互易原理,reciprocity theorem
1)reciprocity theorem互易原理
1.The expression of mutual impedance between two probes in a circular waveguide is derived by means of a vector potential function, reaction concept and reciprocity theorem.应用矢量位函数、反应的概念和互易原理,推导出圆波导中双探针的互阻抗表达式,圆波导是半无限长的,终端接有一定反射系数的负载。
2.Reciprocity theorem and small aperture s equivalent method are used to analyze the coupling problem between circular groove waveguides, a formula of the aperture s equivalent reactance is obtained; Then the coupling between the circular groove waveguide and circular groove waveguide cavity is discussed; Finally, numerical results are compared with experimental ones.本文应用电磁场的互易原理以及小孔辐射的工程处理方法 ,分析了不同尺寸圆形槽波导间的小孔耦合情况 ,得到了小孔等效感抗公式 ;然后 ,讨论了圆形槽波导与圆形槽波导腔之间的小孔耦合情形 ;最后 ,进行了数值计算 ,并与实验结果进行了比较 ,二者吻合 ,从而证明了理论分析方法的正确性。
3.The electromagnetic scattering model for adjacent trunks and sphere above a rough surface ground plane is analyzed by using the reciprocity theorem.本文用随机分布的有限长多层介质圆柱模拟树干层 ,用互易原理得到了位于粗糙地面上有限长多层介质圆柱与球目标的二阶散射场近似解析表达式 。

1.Efficient Surface Reconstruction via Helmholtz Reciprocity with Two Image Pairs利用Helmholtz互易原理由两对图像重建物体三维表面
2.The next three principles concern how people interact with one another.以下三个原理是关于人们如何互相易的。
3.Trade should follow the principle of equality and mutual Benefit.贸易应遵循平等互惠的原则。
4.We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.我们按平等互利的原则进行贸易。
5.The Basic Principles of Forex Dealing外汇交易的基本原理
6.There are a number of alternative formulations of the reciprocity theorem.还有许多别的互易定理的公式。
7.The Research on Tariff-administration of the Cross-border Data Exchange on Internet;互联网跨国境数据交易关税管理研究
8.The Application of Reciprocity Theorem in Sensitivity Analysis;关于互易定理在灵敏度分析中的应用
9.A second principle that the United States applies to trade is reciprocity.美国应用在贸易中的第二个原则是互惠。
10.reciprocal affection, help, trade互爱、 互助、 互惠贸易
11.Company this the“ trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion.公司本着“诚信待客、平交易、惠互利、求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。
12.The principle of synergy also holds true in social interactions.协同原理在社会互动中也是真理。
13.Company this the “ trustworthiness entertain guest, fair deal, mutual benefit, totally beg the development" of trade principle, with the big industry of your collusion.公司本着“诚信待客、公平交易、互惠互利、共求发展”的贸易原则,与您共谋大业。
14.The Analyse of Charge and Invert Principle of Line-Interactive UPS在线互动式UPS充电、逆变原理分析
15.The Application of Complementary Variational Principles in Sinusiodal Electromagnetic Field互补变分原理在时谐电磁场中的应用
16.Interaction of Host-Pathogen on 'Ya' Pear Ring Rot Disease;鸭梨果实轮纹病寄主—病原菌互作机理
17.Theory and Application of "Web as a Corpus";“互联网用作语料库”的原理与实践
18.Melting of Archetype Theory and American Literature Works;原型批评理论与美国文学作品的互融

reciprocity principle互易原理
1.This paper gives the deduction of optically modulated scatterer to measure radiation near-field through reciprocity principle and the structure of the optically modulated scatterer system.给出以互易原理为基础的光调制散射器测量法的理论推导,采用光电二极管光导开关作为散射器中间部分的光调制单元,设计出了实用的光调制散射器微波测量系统。
2.This paper gives it’s deduction through reciprocity principle .本文给出以互易原理为基础的光调制散射器测量法的理论推导,并用光电二极管光导开关作为散射器中间部分的光调制单元,设计出了实用的光调制散射器微波测量硬软件系统。
3.Conclusion that amplitude received pattern(ARP)and transmitting pattern(ATP)of an antenna under test(AUT)are equally are obtained from the electromagnetic field reciprocity principle has premises that are easily ignored.由电磁场互易原理得到的待测天线(AUT)幅度接收方向图(ARP)和发射方向图(ATP)相等的结论,具有易于被忽视的重要前提。
1.The role of reciprocity in measuring moment mobility;互易原理在力矩导纳测量中的作用
2.The time domain electric field integral equation (TD-EFIE) in conjunction with the reciprocity principle is applied to synthesize the transmitting impulse signals on condition that the receiving signals have already been known.采用时域电场积分方程和互易原理相结合的方法,探讨了已知接收信号的情况下,脉冲发送信号的波形,并研究了视距和非视距两种传播路径对脉冲收发信号的影响。
4)reciprocity theorem互易性原理
1.By employing the reciprocity theorem, the secondary scattered fields from the composite target can be simplified as the evaluation of integral equation involving polarization currents of the conducting plate and scattered fields from the slightly rough surface.应用互易性原理使求解复合目标的二次散射场简化为求解包含平板上的极化电流和微粗糙面散射场的积分方程。
2.Taking the advantage of s newly developed technique that utilizes the reciprocity theorem, the difficulty in formulating the secondary scattered fields from the composite target is reduced to the evaluation of integral equation involving the polarization currents of the conducting plate and the scattered fields from the slightly rough surface.应用互易性原理使求解二次散射场简化为求解包含平板上的极化电流和微粗糙面散射场的积分方程,从而降低了求解难度。
5)Helmholtz reciprocity principleHelmholtz互易原理
6)electroacoustic reciprocity theorem电声互易原理

互易定理  论述某些网络具有的互易性质的定理。互易性质表现为:将网络的输入和特定输出互换位置后,输出不因这种换位而有所改变。具有互易性质的网络称为互易网络。互易性不仅一些电网络有,某些声学系统、力学系统等也有。互易定理是一个较有普遍意义的定理。    时域表述  对一个互易二端口网络NR,在时域中互易定理有3种表述。    表述一:在NR的入口接入电压源Ud时,其出口处的短路零状态响应为i2(图1a);若将电压源改接在出口上,则出现在入口处的短路零状态响应嫆1(图1b)恒与i2相等,即           嫆1(t)=i2(t)     凬t    表述二:设在NR的入口接入电流源id时,其出口处的开路零状态响应为U2(图2a);若将电流源改接在出口上,则出现在入口处的开路零状态响应(图2b)恒与U2相等,即         (t)=U2(t)    凬t    表述三:在NR的入口接入电流源id时,其出口处的短路零状态响应为i2(图3a);若在出口处接上一个与电流源id波形相同的电压源Ud,则出现在入口处的开路零状态响应(图3b)恒与i2的波形相同,即(t)=i2(t)      凬t    复频域表述  在复频域中电压、电流可用各自的拉普拉斯变换(即象函数)来表示。于是,从互易定理在时域中的表述导出它在复频域中的表述为:对于互易二端口网络NR,下列关系恒成立,即Y21(S)=Y12(S)Z21(S)=Z12(S)H21(S)=-H12(S)前两式表明互易二端口网络的Y 参数矩阵和Z 参数矩阵是对称矩阵,后式表明互易二端口网络的H 参数矩阵是反对称矩阵。    将上列诸式中的变量S换成 jω就得到正弦稳态下的互易定理。    应用条件  并非任何一个网络都具有互易性质。一般地说,由线性时不变的二端电阻元件、电感元件、电容元件、耦合电感器和理想变压器连接而成的网络均有此性质。含有受控电源、非线性元件、时变元件、回转器的网络都不一定具有这种性质。