1.The results show that the parameters of the models embody information about wave periods or wave length,beach profiles asymptotic depth,beach reflection and the.应用Dean、Bodge和Lee等3种海滩平衡剖面模型对后江湾的海滩剖面数据进行拟合,并从地形动力学的角度对拟合结果进行了分析解释,结果表明3个模型中的参数分别包含有波浪周期或波长、剖面变化渐近深度、海滩反射性等物理意义。

1.proximity clothing隔热服反射性防护服
2.autonomic reflex epilepsy植物神经反射性癫痫
3.the image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material).某些物体的像在镜子里(或其他反射性物质)反射。
4.Investagation of Silicon Carbide Mirror s Reflective Performance and Film Design;碳化硅反射镜反射性能研究及膜系设计
5.flexible reflector curtain柔性天线反射阵,软性反射幕
7.neutron inelastic scattering reaction中子非弹性散射反应
8.asymmetrical tonic neck reflex非对称紧张性颈反射
9.optional passive reflector pods选择性被动反射器吊舱
10.skinregetative reflex皮肤植物性神经反射
11.antisymmetric multilinear mapping反对称多重线性映射
12.radioactive recoi放射性衰变引起的反冲
13.The plam-chin reflex was positive in 104 cases (74.8%).掌颏反射阳性104名(74?8%);
14.The major acute toxicity of radiotherapy were pneumonitis, radiation esophagitis and skin damaged.放射治疗的毒性反应主要为放射性食道炎、射性肺炎及放射性皮炎。
15.Mueller Matrix of Near-normal incident on Anisotropy Surface;各向异性表面近正入射反射米勒矩阵
16.light retroreflective coating finishing回复性反射涂层整理,亦称回归反射涂层整理
17.Quantitative Relationship between Multi-Angle Polarized Reflectance and BRDF;偏振方向反射与二向性反射定量关系研究
18.Retrieval of Bidirectional Reflectance and It's Application in Changbai Mountain Area长白山地区二向性反射反演及其应用

1.Purpose:To investigate the significance of Imaging modalities in the early diagnosis of reflex sympathetic dystrophy(RSD).目的 :探讨影像学检查在早期反射性交感神经营养不良 (RSD)诊断中的意义。
1.The metallized films with excellent surface reflectivity and conductivity can be fabricated in that method with its outstanding metal-polymer adhesion obtained and the essential mechanical and thermal properties of the parent polyimide films retained.采用该法可制得具有较高的表面反射率和电导率,优异的界面粘结性,并保持母体PI大部分优异性能的复合薄膜;其反射性和导电性与银含量,银的配位体或者反离子,二酐、二胺的种类及热处理工艺等因素相关。
4)reflex response反射性反应
5)reflectivity properties反射性能
1.On the basis of analyzing crystal structure and coloring mechanism of the cobalt blue pigment, new kinds of complex cobalt blue pigments with excellent reflectivity properties were synthesized by using the chemical coprecipitation method to draw Zn2+,Mg2+ and La3+, Y3+ doping cations into CoAl_2O_4 crystal cell.在对钴蓝颜料晶体结构、发色机理分析的基础上 ,采用化学共沉淀法在 Co Al2 O4晶格中引入 Zn2 +、Mg2 +和 La3+、Y3+作为掺杂制备出反射性能优异的新型复合型钴蓝颜料 :与未掺杂的Co Al2 O4相比 ,在 4 50 nm波长处反射率最大提高了 30 。
6)reflection nature反射性质
1.In this paper,with the matrix optics computational method,the reflection nature of multi-layered optics transparent film was discussed.采用矩阵光学计算方法,对多层光学透明薄膜的反射性质进行了讨论,并通过具体的应用设计得到了比较好的结果及有益的结论,即高反射率膜一定是奇数层;四分之一膜系为奇数层时,层数越多,反射率越大;上述膜系的全部结果只适用于单一波长的情况。

反射性微笑    反射性微笑  reflex smiling  反射性微笑(reflex smiling)婴儿的一种积极情绪反应,表现为嘴角微微上翘但脸的其余部位仍保持松弛状态。大约在新生儿出生后1周左右出现,睡眠中最为普遍。女婴多于男婴。这种微笑在没有外来刺激下也会出现,故又称自发性或内源性微笑。它是社会性微笑发展的准备阶段。 (蒋兆灿白学军撰林索德审)