1.Based on the effective medium theory, the antireflection properties of periodic subwavelength surface relief structures were analyzed and investigated.基于等效媒质理论 ,对周期性浮雕结构的抗反射特性进行了分析和研究 。
2.On the basis of the effective medium theory (EMT), both one dimensional and two dimensional periodic structures of antireflection surface are investigated and anlyzed.运用等效媒质理论对亚波长结构的抗反射表面进行了分析 ,设计出了一种抗反射表面结构 ,并利用二元光学制作工艺技术 ,对这种表面进行了实验制备。

1.Design Analysis and Fabrication of Subwavelength Antireflective Gratings;亚波长抗反射光栅的设计分析与制作
2.Design of a broadband anti-reflection coating for solar cells宽波长太阳能电池抗反射层结构设计
3.Fabrication and Characteristic Analysis of Holographic Subwavelength Anti-reflective Gratings全息亚波长抗反射光栅的制作与特性分析
4.A Case of Arthus Reaction Induced by Injecting of Tetanus Antitoxin注射破伤风抗毒素发生Arthus反应1例
5.Impedance will reflect back as the square of the turns ratio.阻抗将会按照匝比的平方反射回来。
6.Anti-radiation Weapon Confronting Active Decoy Research Based on FDOA基于FDOA的反辐射武器抗有源诱偏研究
7.Study of Repeater GPS Decoy Countering "XIONG FENG" Anti-radiation Missile转发式GPS诱饵抗“雄风”反辐射导弹研究
8.Research into The Countermeasure of Surface Ship Confronting Anti-radiation UAV水面舰艇对抗反辐射无人机对策研究
9.Simulation of Radar Decoys Deployment for Counterating Anti-radiation Missile雷达抗反辐射导弹诱饵布阵仿真研究
10.Approach of Anti-decoy Based on Complex Angle Measuring System反辐射导弹复合测角抗诱偏干扰方法
11.A Study of Anti-Corner Reflector Based on Polarization Decomposition基于极化分解的抗角反射器干扰研究
12.Negative coefficients occur where there is a decrease in acoustic impedance across the reflecting interface.当反射界面上下两侧的声波组抗降低时,反射系数就会出现负值。
13.Counterconditioning:Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.对抗条件反射作用:意在用肯定反应代替对某刺激产生的否定反应的条件反射作用.
14.a delayed allergic reaction to the injection of an antiserum caused by an antibody reaction to an antigen in the donor serum.对注射到体内的抗血清的延时的过敏反应。
15.Feasibility and Necessity of the Integrated Defense against the ARM综合抗击反辐射导弹的必要性与可行性
16.The Design and Implement of OFDM Waveform Based on Software Communications Architecture;有源诱偏抗反辐射导弹技、战术及布站方式研究
17.Research on Auriculo-vagus-reflex and Mechanisms of the Antiseizure Effect by Auricular Acupuncture;耳—迷走反射及耳针抗癫痫的效应机制研究
18.Study of The ARM Countermeasure Based on LPI Technology基于低截获概率技术的反辐射导弹对抗研究

attennating total reflectance抗全反射
3)reflected reactance反射电抗
5)antagonistic reflex对抗反射
6)antagonistic reflex颉抗反射
