1.Research o method of parameter measure of unclassified tailings-slag paste;全尾砂-水淬渣膏体性能参数测试方法研究
2.Study on Paste Pneumatic Bottler Placer;膏体物料气动灌装机的研制

1.Research on Working Process of Pasty Propellant Rocket Motor膏体推进剂火箭发动机工作过程研究
2.Application on Low Cost and High Early Strength Material for Paste Filling低成本快硬材料在膏体充填中的应用
3.Waste rock based packing for coal mining:practice and exploration实施矸石膏体充填采煤的探索与实践
4.Application of Paste and Mullock Unite Filling with Soft Partition柔性隔墙膏体废石联合充填应用研究
5.Study On Paste Filling Using Fly Ash to Replace Few Cement粉煤灰替代部分水泥的膏体充填技术
6.Application of Full-mechanized Mining and Stowing with Paste in Taiping Colliery综采膏体充填工艺在太平煤矿的应用
7.Pasty Propellant Flame Temperature Measurement Based on Image Processing基于图像处理的膏体推进剂火焰测温
8.Design of Underground Paste Filling System Based on WinCC and Its Implementation基于WinCC的井下膏体充填系统的设计
9.Research on Early Strength and Influence Factors of Paste-like Backfill Material似膏体充填体的早期强度及其影响因素研究
10.pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds.芥末籽磨碎后制成的刺激性的粉末或膏体
11.The Application of Industrial Ethernet in Paste-filling System of Coal Mine工业以太网在煤矿膏体充填系统中的应用
12.Effect of Azone on Cytarabine for Percutaneous Absorption氮酮对阿糖胞苷乳膏体外透皮吸收作用的影响
13.Your deodorant stick has cobwebs on it.体香膏(或除臭剂?)上长满蜘蛛网。
15.Pure Culture and Toxin Determination of the Mycelia of Amanita Exitialis;致命鹅膏菌丝体人工培养及毒素检测
16.Study on the Preparation of Phosphogypsum-bricks;磷石膏复合材料制新型墙体砖的研究
17.Discussion of the Clinical Effect of the Traditional Cream in the "Treating Disease before its Onset"探讨传统膏方在“治未病”中的临床体现
18.Toxic experimental study of 2% progesterone cream in the skin2%黄体酮乳膏的皮肤毒性实验研究

backfill paste膏体
1.Based on the basic theory of pipe column flow, the pumping resistance of backfill paste was analyzed and over 90?m long horizontal loop pipe tests driven with a concrete pump were carried out in situ to compare calculated pumping resistance with measured ones.基于管流流动基本理论 ,对金川有色金属公司充填膏体的水平环形试验管路流动阻力进行了理论分析。
2.Based on the basic theory of pipe column flow, the pumping resistance of backfill paste from empty area were analyzed and over 90m long horizontal loop pipe tests driven by a concrete pump were carried out in order to compare calculated pumping resistance with measured ones and the effect of pumping aids on the pumping resistance of backfill paste.基于管流流动基本理论,对空区充填用膏体的水平环形试验管路流动阻力进行了理论分析。
3)Paste backfilling膏体充填
1.Experimental study on rheology performances of paste backfilling slurry;膏体充填料浆流变性能的实验研究
2.The mass concentration of the paste backfilling materials is one of the key factors affecting the performance of backfilling and the measurement error in raw materials and in moisture test are two main factors affecting the mass concentration.固体废物膏体充填材料是在我国实施不迁村采煤的一种新型材料。
3.Aiming at paste backfilling of underground Open-stope,this paper put up systematic and deep research to theory and technology.本文针对地下采空区膏体充填理论与技术进行了系统、深入的研究,主要内容和结论如下:(1)从膏体料浆的重量浓度、屈服应力、流变曲线、可泵性等多方面揭示了膏体的特性。
4)gypsum crystal石膏晶体
1.This paper deals with the effect of different waterproof agents for gypsum on the formation of gypsum crystal.利用SEM,EPS等现代测试手段,从掺加石膏防水剂后石膏晶体形成的变化角度,分析了石膏防水剂对石膏制品晶体形成的影响原因及防水机理。
5)Paste filling膏体充填
1.Influence factor analysis of paste filling material strength;膏体充填材料强度影响因素分析
2.Test study of cement adding mode of paste filling;膏体充填水泥添加方式的试验研究
3.Study on Surface Subsidence with Paste Filling under Village;村庄下膏体充填采煤控制地表沉陷的研究
1.A Primary Discussion on the Thickening Law of Paste-filling膏体充填尾矿浓密规律初探
2.According to the features of paste-filling control system and the requirement of the opening information by control lay and managing lay,an industrial Ethernet control scheme was designed.文章简要介绍了煤矿综合自动化控制系统和膏体充填系统的工艺流程,重点说明了工业以太网控制方案在井下充填系统中硬、软件的具体实现;对工业以太网的实时性进行了必要的分析,并给出了结论。
