1.Aliquation and inspiration tend to occur during the production of heat resistant aluminium alloys due to manufacturing and environmental factors.在耐热铝合金制备过程中,由于工艺以及环境因素,很容易产生偏析和吸气

1.Now breathe in. A deep breath .现在吸气。 深吸。
2.snifting valve【机】喷气[吸气]阀
3.To draw(air or smoke, for example) into the lungs by breathing; inspire.吸入通过呼吸吸进(如空气或烟)肺内;吸气
4.Of, relating to, or used for the drawing in of air.吸气的,吸入的吸入的,与吸气有关的或用于吸气
5.centifugal aspirator离心式吸气[尘]器
6.He puffed breath in and out.他来回地吸气吹气。
7.closed-air aspirator空气封闭循环式吸气
8.A device, such as a respirator or an inhaler, by which a gas, vapor, or air is drawn in.吸入器用来吸入气体,蒸汽或空气的仪器,如呼吸器或吸气
9.To swallow air audibly, as in nervousness.出声地吸气出声地吸气,如在恐惧中
10.When we breathe, we draw air into our lungs.当我们吸气时,把空气吸入肺里。
11.To inhale and exhale air, especially when naturally and freely.呼吸呼气和吸气,尤指自然地和任意地
12.Preparation of TiZrV Getter and Its Sorption CharacteristicsTiZrV吸气剂的制备及吸气性能研究
13.mud suction pump(空气)吸泥机,吸泥泵
14.The adsorbed gas is the adsorbate.被吸附的气体叫吸附质。
15.To suck or take in(air, for example;inhale.吮或吸入(如空气)
16.adsorption gas chromatography吸附气相色谱(法)
17.absorbing moisture (as from the air).吸收水气(从空气中)。
18.The air pump draws in vast amounts of air气泵吸进了大量的空气。

1.Experimental investigation of air-breathing valveless pulse detonation engine;吸气式无阀脉冲爆震发动机试验研究
2.This paper addressed the nozzle effect on the performance of an air-breathing pulse det- onation engine(PDE)by multi-cycle detonation experiments.分别对采用不同面积比、不同长径比的收敛喷管、扩张喷管和收扩喷管的吸气式脉冲爆震发动机(PDE)进行了多循环爆震试验研究,着重研究了不同工作频率下喷管面积比和长径比对吸气式PDE性能的影响。
1.Based on the test of the single centrifugal fan, suction characteristic of the centrifugal fan in series is carried out.为此,在离心风机单机吸气性能试验的基础上,进行了离心风机串联吸气性能试验,得出了串联吸气性能与单机吸气性能的关系,以及适于串联的工况条件,为串联风机的参数选择提供了试验依据。

吸气    吸气    气体进入肺脏的过程。