1.A preliminary study on the source-monitoring mechanism of logistics management in colleges and universities;试论高校物流管理的源头监控机制

1.A spring that is the source or head of a stream.源头,源泉一条溪流的源头或源泉
2.Qinghai is the source of both the Yellow and Yangtze rivers.青海既是黄河的源头,也是长江的源头
3.The point of origin, such as a spring, of a stream or river.源头起源的那一点,如泉水、小溪或河流的源头
4.To trace the origin or derivation of.溯源追溯…的源头或起源于…
5.Fame like a river is narrow at its source and broad afar off .名声像条河,远宽源头窄。
6.A stream can not rise higher than its source .河流不会高过源头
7.The library, a fountain of information.图书馆是信息的源头
8.Where is the source of the River Thames?泰晤士河的源头在哪里?
9.The fiver springs from a lake.这条河的源头是一个湖。
10.renewal from source [swimming pool water]从源头换取新水〔泳池〕
11.If the source of the stream is muddy, the whole course will be muddy.源头水浑,整河水浊。
12.Folk songs are a source of literature.民歌是文学的一个源头
13.Where does the river rise?Does it rise among the mountains?这条河起源于哪里?它的源头在山里吗?
14.The source of Lancangjiang (Mekong) River澜沧江(湄公河)正源及其源头的再确定
15.Approach to Chinese Pedagogy Headstream;关于中国教育学源头的探讨——《学记》为“源头”之客观性分析
16.&Open Source/Header File打开源/头文件(&O)
17.The electrical connector of an active circuit component.有源电路元件的电接头。
18.an electric plug, socket, flex, etc电源插头、 插座、 皮线等.

1.How to prevent and curb corruption in universities from the origin;高校如何从源头上预防和治理腐败
2.The er address is a typical form of the address in Hezhou dialect in Guangxi province,which originated from the address of Cantonese.“-儿”尾型小称是贺州本地话典型的小称形式,是粤语小称形式的源头,广西容县方言、广东信宜方言的小称变音以及广州话的高升变调,都是由-儿”尾弱化发展演变而来的。
1.From the Silent Spring to the View of Science Development Brief of sustainable development evolution from headstream to ascription and other;简论从《寂静的春天》到“科学发展观”——可持续发展观从源头到归属及其他
2.On How to Prevent the Occurrence of Group Affairs from the Headstream;浅谈如何从源头上预防群体性事件的发生
4)source reduction源头减量
1.This text designed system dynamics model of MSW based on source reduction according to theory of planned behavior.文章根据计划行为理论,使用系统动力学的方法,设计了考虑源头减量的城市生活垃圾管理的系统动力学模型。
2.Status and experience about sorting collection and source reduction of domestic waste at home and abroad were summarized.分析了太湖流域村镇生活垃圾处理方式及存在问题,并对国内外生活垃圾分类收集及源头减量现状和经验进行了总结,在此基础上提出了适宜于太湖流域村镇生活垃圾分类收集与源头减量的方法和工艺流程。
3.The control of pollutants carried by the first-flush stormwater should be considered from following three aspects:① source reduction and on-site treatment;② collection and storage and ③ enhanced maintenance.初期雨水污染物治理应从以下三方面着手:①源头减量,就地处理;②收集调蓄处理;③加强维护管理。
5)emission source treatment源头治理
1.To solve the printing and dyeing wastewater in high pollution problem,the emission source treatment is an eff.解决印染废水的高污染,要从源头治理做起,严格做好源头治理是解决印染废水污染的有效途径。
6)treatment of pollution source源头治污

源头1.水发源处。 2.事物的根源。