1.There are many methods of scaling pictures,the common of which are snapshot method,average method and bilinear method.图片缩放的处理方法有很多种,常规的有抽点法、平均法、双线性法。
2.This paper designs a transformation system of image based on Visual C++,which has the translation,scaling and rotation,as mirror and transformation of gradation.设计了一个基于Visual C++的图像变换处理系统,该系统实现了对图像的平移、缩放和旋转变换,以及镜像和灰度变换。
3.In this thesis, we discuss three kinds of video pre-processing and post-processing algorithm, including video stabilization, deblocking filter and image scaling.针对视频前后处理的广泛应用和高计算量,本文详细论述了视频前处理——视频去抖动,视频后处理——视频去块滤波和视频图像缩放这三种算法,并根据ADSP-BF561的特点,对这三种视频前后处理算法进行了设计和优化。

1.Based on current scale pages, the Scale Factor is not Valid!根据当前的缩放页,该缩放比例无效!
2."Unable to scale a page to the current thumb size"无法将页缩放到当前的缩略图大小。
3.concentrated radioactive liquid waste浓缩放射性液态废物
4.Scale Motion Capture Controller缩放运动捕获控制器
5.pinch discharge pumped laser箍缩放电抽运激光器
6.Display a list of zoom percentages.显示缩放百分比列表
7.&Zoom to full screen缩放到整个屏幕(&Z)
8.Zoom window按窗口,按作图区缩放
9.Pantograph and Proportionality Constant to Set up in AutoCAD200XAutoCAD200X图形缩放和比例设置
10.Bidirectional Zooming Image Warping一种双向缩放Image Warping算法
11.Your document needs to be at 100% zoom to print. Do you want to switch to 100% zoom now?要打印,文档的缩放必须设为 100% 。您现在要转换到 100% 缩放吗?
12.Position the pointer over any canvas resize handle and drag to scale.将光标放在画布调整控点上并拖动以缩放画布。
13.You must right-click on an image to Zoom.必须用鼠标右键单击要缩放的图像。
14."Enter a zoom factor between 2% and 6500%."输入介于2%与6500%之间的缩放因子。
15.Existing residual air pressure after disconnecting the air compressor from the machine has to be expelled.如有残留压缩空气时,应放掉压缩空气。
16.RACE (Radiation Adaptive Compression Equipment)适应放射性压缩设备
17.Set Key Scale Filter设置关键帧放缩过滤器
18.Delete a Scale Key on X在X轴删除放缩关键帧

1.Study on flood zoom model based on genetic algorithm and parallel recombination simulated annealing algorithm;基于遗传算法和并行组合模拟退火算法的洪水过程缩放模型研究
2.Realizes the discretionary zoom of unit pixel in drawing region and graph in entire region.NET Framework下的函数实现对线段、圆弧、椭圆、长方形、多边形等基本图形的绘制,并且实现在绘图区域的单位像素和整个绘图区域范围内图形的任意缩放
3.On the base of study in the shift and zoom of the graphics in the supervising system of sunbstation , present with the im- plemention arithmetic and come up with the measures to ensure the graphics transpositional quality.在对变电站监控系统图形的平移、无级缩放有关问题的研究的基础上,提出了一种实现算法,并给出了为保证图形变换的质量所采取的有效措施。
1.A method for shift, planar rotation and scale invariant pattern recognition based on BP neural ne.神经网络和圆谐展开相结合的方式构造复合滤波器可以有效地实现对同一位移、平面旋转和缩放了的图像的畸变不变识别,并给出了该方法用于战斗机俯视图识别的计算机模拟结果。
1.Display for the scale of Chinese character in OSD system of the digital media;数字媒体处理芯片OSD系统中中文字符的缩放显示
1.The key of this method is using a new objective function to minimize the difference of the two surfaces before and after constrained scaling.提出了一种保持曲面形状特征(trimming curves)不变的曲面放缩新方法。
2.In this paper,we use method of scaling and method of integral regions transform to study existence conditions about mathematical expectation of a random variable.主要根据放缩法和积分区域变换法研究。

聚乙烯醇缩乙醛、缩丁醛树脂中文名称:聚乙烯醇缩乙醛、缩丁醛树脂英文名称:Vinyl acetal polymers, acetal butyrals vinyl acetal polymers, acetals butyrals