控制流程,control flow
1)control flow控制流程
1.PLC in hoist system,giving a brief illustration of system function,hardware configuration and control flow combining with characteristics of hoist system and the fact in plant.介绍西门子公司的可编程序控制器在提升机系统中的应用,并结合提升机系统和实际现场的特点对该系统功能、硬件配置及控制流程都作了简要的说明。
2.Product quality process control is carrying out effectively by using the control flow of reject.运用工作研究图表分析的方法对某证件纸张生产线的关键环节整理作业流程和作业方法进行了优化,通过不合格品控制流程实现产品质量过程控制,并对主要工序进行了标准工时测定和平衡,大幅度提高了整理作业的工时效率和产品合格率,解决了整个生产线的瓶颈问题。
3.The structure feature,operating and control flow of elctricitiy power service are mostly introduced,based on the extension project characteristic of Zhelin hydropower plant .根据柘林水电站扩建工程的特点 ,介绍了扩建工程厂用电系统的构成、特点及其操作控制流程 ,指出了运行操作时的注意事

1.A thread is an encapsulation of the flow of control in a program.线程是程序中的控制流程的封装。
2.The Objectoriented Resultant System of Process Control Flow Chart面向对象的过程控制流程图生成系统
3.Familiar with metallurgical products and QA/ QC procedure.熟悉冶金行业产品及质量控制流程
4.3: Controlling Program Flow第3章 控制程序流程
5.central flow control precedence network中心流程控制优先网络
6.piping and instrument diagram带控制点工艺流程图
7.Research on Fuzzy Control System for Flux of Process Control;过程控制中流量模糊控制系统的研究
8.A Study of Enterprise Internal Control--Designation of Transactions Flows Control;企业内部控制研究——业务流程控制设计
9.PLC Serial Communication Control of Motor Speed controller可编程控制器直流调速系统通信监控
10.Discussion on Strategy Controlling and Flow of Execution of Reverse Logistics;试论逆向物流的战略控制与执行流程
11.A Congestion Controlling Scheme Based on MPLS Traffic Engineering;基于MPLS流量工程的网络拥塞控制机制
12.Separate Control of Work in Process in Process Industry;流程工业在制品库存的分段控制方法
13.Research on the Flow Definition Tool and Flow Control Engine Used in Flexible MIS;柔性MIS中的流程定义工具与流程控制引擎研究
14.Relative quality control in chute feed card and lap forming processing flow清梳联流程与成卷流程相关质量的控制
15.(3) Workflow technology was employed for controlling the FRACAS workflow.采用工作流技术来控制 FRACAS 流程,实现了流程可定制性。
16.Moving From the Process Based Control to the Rule Based Control;从基于流程的控制到基于规则的控制——管理控制模式的改变
17.signal flow, processing, control engineering, data block信号流, 处理, 控制工程, 数据块
18.central flow control software system analysis中心流程控制软件系统分析

control process控制流程
1.The composition and automatic control process of the hydraulic system of a sucker rod inspection table are introduced.介绍了抽油杆检测台液压系统的组成及自动控制流程
2.It lay to recruit main function and its structure of the electric power quantity management system to constitute in this paper,PIC series single slice the technique function of the machine,use the PIC16F73 MCU composing of control process and electric circuit design important point etc.介绍了电能量管理系统的主要功能及其结构组成、PIC系列单片机的技术性能、用PIC16F73型单片机构成的控制流程以及电路设计要点等。
3.This paper introduces the construction,function and control process of remote control system for medium speed main engine realized by CAN-bus.较详细地介绍了用CAN总线实现中速机主机遥控系统的构成、功能及控制流程,经实船应用证实该系统结构简单、实时性好、运行稳定可靠。
3)workflow control流程控制
1.The management system of enterprises human resources based on the workflow control;基于流程控制的企业人力资源管理系统
2.On the basis of the present condition of the integrated telecontrol center,in the paper,we researched the project of the telecommand security constraints system and analyzed these aspects such as the control logic,constraint mechanism and workflow control etc.根据集控系统的现状,从逻辑构成、约束机制、流程控制等方面进行详细的分析,研究应用于控制中心的遥控安全约束系统。
4)process control流程控制
1.In this article,the author presents an approach for logistics process control which through analysis the functions of documents and their evolution in the logistics process.通过分析单证在物流过程中的作用及其演化,提出了供物流企业管理层参考的基于单证的流程控制体系。
2.According to the workflow management, a system model is built and its components including entity management, process control, process proxy and information management are probed into.给出了虚拟组织的定义、组成结构和特点 ,提出了基于工作流管理的虚拟组织模型 ,并对模型中各组成要素如实体管理、流程控制、流程代理和信息管理等进行了深入探讨 。
3.On the basis of which,the paper have researched on the control of the large-scale project management process,build the process control system and set forth the index system and control method.详细阐述了大型建设项目管理流程的定义,并在此基础上进行管理流程的控制研究,构建了流程控制系统,提出了管理流程控制的指标体系和控制方法,以期对实践起指导作用。
5)flow control流程控制
1.Cooperation Design and Flow Control Based on Workflow System;基于Auto Manager Work Flow的协同设计及工作流程控制
2.Characters of visual program facing object based on flow control is investigated .对Authorware管理多媒体素材的三种方式进行了详细的分析,研究了基于流程控制的面向对象的可视化编程特点,分别对系统登录模块、连接数据库和发布打包三个关键性应用技术进行了具体的开发。
3.Further,introduce a work flow management mode based on DBMS and groupware pattern,the mode has some characteristics as follows:better opening,dynamic self defineing composing of work flow,energized by flow control messages.此方式的特点是 :可动态地自定义工作流的、以流程控制信息为激
6)control flow graph控制流程图
