鼓风炉,blast furnace
1)blast furnace鼓风炉
1.Industrial experiment on the volatilization-matte making smelting of antimony concentrate bearing high copper in blast furnace;高铜锑精矿鼓风炉挥发造锍熔炼的工业试验
2.Production practice of smelting high-lead oxidized slag by blast furnace;鼓风炉熔炼高铅氧化渣的生产实践
3.Application of DCS in material feeding control system of blast furnace;DCS在鼓风炉上料控制系统中的应用

1.blast-furnace cinder高炉矿渣, 鼓风炉炉渣
2.physical blast-furnace gas analyzer物理鼓风炉气体分析器
3.non-raceway burning(鼓风炉)无空窝燃烧
4.An Intelligent Optimization Operation Guide System for Furnace state of ISP;密闭鼓风炉炉况智能优化操作指导系统
5.crude iron tapped from a blast furnace.从鼓风炉中流出的未经加工的铁。
6.The outer wall and casing of a blast furnace above the hearth.壁炉上的外墙壁炉地面上方鼓风炉子的外墙或铸件
7.The lowest part of a blast furnace or cupola, from which the molten metal flows.炉底部分熔化的金属可从中流出的鼓风炉或化铁炉的最低部分
8.The application of DCS to a copper smelting furnace集散控制系统在铜冶炼鼓风炉控制中的应用
9.Imperial Smelting Furnace (ISF) smelting process is a quite complex process.密闭鼓风炉的熔炼过程极其复杂,工艺结构庞大。
10.Coke is used predominantly as a fuel reluctant in the blast furnace.焦炭最初是在鼓风炉里作为助燃剂使用。
11.Effect Factors Analysis of Imperial Smelting Furnace and Establishment of the Related Model;ISF鼓风炉影响因素分析及相关数模的建立
12.Fault Diagnosis Technology and Application of Pb-Zn Manufacture Process in the Imperial Smelting Furnace;铅锌生产过程密闭鼓风炉故障诊断技术及应用
13.Using Excell to Select Blower Model of Blast Furnace用Excel完成高炉鼓风机选型的计算
14.Technology Transformation of Energy Saving by Variable Frequency Speed Control of Blast and Induced Draft Fans in Hot Water Boiler;热水锅炉鼓引风机变频节能技术改造
15.An unit with Blast furnace Blower having a Common Axis Run and Analysis of it's Energy Saving高炉鼓风机同轴机组运行与节能分析
16.The PLC Control of AV45-12 Axial BlowerAV45-12型轴流式高炉鼓风机的PLC控制
17.The Redundancy Control of AV45-12 Axial BlowerAV45-12型轴流式高炉鼓风机的冗余控制
18.Modern forges have mechanically powered Bellows or rotary Blowers现代锻铁炉用机械动力风箱或旋转式鼓风机。

blast furnace blowing高炉鼓风
3)lead blast furnace铅鼓风炉
1.According to physics-chemistry character of molten slag, on the basis of production experience of blast furnace Smelting Lead, the paper describe the way of lowering Lead containing in Lead blast furnace slag.分析了熔融炉渣的物理化学性质,在认真总结鼓风炉炼铅生产实践经验的基础上,指出降低铅鼓风炉炉渣含铅的途径。
2.In this article the author Analyses the main problems of the past fobric p ocket dust collector used in the lead blast furnace;introduces the s tructure,character and applicatio n of the Low -pressure impulse film -f ilter dust collector.分析了铅鼓风炉原反吹风布袋收尘器在生产过程中存在的主要问题,介绍了低压脉冲覆膜袋滤收尘器结构特点及应用情况。
3.This paper describes method for building lead blast furnace hearth by compacting phosphate bonded refractory concrete and practical process for improving brick lining of conventional hearth that prolongs the hearth life by over 1 time.介绍了用磷酸盐耐火混凝土捣筑铅鼓风炉炉缸的方法。
5)mouth of blast furnace鼓风炉口
6)blast smelting furnace鼓风熔炉
