铬渣,chromium residue
1)chromium residue铬渣
1.Study on leaching mechanism of hexavalent chromium leaching from chromium residue in salt solutions;铬渣中Cr(Ⅵ)在盐溶液中的浸出机理
2.Research on application of chromium residue as cement mineralizer;铬渣作矿化剂制备水泥应用研究
3.Pretreatment of chromium-containing wastewater with steel slag and solidification of waste steel slag and chromium residue;钢渣预处理含铬废水及其废渣与铬渣的固化

1.Removing Ferric Compound from Chromium and Chromate Residue for Producing Chrome Tanning Agent铬酸铬渣生产铬鞣剂过程中除铁研究
2.Studies on Leaching Property of Cr(Ⅵ) in Chromium Residue and Acid-Dissolved Wet Detoxication of Chromium Residue;铬渣中铬(Ⅵ)浸出特性及酸溶湿法解毒工艺研究
3.Feasible Analysis of Producing Sodium Dichromate from Used Chromic Residue Phosphate;利用磷酸铬渣生产重铬酸钠的可行性分析
4.A Research about the Extraction Cr (Ⅵ) in Chrome Slag and Recovery of Yellow Chrome;铬渣中六价铬的提取与铬黄颜料的资源化技术研究
5.Characteristics of Chromium Pollution at Chromium-Containing Slag Site and Chromium (VI) Bioremediation in the Contaminated Soil铬渣堆场铬污染特征及其铬污染土壤微生物修复研究
6.Chromium residue was treated by solidification process with cement.采用水泥固化的方法对铬渣进行处理。
7.Study on Detoxification Technics and Kinetics of Chromium Slag by Microorganisms;铬渣生物解毒工艺及解毒动力学研究
8.Detoxification of Chromium-containing Slag with Achromobacter sp. CH-1Achromobacter sp. CH-1菌解毒铬渣的研究
10.Resourceful Disposal of Chromium-Containing Residues in Ferrous Metallurgical Process铬渣在钢铁冶金过程中的资源化利用
11.Application Developments and Characteristics Analysis of Treatment Technologies of Chromium Residues铬渣治理技术的应用进展及特点分析
12.Environmental Behavior of Chrome in Soils Around Residue Piling Yard in Qinghai Haibei Chemical Plant;青海海北化工厂铬渣堆积场土壤中铬的环境化学行为研究
13.Cr distribution and speciation in soil at Xinchengzi chromic residue piled site of Shenyang,Liaoning province沈阳市新城子铬渣堆存区土壤铬污染分布及形态研究
14.Study on Pollution Distribution Characteristics of Chromic Waste Coverage Area in Shenyang Xinchengzi沈阳市新城子铬渣堆存区土壤铬污染分布及形态分析
15.Toxicity of metal chromium to microorganism activities in soil around chromium-containing slag heap铬渣堆放场中金属铬对周边土壤微生物毒性效应
16.Technology and application of permeation-proof underground concrete wall for preventing Cr~(6+) slag pollution铬渣堆场地下混凝土防渗墙技术及应用
17.The resource reclamation technology will be the priority for disposing the sludge of boron or chrome.硼泥、铬渣则优先采用资源化技术进行处置。
18.RECLAMATION TREATMENT OF THE SCRAPS OF CHROME LEATHER Ⅱ. Extraction of Protein and Cr (Ⅲ) from the Scraps of Chrome Leather铬革渣资源化处理研究 Ⅱ.由铬革渣提取蛋白质和铬(Ⅲ)

chromium slag铬渣
1.Influence of acid rain marination on Cr~(6+) release in chromium slag;酸雨浸泡对铬渣中六价铬的释放影响
2.Detoxified treatment of chromium slag with industrial waste by solid reduction;采用固相还原法利用工业废渣治理铬渣
3)chromic slag铬渣
1.Environmental impact of chromic slag and analysis of chromic slag’s output;铬渣毒性对环境的影响与产出量分析
2.Development of the microcrystal glass architecture decorative board from chromic slag;铬渣微晶玻璃建筑装饰板的研制
3.The experiments included those with the temperature of chromic slag and reducing agent-coal due to microwave radiation, the influence of operation conditions (such as microwave power, radiation time, compounding ratio, the quantity of coal and chromic slag( on the translation rate of Cr~(6+(.对含铬废渣微波辐照解毒新方法进行了基础性研究,主要包括铬渣和还原剂———煤在微波场中的升温行为,操作条件(微波功率、辐照时间、配比、煤渣质量)对铬渣中Cr6+转化率的影响。
4)chromium-containing slag铬渣
1.Kinetics of chromium-containing slag leached by NaCl;铬渣NaCl浸出动力学
2.Influence of surfactants on detoxification of chromium-containing slag by Achromobacter sp. CH-1表面活性剂对Achromobacter sp. CH-1解毒铬渣的影响
3.Leaching kinetics of Cr(VI) from chromium-containing slag in aqueous solution was studied and the industrial parameters of the leaching process in aqueous solution were investigated by using continuous reactor.采用连续反应器,考察了铬渣水浸工艺参数,研究了铬渣中Cr(VI)的水浸动力学。
5)chrome residue铬渣
1.Study on the recovery of Cr(Ⅵ) from chrome residue by extracting with carbon dioxide at normal temperature;二氧化碳常温浸提法回收铬渣中铬的研究
2.Study on the chrome residue treatment by DH-1;用DH-1药剂处理铬渣技术的研究
6)chromium and chromate residue铬酸铬渣
1.It shows that the quality of finished leather improves a lot tanned by tanning agent produced with chromium and chromate residue after iron removal.针对生产过程中产生的铬酸铬渣中铁含量较高,从而影响皮革鞣剂的问题,研究了植酸用量、铁离子的形态、pH值对除铁效果的影响,用除去铁后铬酸铬渣生产的铬鞣剂,使鞣制的皮革质量大大提高。

铬渣  生产金属铬和铬盐过程中产生的工业废渣。中国目前有20多个省市排放铬渣。    成分  铬渣的化学成分为:二氧化硅占4~30%,三氧化二铝占5~10%,氧化钙占26~44%,氧化镁占8~36%,三氧化二铁占2~11%,六氧化二铬(Cr2O6)占0.6~0.8%和重铬酸钠(Na2Cr2O7)占1%左右等。铬渣所含主要矿物有方镁石(MgO)、硅酸钙(2CaO·SiO2)、布氏石(4CaO·Al2O3·Fe2O3)和1~10%的残余铬铁矿等。    危害  在无还原剂时,重铬酸钠的水溶液含有剧毒的六价铬离子。    铬渣露天堆放,受雨雪淋浸,所含的六价铬被溶出渗入地下水或进入河流、湖泊中,污染环境。严重污染带内水中六价铬含量可高达每升数十毫克,超过饮用水标准若干倍。六价铬、铬化合物以及铬化合物气溶胶等,能以多种形式危害人畜健康(见铬污染对健康的影响)。因此铬渣的堆存场必须采取铺地防渗和加设棚罩。    处理和利用  防止铬渣危害的办法是进行高温处理,消除其毒性。在有还原剂的酸性条件下,或在有碱金属硫化物、硫氢化物的碱性条件下,或在有硫、碳和碳化物存在的高温、缺氧条件下,六价铬都可还原为毒性较小的三价铬。铬渣的利用主要有以下几个方面:    ①制烧结砖:将铬渣干燥、粉碎,按铬渣粉40%和粘土60%的比例混合配料,制成砖坯,入窑烧制。在高温和强还原性环境中,六价铬还原为不溶于水的三氧化二铬,消除剧毒。砖材可达到建筑要求。    ②制高强铬钡砖:将5份铬渣和3份碳酸钡渣混合加水40%,在球磨机内湿磨。铬渣中的六价铬变成不溶于水的铬酸钡,一部分转化成三价铬。按3份铬钡渣浆和2份煤渣配料,经过碾压和焖料,制成砖坯。然后经升温、恒温、降温各2小时,在8个大气压力下进行压蒸养护,制成铬钡砖。铬渣中含较多氧化镁,体积会膨胀,需要存放一段时间,体积稳定后使用。    ③制铬渣铸石:以30%铬渣、25%硅酸盐和45%煤渣配料,再掺入3~5%氧化铁,经熔融浇铸,结晶退火,制得抗压强度为4800~5500千克力/厘米2的高强度、耐磨损、防腐蚀的铸石。    ④制水泥:用铬渣、石灰石、粘土等原料按普通硅酸盐水泥配料,可以烧制水泥熟料,用来制造水泥。利用碳还原后的铬渣同高炉粒化渣、转炉钢渣和硅酸盐水泥熟料,加入5%左右石膏,也可制造少熟料钢铁渣水泥。    此外,铬渣还可代替铬矿粉,作为玻璃的翠绿色着色剂。水淬铬渣还可作为水泥混合材料、矿棉原料、耐热胶凝材料、熔融水泥原料等。日本在除毒后的铬渣中,加入硫酸亚铁、氧化亚铁等还原剂,制成可塑性凝固材料或作石膏板材填充料。    铬渣具有毒性,难以运输,它的利用尚未打开局面。