气体压力,gas pressure
1)gas pressure气体压力
1.Coupled simulation of temperature and gas pressure in landfill and nearby geological area;填埋场及邻近地层中温度和气体压力的耦合模拟
2.In order to study gas pressure variety and plunger movement during plunger lifting, the circulate cycle of plunger was divided into three continuous stages of upward travel of plunger, opening of sales valve after plunger arrived, falling of plunger and resuming of pressure.为了分析柱塞举升过程中气体压力变化情况和柱塞的运动状态,将柱塞运行周期划分为柱塞上行、气井续流生产、柱塞下降与压力恢复3个连续过程。
3.The gas pressure within vacuum interrupter has a direct effect upon the properties of vacuum circuit breaker.真空灭弧室的内部气体压力直接影响真空断路器的性能。

1.a manometer for measuring vapor pressure.测量气体压力的压力计。
2.During the air pressure test, boosting shall be carried out slowly and step by step.气体压力试验时,应逐步缓慢增加压力。
3.An instrument used for measuring the pressure of liquids and gases.压力计用来测量液体和气体压力的一种工具
4.Manifold shall have safety pressure relieve valve, pressure regulators, and pressure gauges indicating inlet and outlet pressure, bleed valve (vent valve) and pigtail for cylinder connections.气体管路需要有安全压力释放阀门、压力调节阀门、压力表来指示气体压力
5.measuring instrument for measuring the pressure of liquids or gases测量液体或气体压力测量仪器
6.A condition, space, or enclosure in which air or other gas is at a pressure greater than that of the outside atmosphere.充气增压空气或其它气体压力大于外界大气压力的状态、空间或封闭空间
7.increase the pressure on a gas or liquid.增加气体或液体的压力。
8.two-stage pressure-gas burner两级压力气体燃烧器
9.To put(gas or liquid) under a greater than normal pressure.用大于正常压力对(气体或液体)施压
10.The total pressure exerted by the atmosphere is the sum of the pressures exerted by its component gases.大气的总压力为其各组分气体的压力之和。
11.The liquid or gas exerting the pressure.泡沫产生压力的液体或气体
12.5. As the pressure rises, the volume of a gas decreases.气体体积随着压力升高而减少。
13.1. At constant temperature the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure.温度不变时,气体的体积与压力成反比。
14.under pressure(of a liquid or gas held in a container);compressed(指容器中所含的液体或气体)受有压力的,压缩的
15.Gas analysis--Preparation of calibration gas mixtures--Manometric methodGB/T14070-1993气体分析校准用混合气体的制备压力法
16.You reduce the volume which a gas occupies to one-third, then the pressure increases three times.假如把气体占有的体积压缩到1/3,气体的压力便会增大3倍。
17.To reduce the pressure of air or gas within(a chamber or vehicle, for example.降压,解压降低(如小室或容器中的)空气或气体的压力
18.Air pressure is measured by a barometer.空气压力用气压计度量。

Gas anti pressure气体反压力
3)the pressure of SF_6 gasSF_6气体压力
4)CT SF6 pressureCT气体压力
5)pneumatic pressure source气体压力源
6)gas pressure gage气体压力表

高压力下气体击穿高压力下气体击穿electrical breakdown in high-pressure gases 会使击穿电压有所降低。A名巴却低书划省瑞祝Pd, MPa·mm 图1空气和氢气击穿电压和Pd的关系 在不均匀电场中,高气压间隙的击穿电压下降较多,影响程度比大气压下的要大。在尖一板空气间隙上加直流电压,当尖为正极性时,会发生如图2所示的现象,即压力升高时,间隙的击穿电压会出现一个极大值。此外,在高气压下,湿度也会使间隙的击穿电压有较大的降低。 为了解释在高气压下,间隙的击穿电压并不随气压而成正比地上升的现象,有人采用凸点模型对间隙的击穿电压进行了计算。电极表面存在的一些凸点引起局部电场强度的提高,使电离系数a值加大,对电子崩和放电过程的发展更为有利,因而降┌─┬─┬─┬───┬─┐│ │ │/ │/ │ │├─┼─┼─┼───┼─┤│ │妇│户│、火气│J/│├─┼─┼─┼───┼─┤│/ │厂│ │ │ │├─┼─┼─┼───┼─┤│ │ │ │ │ │└─┴─┴─┴───┴─┘图2尖一板空气间隙中(极间距3mm,电极直径 0.25mm,头部磨圆), 不同极性直流电压下,击穿电压与压力的关系低了间隙的击穿电压。有人观察到在高气压的SF。气体间隙中,存在类似于真空击穿的现象,即电极表面的场致发射引发了整个间隙的击穿。gooy。{一x{aqjt{]}ehuon高压力下气体击穿(eleetriCalbreakdown inhigh一pressuregases)在高气压的条件下,由于在电极间隙间施加高电压而引起的自持放电过程。在大气压下,均匀电场中,空气的电气强度约为30kv/cm。采用高气压的空气或高电气强度的气体介质,可获得近于或超过普通液体或固体材料(如变压器油或电瓷)的电气强度。例如,在均匀电场中,为了承受500kV的电压,可采用气压约2 .gMPa,长度为Icm的空气间隙;采用气压约。.SMPa,长度为1.3em的SF6气体间隙。 在高气压条件下,间隙中气体的数密度大,电子的平均自由程较小,电子在自由程中获得足够的能量使气体分子或原子电离的机会减小,即电离系数“(见汤森放电理论)减小,削弱了气体中的电离过程,而使其电气强度增大。 在均匀电场中,在一定的气压范围内,间隙的击穿电压随气压成正比地增高,并遵守巴申定律:击穿电压只是和气压P与极间距离d的乘积Pd有关。在大的Pd值下,试验结果和巴申定律有差异,击穿电压随气压而增加的陡度减小。从图1可看出,在同样的Pd值下,气压高、间距小的间隙,其击穿电压较低。在高气压下,电极材料和电极表面状况对间隙的击穿电压有影响。例如,不锈钢电极的击穿电压较高,而铝电极的击穿电压仅为不锈钢电极的70%。新加工好的电极,击穿电压较低,经多次放电“锻炼”后,其击穿电压有所升高。电极经抛光、除油或电极表面覆盖绝缘层都会提高击穿电压。此外,较大的电极面积、尘埃、水分都