1.A FSVM based on affinity and its application in bearing fault detection基于紧密度FSVM新算法及在故障检测中的应用
2.The fuzzy membership of each sample is defined by affinity among samples,and by the training determine a threshold,noises and outliers are removed,which influence optimal separating hyperplane.应用基于样本之间的紧密度确定每个样本的模糊隶属度,通过训练确定阀值,去除影响得到最优分类超平面的噪声和野点。
3.Relative to the fuzzy membership as a function of distance between the point and its class center in feature space for some current fuzzy support vector machines,a new and more effective fuzzy membership as a function of affinity among samples is proposed for the measurement of the inaccuracy of samples.针对目前模糊支持向量机方法中,一般使用特征空间中样本与类中心之间的距离关系构建隶属度函数的不足,提出了一种新的有效地反映样本不确定性的隶属度计算方法———基于样本紧密度的隶属度方法。

1.compactness, compactedness紧密性,紧密度,密实度,充实度
2.Soil compaction may limit horizontal root extension.土壤的紧密度能限制水平根的扩展。
3.Purpose: To test check valve No. 2 for tightness against reverse flow.目的:检测止回阀2号对于回流的紧密度
4.The Continuum and Formal Compactness of Causatives in Modern Chinese;汉语中的使役连续统及其形式紧密度问题
5.A FSVM based on affinity and its application in bearing fault detection基于紧密度FSVM新算法及在故障检测中的应用
6.The study of preventing vertical food impaction by reconstructing interproximal contact between crown and adjacent teeth重建邻接面紧密度预防垂直型食物嵌塞的探讨
7.Study on the Degree of the Relation between Values and Related Behavioral Structures of College Students;大学生的10种价值观-相关行为结构的联系紧密度研究
8.tighten up密封, 拉紧, 拧紧
9.As we move into the Fourth Dimension, time is already compacting.当我们进入第四度空间,时间已经紧密。
10.To join or fit closely or tightly.紧密连接,紧密配合
11.For a string of specified length, tautness and density only certain note can be generated一根确定长度、松紧和密度的弦只能发出某某音。
12.When Mrs. Smith and her daughter met again she strained her daughter to her heart with tears.当史密斯太太再度和女儿相见时,她紧紧地把她抱在怀里,泪流满面。
13.The effects of house temperature will be mitigated by close contact between sows.由于母猪之间的紧密接触会产生室内温度效果。
14.Something resembling a pod, as in compactness.荚状物类似豆荚的物体,如在紧密程度上相似
15.Applying Edge Density for Automatic Size Inspection of Particles;基于边缘密度自动检测紧凑颗粒的尺寸
16.The study of CEPA and Freed Action Program from the perspective of whole country;从全国高度看“更紧密经贸关系安排和自由行”
17.A social system based on affiliations to totems.图腾制度基于图腾的紧密联系之上的一种社会制度
18.The angle of the diagonal is determined by the closeness of the warp ends, the number of yarns used per 10 cm, the diameter of the yarns used, and the actual progression forming the repeat.影响斜纹线倾角的因素有经纱的紧密程度、纱线的密度、纱线的直径、以及完全组织中实际的飞数。

1.Cai Renliang 3-D finite element analysis of bolted flanged joint upon tightness control.;基于紧密度要求的法兰接头三维有限元分析
5)higher feed density紧密密度
6)packing density紧束密度

肥料松密度和紧密度分子式:CAS号:性质:松密度是松散的肥料装入单位容积的质量,以kg/m3表示。紧密度又称拍实密度(tapped density)是在反复振动或拍击测量容器下测得的肥料密度。肥料的紧密度比松密度一般大6%~12%。它们都是设计肥料包装容器、贮斗和仓库的重要参数之一。