1.Order pool optimization for make-to-order production in steel plant;钢铁企业按订单生产模式下合同池优化
2.Research on pricing and capacity allocation of revenue management in make-to-order firms;按订单生产型企业收益管理定价和能力分配研究
3.The various customized products in the make-to-order enterprises raise a big challenge for production cost accounting.针对按订单生产产品品种繁多的特点,将知识工程方法引入加工成本核算,研究了面向按订单生产的加工成本知识表示方法,提出了一种基于知识的加工成本核算方法,介绍了该方法在某车间成本管理模块中的实现和应用。

1.Procurement and Production Decisions for an Assemble-to-Order Manufacturer with Limited Production Capacity;有限能力按订单生产厂商的生产订购策略分析
2.Application and Modeling of MTO Based Small and Medium Enterprises ERP System;按订单生产的中小型企业ERP应用及建模研究
3.Order pool optimization for make-to-order production in steel plant;钢铁企业按订单生产模式下合同池优化
4.An Approach for Planning the Demand on Make-To-Order Tool Package Items and Its Application;面向按订单生产的工具包装件需求计划方法研究与应用
5.Design and Development of ERP System in Make to Order Based Small and Medium-sized Discrete Manufacturing Enterprise;按订单生产离散型制造业中小企业ERP系统设计与开发
6.Research on pricing and capacity allocation of revenue management in make-to-order firms;按订单生产型企业收益管理定价和能力分配研究
7.Production scheduling for “ make to order”;“按订单”生产模式下生产计划的编制
8.A Method on Determining Bottleneck in Make-to-Order Production;“按订单”生产方式下瓶颈资源的确定
9.Product numbering program design for single piece/small series produciton and Organizing in Spare Parts;基于单件小批订制生产和按零部件组织生产的企业产品编号设计
10.An Analysis on the Indispensability of Quick BTO of Car Manufacturer in China国内轿车生产企业实施按订单快速生产的必要性分析
11.Business Process Reengineering for Car Manufacturers Based on Build to Order轿车生产企业基于按订单制造的业务流程重构对策
12.Confirm customer order, arrange, follow up, coordinate and achieve shop order.确认评审客户订单,安排、踪、调、成生产订单。
13.Research on Solving for ATO Product Configurator按订单装配型产品配置器的方案求解研究
14.Improvement for Dynamic Capacity Apportionment Procedure对订单驱动生产过程中DCAP分配机制的修订
15.Production Order Inserting Method and Order Selection Based on Grey Correlation AnalysisETO生产排产订单插入方法与插单选择研究
16.CANT CNCL GDS ALRDY MFGD-cannot cancel; goods already manufactured货已生产好,不能撤销订单
17.Research on TFTM Production Management Pattern of Make-to-Order;TFTM公司订单制生产管理模式的研究
18.Research and Application on the Flexible Production Planning for Order;面向订单的柔性生产计划研究及应用

1.The Marketing System of Automobile Manufactories Reengineering Based on BTO;赢得21世纪汽车市场竞争的核心在于能否提供客户需求的汽车产品,按订单生产是实现该目标的趋势所在。
3)BTO(Build to Order)按订单生产模式
4)Rapid Build-to-Order快速按订单生产
1.With the responsiveness and customization becoming the new advantages of business, Rapid Build-to-Order is regarded as the ultimate challenge of supply chain operations.时间响应性和产品个性化日渐成为商业竞争的新焦点,在此背景下,快速按订单生产(Rapid Build-to-Order, RBTO)随之成为供应链运作的核心挑战。
5)Quick Build to Order按订单快速生产
6)make to order订单生产
1.In order to make full use of production capacity to achieve the scheduled delivery of orders, the production planning of the ERP system based on make to order is studied in detail in this paper.在订单生产形制造中,制造企业在接到订单后要完成产品设计、计划编制、物料采购和加工制造等复杂的技术与管理工作,而且当订单发生变更后生产计划要随之变更。

按按 按   ①切脉指法。用重指力按脉,以求沉伏之脉象。《诊家枢要》:“重手取之曰按。”   ②用手触摸诊断法。《灵枢·经水》:“审切循扪按,视其寒热盛衰而调之。”   ③按压。《素问·针解》:“邪胜则虚之,出针勿按。”   ④按摩疗法。参按摩条。