铁酸钙,calcium ferrite
1)calcium ferrite铁酸钙
1.Influence factors of calcium ferrite formation in iron ore sintering;铁矿烧结中铁酸钙形成的影响因素
2.The influences of the lime's activities on the form of calcium ferrite,the sinter's grade,intensity and yield have been studied in this paper.研究了石灰活性对烧结矿中铁酸钙的结晶形态、烧结矿品位、强度和成品率等的影响。
3.The influence of the lime's activities on the form and amoumt of calcium ferrite has been studied in this paper.研究了石灰活性对烧结矿中铁酸钙的结晶形态及数量的影响。

1.Effect of Magnesia on Formation of Calcium Ferrites Under the Quasi-Chemical Equilibrium准化学平衡条件下MgO对多元铁酸钙生成的影响
2.Determination of calciun in silicon iron by discoloring spectrophotometry with Picramine CA苦安酸偶氮变色酸褪色光度法测定硅铁中钙
3.Examples: sodium chloride( common salt); carbonates, sulphates and phosphates of sodium, potassium, and magnesium; besides calcium phosphates and iron.如:氯化钠(盐)由钠、、组成的碳酸盐、酸盐、酸盐,及磷酸钙和铁等。
4.Effect of Phytate Intake on Metabolism of Calcium, Iron and Zinc for the Adolescents with Calcium Supplements膳食植酸摄入量对补钙青少年钙、铁、锌代谢的影响
5.First-Principle Study of Perovskite and Post-perovskite Polymorphs of Pure End-member FeSiO_3钙钛矿相和后钙钛矿相硅酸铁的第一性原理研究
6.a green mineral of the amphibole group; calcium magnesium iron silicate.闪石族中一种绿色的矿物,含钙、镁、铁的硅酸盐。
7.Primary tests on using lignin calcium sulfonate as filter aid of magnetite slurry木质素磺酸钙作磁铁矿浆助滤剂的初步试验
8.The Studies on the Preparation and Properties of Lanthanum and Calcium Modified Lead Titanate Ferroelctric Thin Films;钛酸铅镧钙系铁电薄膜的制备及其性能研究
9.Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of the Perovskites Ferrite and Manganites;钙钛矿型铁和锰酸盐的水热合成及表征
10.Improving on the production process of SSP from phosphate rock with high iron and aluminum contents高铁铝磷矿制过磷酸钙生产工艺的改进
11.Discussion the degradation of available P_2O_5 of SSP maked from phosphate rock with high iron and aluminum content高铁铝磷矿制过磷酸钙有效磷退化的探讨
12.Kinetics analysis of oxidation process of calcium sulfite in flue gas desulfurization technology烟气脱硫亚硫酸钙铁催化氧化动力学实验
13.Study on Removal of Sulfate Ions from Mine Water by Brownmillerite铁铝酸四钙对矿井水中SO_4~(2-)的去除研究
14.Ca-aluminate-silicate base铝酸钙-硅酸钙载体
15."Hard water: Water that contains mineral salts of calcium and magnesium, principally as Bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulfates, and sometimes iron."硬水:含有钙和镁的碳酸氢盐、氯化物和硫酸盐的水,有时也可能含铁。
16.The Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Sulfate Whiskers Removing Rron Away from Alum Sludge to Manufacture Pure Al_2(SO_4)_3 et.;硫酸钙晶须的制备与表征矾浆除铁制备高纯硫酸铝等产品
17.Iodate-Sulfite-Ferrocyanide Reaction Induced Calcium Oscillation in CSTR System碘酸盐-亚硫酸盐-亚铁氰化物反应在CSTR体系中诱导的钙振荡
18.Impregnation with calcium or calcium salts, as with calcium carbonate.钙化掺入钙或钙盐,如用碳酸钙

calcium aluminoferrite铁铝酸钙
3)calcium ferrate高铁酸钙
1.Determination of K_(SP)~0 constant and thermodynamic functions of calcium ferrate;高铁酸钙的K_(SP)~0常数和热力学函数的测定
4)dicalcium ferrite铁酸二钙
1.The mass transport coefficient of phosphorus in C-saturated molten iron at 1350℃ had been determined during the dephosphorization of dicalcium ferrite by mechanical stir method.本研究采用搅拌的方法对铁酸二钙脱磷过程中1350℃时碳饱和铁水内磷的传质系数进行了测定。
5)calcium ferricyanide氰铁酸钙
6)calcium ferrite slag铁酸钙渣
1.The results can be applied to the thermodynamic research of new copper smelting technologies adopting calcium ferrite slag.研究结果可用于采用铁酸钙渣系的炼铜新工艺热力学研究。

乙酰水杨酸钙-脲 ,乙酰水杨酸钙脲 ,卡巴匹林钙,阿司匹林钙脲,速克痛,乙酰水杨酸钙脲散600药物名称:速克痛英文名:Carbasalate Calcium别名:乙酰水杨酸钙-脲 ,乙酰水杨酸钙脲 ,卡巴匹林钙,阿司匹林钙脲,速克痛,乙酰水杨酸钙脲散600外文名:Carbasalate Calcium,Ascal, Carbaspirin Calcium, Carbasalac Calcium药理作用: 本品为白色结晶性粉末,味微苦,极易溶于水。 为乙酰水杨酸钙与脲的络合物,代谢特点和药理作用与阿司匹林相同,具有解热、镇痛、抗炎及抑制血小板聚集作用,预防各种原因引起的血栓。 口服吸收迅速,起效快,生物利用度高,由肝脏代谢,肾脏排泄。 适应症: 主要用于感冒发热、头痛、牙痛、神经痛、月经痛、风湿及类风湿性关节炎,预防暂时性脑缺血发作,心肌梗死或其它手术后血栓形成。 用法用量: 口服给药,解热镇痛成人用量每次0.6g,一日3次,必要时4小时一次,一日总量不超过3.6g;抗风湿每次1.2g,一日3-4次,儿童遵医嘱。 小儿剂量:初生~6个月50mg/次;6个月~1岁50-100mg/次;1~4岁 0.1-0.15g/次;4~6岁 0.15-0.2g/次;6~9岁 0.2-0.25g/次;9~14岁 0.25-0.3g/次 需要时2-4小时后可重复。注意事项: 1、溃疡病,有水杨酸过敏史、先天性或后天性出血性疾病患者禁用。2、妇女妊娠期和哺乳期应在医生指导下服用。3、妊娠头3个月最好不用,最后4周禁用。4、肝肾功能不全、哮喘、月经过多、痛风不宜用,拔牙及饮酒前后不宜用。5、抗凝治疗患者慎用。 规格: 散剂,每袋600mg (0.05g,0.1g,0.15g,0.2g,0.3g,0.6g)类别:解热止痛药