、成桩核组成的预成桩核系统。
18.The fish trouble in lateral horizontal well HE76 7 is analyzed by using the synthetic model.利用该综合模型 ,针对河 76 - 7侧钻水平井施工中落鱼事故进行了计算分析。

1.The Research on Measurement of Micro-drill Core Dimensions;微型钻头钻芯尺寸测量的研究
3)Microgrinding drill微型磨钻
6)microdrill press微型钻床
