1.To analyze the stresses in slab track structures on soil subgrades,a finite element model was derived.结果表明,底座厚度减小使底座各向应力略微增大,降低基床最大压应力,但对轨道板受力影响很小;底座宽度增加使基床最大压应力明显降低,但对轨道板和底座受力影响甚微。
2.The paper devotes to discuss the behavior of the temperature loading on the slab track.首先,对轨道板进行温度测量。
3.Up to now,there is no ballastless track in such cold area at home and abroad,so it is necessary to do the experimental research on the manufacture of CRTS I ballastless slab of passenger dedicated line in cold area to make the durability and frost resistance of the slab meeting the requirement of cold weather and to form the manufacturing technique.为此,需通过对严寒地区客运专线CRTS I型板式无砟轨道板的生产进行试验研究,解决严寒地区条件下轨道板的耐久性及抗冻性,并形成生产工艺。

1.The fabrication process of CRTSⅠ slab ballastless track board in heavy cold area严寒地区CRTSⅠ板式无砟轨道板制造工艺
2.Temperature Measurement and Temperature Stress Analysis of Ballastless Track Slab无砟轨道轨道板温度测量与温度应力分析
3.Model SQ12A3Q Truck Mounted Crane for Rail Slabs Construction of Express Railways高速铁路轨道板施工用SQ12A3Q型随车吊
4.Manufacturing Technique of CRTS I Ballastless Slab Used in Cold Area严寒地区CRTS I型轨道板制造技术
5.treadle rail contact轨道接触器, 踏板
6.Hidden mounting bracket system托架板内嵌在轨道内
7.The Mechanics Analysis of Continuous Bed Slab of Ballastless Track of Switch;道岔区无碴轨道连续道床板力学分析
8.Study on Floating Slab Track upon Vibration-noise Controls in Viaduct Rail Transit System;高架轨道交通浮置板轨道减振降噪性能研究
9.Keywords: crane, rail clips, design standard.关键词:起重机、轨道压板、设计规范。
10.Study of CA Mortar Mixture Ratio and Construction Technology for Slab Track on Qin-Shen Passenger Railway;板式无碴轨道CA砂浆与施工技术研究
11.Research on Rational Track Stiffness of Slab Track on the Subgrade土质路基板式无砟轨道合理刚度研究
12.Study on the Longitudinal Forces of CRTSⅠ Ballastless Track Slab on Bridge桥上CRTSⅠ型板式无砟轨道纵向力分析
13.On dynamic adjustment construction of CRTS Ⅰ type unballasted trackCRTSⅠ型板式无碴轨道线路动态调整施工
14.Research and Progress on CA Mortar of Ballastiess Slab Track Cushion板式无碴轨道垫层CA砂浆研究与进展
15.Structural Static Force Study of Frame Unit-plate Ballastless Track框架单元板式无碴轨道结构静力研究
16.Study on Driving Laws of Sun Synchronous Orbit Satellite's Solar Arrays太阳同步轨道卫星的太阳帆板驱动律
17.Research on the Durability of Foundation Plate in Continuous-Slab-Track on Bridge桥上纵连板式无砟轨道底座板耐久性研究
18.The Vibration Research on the Floating Slab Track of the Urban Traffic and Its Influence on the Buildings Nearby城市轨道交通浮置板轨道振动特性研究及对邻近建筑物的影响

floating slab轨道板
1.A dynamic model for the prefabricated floating slabs is presented on the basis of an analysis of floating slab track system,in which the floating slabs are regarded as rigie bodies supported by elastomer bearings.在对具有轨道板结构的无碴轨道分析基础上,建立了预制式轨道板结构的力学模型,即刚体模型。
2.A dynamic modal for the continuous floating slabs is presented in this paper on the basis of an analysis of floating slab track system.在对具有轨道板结构的无碴轨道的分析基础上,针对连续型轨道板结构的特点,建立了连续整体型轨道板结构的力学模型,即弹性支撑的Bernoulli-Euler梁模型。
3.A dynamic modal for the prefabricated floating slabs is presented in this paper on the basis of an analysis of floating slab track system.本文针对轨道交通和高速铁路中广泛采用的无砟轨道结构,对无砟轨道的轨道板结构的分析基础上,针对预制式轨道板结构的特点,建立了预制式轨道板结构的力学模型,即弹性支撑的刚体模型。
3)slab track板式轨道
1.Research on dynamic characteristics of slab track-roadbed systems with soft rock as embankment filling under high speed moving load;高速移动载荷作用下板式轨道-软岩路基系统的动力特性分析
2.Analysis method of dynamic responses on slab track;板式轨道动力响应分析方法
3.Structure parameter influence of slab track for high speed railway on wheel-rail noise;高速铁路板式轨道结构参数对轮轨噪声的影响
4)track nold-down plate轨道压板
5)Track Matte轨道蒙板
1.The article introduce s the special method that the software invents fictitious scences :Track Matte?B lue Screen and White Alpha Matte.Premiere是视频编辑软件中流行的一种,本文通过三个实例介绍了使用该软件制作虚拟场景的特技方法,即轨道蒙板、兰屏抠像以及白色蒙板等方法,使静态的照片虚拟出动态的仿真效果。
2.The author gives explanation to such typical problems as safe margins,track matte,field order,etc.数字技术的发展使非线性编辑正广泛应用在电视节目制作领域中,用户面临的问题也层出不穷,作者针对安全框、轨道蒙板、场序等具有代表性的问题进行了解释,结合非线性编辑的教学过程指出,教师应尽可能以学生为中心,采用多种教学模式,在真实的情境中提高学生的应用水平。
6)track board yard轨道板场
1.As the regulatory requirements in the construction of a railway,there are both technically election and economic selection to setup track board yard.设立轨道板场,作为铁路施工的一种规范要求,既存在技术上的比选,也存在经济上的比选。

轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)轨道保持(见航天器轨道控制)orbit keeping  guidQo baoehi轨道保持(o rbit keePing)见航天器轨道控制。