溅渣护炉,slag splashing
1)slag splashing溅渣护炉
1.Hydraulic model on slag splashing for 80 t top-bottom combined blown converter in CISC;重钢80t复吹转炉溅渣护炉水模实验
2.Experimental study on slag splashing protection technology for 150 t BOF;150t氧气顶吹转炉溅渣护炉试验研究
3.Computer control system of slag splashing for 80 t converter;湘钢80t转炉溅渣护炉计算机控制

1.Slag Control and Lining Erosion Mechanism for Slag Splashing in BOF转炉溅渣护炉的炉渣控制及炉衬侵蚀机理
2.Thermal simulation and analysis of BOF under slag splashing condition溅渣护炉状态下转炉温度场的模拟分析
3.Study of Cold-Model Experiment on Slag Splashing Protection Technology for BOF顶吹转炉溅渣护炉工艺冷态模拟试验研究
4.Application and Investigation of Slag Splashing Technology for 50t Converter in Longsteel;龙钢50吨转炉溅渣护炉技术的应用研究
5.The model experiment of slag splashing of combined blown converter indicates that, top lance level is the main factor of which influences the effect of the slag splashing.复吹转炉溅渣护炉物理模拟实验表明,顶枪枪位是影响溅渣效果的主要因素。
6.Numerical Simulation of As-Cast Structure Formation of Continuous Casting Slab and Optimization Technology of Slag Splashing连铸坯铸态组织形成的数值模拟及溅渣护炉优化技术研究
7.A cold water model experiment is done,matching with the spot test of the slag splashing technology in BOF.采用水力模型的研究方法 ,对顶吹转炉溅渣护炉工艺进行冷态模型试验。
8.Optimum Study of Slag Splashing Technology to 50t Converters at Jiusteel;酒钢50t转炉溅渣炉技术优化实验研究
10.Hydraulical Model on Slag Splashing for BOF顶吹转炉溅渣工艺水力学模型的研究
11.blast-furnace cinder高炉矿渣, 鼓风炉炉渣
12.Research and Application of Fettling with Slag in 30 t Top and Bottom Combined Blown Converter30t顶底复吹转炉黏渣护炉技术的研究与应用
13.clinker/5klINkE(r);`klINkL/n rough stony material left in a furnace,etc after coal has burnt(熔炉等内的)熔渣,渣块,煤渣.
14.The slag from the furnace is tapped from the slag notch, and it flows through runner into slag ladles or slag yard.高炉熔渣从渣口放出,顺着流渣沟流进渣罐,或流入渣?
15.slagging gas producer放液渣的气体发生炉
16.fluosolid lime calciner沸腾式石灰渣焙烧炉
17.In some cases the slag can be disposed of usefully.有时炉渣能有用处。
18.portland blast-furnace cement高炉矿渣硅酸盐水泥

slag ejeculation protection process转炉溅渣护炉
1.Design and execution of slag ejeculation protection process for converters of No.介绍了武钢二炼钢、三炼钢转炉溅渣护炉工程设计及实施情况,在设计中结合现场条件进行合理布量,解决了氮、氧互相渗漏等问题。
3)lining protection byslag-splashing nitrogenfarnace campaign溅渣护炉、氮气、炉龄
4)BOF slag splashing转炉溅渣护炉技术
1.AOD stainless steelmaking,BOF slag splashing,EAF coherent jet technology, high efficiency dilute oxygen combustion and BF hot oxygen coal injection,provided the customers through out the world with revolutionary solutions.普莱克斯开发的技术-AOD 不锈钢技术,转炉溅渣护炉技术,电炉集束射流技术(CoJet(?)),高效稀氧燃烧技术(DOC)以及高炉热氧喷煤技术均给全球的用户带来了革命性的解决方案。
5)fettling with slag挂渣护炉
6)slag splashing溅渣
1.Application of slag splashing technique for converter at xingtai I&S Co.;邢钢转炉溅渣护炉技术的应用
2.It is processed in slag splashing technique synchronously, thus, with the result of the furnace life of 11397 heats, the flow of bottom blowing on the latter heats of 0.安钢第一炼轧厂100t转炉于2004年3月26日建成投产,同步实施溅渣护炉工艺,新转炉炉龄达11397 炉。
3.The production practice of slag splashing technology in Shanxi New Lingang Iron & Steel Co.介绍了山西新临钢炼钢厂溅渣护炉技术应用的生产实践和取得的效果。

护念经【护念经】 (经名)佛说阿弥陀经之异名。信此经者,一切诸佛所护念,故名。阿弥陀经曰:“若有善男子善女人,闻是诸佛所说名及经名者,是诸善男子善女人,皆为一切诸佛共所护念,皆得不退转于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。”