1.According to the"feminized symbols",which is soft,natural, emotional,maternal,is the embodiment of the feminized symbols.女性化符号的产品设计是情感化设计的回归,产品设计依据女性化符号的外延和内涵精神,孕育出充满生机、并给人无限关爱的产品。
2.This paper starts from the Juniper on-line bank design, discussing human emotion central research method applied for design preliminary research.本文以Juniper在线银行设计案例为切入点,谈以人类情感化因素为主要研究方向的研究方法在前期设计研究中的应用,总结了一些用户研究中比较常用的研究方法。
3.In his poems,Tao Yuanming represented his metaphysical thoughts by images,emotions and daily life experiences.陶渊明在他的诗歌中对玄理进行了意象化、情感化、生活化的表现。

1.Discussion on Emotional Design of Commodity Packaging from Emotional Experience从情感体验谈商品包装的情感化设计
2.Emotionalization of Time and the Concept of Being Moved by World in Poetry of the Weijin Dynasty;时间的情感化与魏晋诗学中的“物感”说
3.The Literati s Cultural Seeking of Song Dynasty in Song-ci;情感化·理性化·审美化——宋词和宋人的文化追求
4.Examining the Emotionalized Aesthetic Features of the Chinese Movies with Ethic Scenario;中国伦理情节剧电影的情感化审美特征
5.Emotionalized Product Design under Aesthetic Psychology,Product is the Carrier of Memory and Emotion about our Life审美心理下的情感化产品设计——产品是生活的情感与记忆的寄托
6.A Sentimental Clue in the Process of Ci s Refinement;艳情·闲情·性情——唐宋词文人化的一条情感线索
7.Purified and Restrained Sentiment --On the Emotion of Ontology in Liu Xie s Poetry;情感的纯化与情感的节制——论刘勰诗本体论的情感论
8.Chinese emotional speech database for the detection of emotion variation面向情感变化检测的汉语情感语音数据库
9.Emotion Score Curve based Speech Emotion Change Detection基于情感分数曲线的语音情感变化检测
10.Emotional Return to the Soul--On Personalized Emotion in Liu's Ci情感向心灵的复归——略论柳词情感的自我化特征
11.Discussion on Emotion, Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology情绪·情感·情商——在人类—文化社会学平台上的审视
12.Marianne, emotional and sentimental, is the embodiment of sensibility.脆弱易感又情感丰沛的玛莉安娜,是感性的化身。
13.He changed moods rapidly and wore his emotions openly.他的情绪迅速变化,他的情感流露在表面。
14.An Analysis of Human Emotion in the Circumstances of the Aestheticisation of Contemporary Daily Life;当代日常生活审美化情境中人的情感分析
15.On the Cultural Characteristics of Huar Love Songs;情感与欲望之间——论“花儿”情歌的基本文化特征
16.A Goal-Structure-Change Theory of Human Emotion and the Development of Emotion Management;情绪的目标结构变化说与情感管理的发展
17.The cultural quality high has the self-control, understands the life, the heavy sentiment has the family sense of responsibility.文化素质高有涵养,懂生活,重感情有家庭责任感。
18.A Study of Emotional、Aesthetic and Cultural Elementy In College Chinese Teaching;论大学语文教学中的情感、美感及文化因素

1.On Emotional Design and Strategies;产品的情感化设计及策略
2.An Interactive Study on Human, Emotional and Intelligent Design of Elderly Product;老年产品设计中人性化、情感化、智能化的交互研究
1.According to the design principle of emotionalism,considering the children’s natural instincts of curiosity and vitality,design the shape of children’s books to increase the books’ interest and attraction to make the children get knowledge from cheering,cultivate their reading interest and develop their early intelligence.书籍的形态是设计者在对书籍进行装帧设计时考虑的重要因素之一,依据情感化的设计理念,针对儿童好奇心强、活泼好动的天性对儿童书籍的形态进行设计,增强儿童书籍的趣味性和吸引力,寓教于乐,更好地培养他们的阅读兴趣和对他们进行早期智力开发。
5)change of emotion情感变化
1.The author s chief concern of this article is to illustrate the proper performace of vocal music in singing fully through understanding the lyrics,thoroughly practicing the theme and correctly dealing with the change of emotion.全文着重从民族声乐作品的词意挖掘、基调体验和情感变化处理三方面来阐述民族声乐作品在演唱中的正确表现。
6)feeling transition情感转化
1.at the same time,we can read the process of feeling transition in his works: from being an offician like the Emperor of Yao and Shun in Hangzhou to being open-minded and unconventioned in Mizhou; to being optimistic and broad-minded in Huangzhou; to being easy and unaffacted in manner in Huizhou and D.同时也能从中读出苏轼内心仕与隐的情感转化的流程:由杭州通判时的“致君尧舜”发展到密州时的旷达、洒脱;再到黄州时的乐观、超脱;居惠州、儋州时的自在适性。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理