1.Research for smear of frame-transfer type CCD camera;帧转移型CCD相机图像拖影研究
2.However, the CCD acquisition images had smear.然而,CCD采集的图像都具有拖影

1.Disposal of Smearing in Scientific Grade Frame-transfer Type CCD Camera科学级帧转移型CCD相机拖影问题的处理
2.The film dragged terribly.电影演得拖拖拉拉.
3.Pelvic infection wants to be treated early, procrastinate long meeting influence is borne.盆腔炎要早治,拖久了会影响生育。
4.The Influential Factors on College Students' Tuition Fee Arrearage高校大学生拖欠学费的影响因素分析
5.Drag to add a colored 3-D block with shaded pattern.通过拖动添加带阴影图案的彩色三维块。
6.Drag onto the page, then right-click the shape to choose shading options.拖到绘图页上,然后右击该形状可选择阴影选项。
7.The hold up in the supply of fuel puts our whole advance in jeopardy.燃料提供的拖延影响到我们整个的进程。
8.People go by with grotesque shadows,人们从灯下走过,拖着各种各样奇形怪状的影子,
9.Currents often cause feathering of the cable away from the ship's path.潮流的影响,常常会使拖缆偏离船只的航线。
10.The Study of Crispness of Frozen Pre-fried Coated Food for Microwave Oven;微波对冷冻预油炸面拖食品脆性影响的研究
11.Construct on Academic Procrastination and Its Effect Factors Model;大学生学业拖沓及其影响因素模型的初步建构
12.A Study of the Effect of Self-efficacy on Situational Procrastination of College Students;自我效能对大学生情境拖延的影响研究
13.Influence Factors and Arrearage about Migrant Workers Wage;农民工工资水平影响因素及拖欠问题研究
14.An EOQ model with stock dependent selling rate and partial backlogging;存货影响销售率且短缺量部分拖后的EOQ模型
15.Credit Risk Decision Model under the Effects of the Default Probability;存在拖欠还款概率影响的信贷风险决策机制
16.Non-repayment of Debts and Its Macroeconomic Impacts;债务支付拖欠对当前经济及企业行为的影响
17.The Problem of Being in Arrears with Migrant Workers Payment s Influence and Solving Method;拖欠民工工资问题的影响分析及治理措施
18.The Teachers Wage Being Fallen behind in the Hardest Obstacle Development on Education in the westard;拖欠教师工资对西部地区教育发展的影响

CCD smearingCCD拖影
1.This brings about the problem of CCD smearing,which leads to the distortion of remote sensing data and images.针对自研发遥感成像系统中的CCD拖影问题,提出了逆向逐行修正的方法,利用该方法修正遥感数据得到的遥感图像对比度和图像质量显著提高,图像细节予以呈现。
3)long-focus star trail photograhpy长焦拖影
4)photographic star trails照像拖影
6)black after white白拖黑(负拖影)

甲泛影酰胺,室椎影,甲泛葡胺药物名称:阿米派克英文名:Metrizamide别名:甲泛影酰胺,室椎影,甲泛葡胺适应症: 本品为水溶性脑室、椎管造影剂中目前唯一可用于颈椎与胸椎的药物,适用于神经根鞘造影,椎管、脑池、脑室等造影;也可用于电子电脑X线体层摄影。也适用于其他部位的造影。优点是在大量快速推注时其耐受性较其他造影剂为好,故特别适用于危急病人。 用量用法: 常用36%注射液(含碘17%)10ml,或用60%注射液(含碘28%)5~6ml,最高1次用量以不超过6.3g(相当于碘3000mg)为度。使用时必须由有经验的医师进行,也可参照碘卡明的方法进行。注入药液时,应移动病人体位,使药液到达所需部位。 注意事项: 对碘过敏的病人忌用。并忌与其他药物配伍使用。 规格: 注射用室椎影:3.75g(冷冻干结晶),另附0.005%碳酸氢钠注射液20ml。 类别:X线造影剂