1.Studied immune milk production by implanting an Antigen Release Devise(ARD) and evaluated the efficiency of implantation in 40 adult and healthy Holstein cows.对奶牛埋植抗原缓释剂ARD(antigen release devise)生产免疫乳的高效性进行评价,随机选择40头成年健康荷斯坦奶牛,试验组20头奶牛于右侧髋内淋巴结处埋植3种释放时间不同的ARD,分别在埋植当天、14 d和28 d释放抗原,通过ELISA检测血清和乳清中特异性抗体的效价及消长规律。
2.The effects of mandibular organ(MO) on ovarian development of Chinese mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis) were studied using implantation and injection method.采用埋植和注射的方法,研究了中华绒螯蟹Eriocheir sinensis大颚器对卵巢发育的影响。
3.To test the biocompatibility of a set of α,β poly DL aspartamide modified materials, different methods were employed,including subcutaneous implantation,histopathological examination, blood biochemical and micronucleus test.经对聚天冬酰胺系列材料进行皮下埋植实验、组织病理学观察、血生化和微核等检测得知,在埋植部位早期出现异物反应,第13天部分小鼠肝组织小血管边出现少量炎性细胞,34天后上述细胞逐渐减少或消失,肝肾组织细胞的形态和功能基本正常,埋植部位皮肤切口愈合良好。

1.The observation of the level of crestal bone around submerged and non-submerged implant during healing period愈合期埋植型和非埋植型种植体周围牙槽骨吸收情况观察
2.A comparative study on the acceptability of domestic subdermal implants国产皮下埋植剂可接受性的对比研究
3.The Study of Transplantation of Human Fetal Ovary in Nude-Mice;人胎儿卵巢裸鼠体内埋植的实验研究
4.Methods Using the thyroid implantation in camera anterior bulbi of hamster.方法用大鼠进行眼前房甲状腺埋植实验。
5.Silastic Implant for the Reconstruction of Saddle-Nose医用硅橡胶埋植在单纯性鞍鼻矫治中的应用
6.Research on Deformed Shape Monitoring for Composite Structures with Embedded Componets埋植元件的复合材料结构变形监测技术研究
7.Treatment of tongue carcinoma using fluorouracil and cis-diamminedichloroplatinum with the subcutaneous implantable pump system(SIPS)颞浅动脉插管皮下埋植药系行舌癌化疗的应用
8.Establishment of Beagle Dog Model with Implanted Telemetry Transmitter埋植有遥测传感器的Beagle犬安全药理模型的建立
9.Pharmacokinetic study of estradiol implant in rabbits雌二醇埋植剂在家兔体内的药代动力学研究
10.Risk Factors for the Acceptability of Levonorgestrel Subdermal Implants due to Continuation皮下埋植避孕剂月经异常影响因素分析
11.Operations inoling grafts or implants, required to mitigate the damage, depend decisiely on the materials used.减轻损害的手术包括移植术和埋植术,都极其依赖其所使用的材料。
12.Methods We implanted 1 or 2 fresh wart in medial arm subcuticle.方法采用手术切取患者自身1~2粒新鲜疣体埋植于上臂内侧皮下。
13.Pathological changes of human hair artificial tendon used as substitute for the achilles tendon and embedded in the muscle in rabbits人发人工腱兔体内跟腱置换及肌肉埋植后的转归
14.cover the roots of a plant with earth用泥土把植物的根埋起来
15.Experiment Study of Using Non-submerged HBIC Implants in Animal;HBIC非埋置式牙种植体即刻种植的动物实验研究
16.A Study on Techniques of Planting and Soil Improvement at Waste Sanitary Landfill Slope;垃圾填埋场边坡植被建植和土壤改良技术研究
17.Review on Phytoremediation and Vegetation Restoration of Landfill Sites垃圾填埋场植物修复和植被恢复研究进展

1.The classification,composition and healing mechanism of self-healing polymeric composite were introduced and the implant self-healing system,as an example of passive mode,is set forth in detail.介绍了聚合物基自修复复合材料的分类、构成及自修复机制,以被动模式的埋植式修复体系为重点进行了详细的分析。
2.Methods We implanted 1 or 2 fresh wart in medial arm subcuticle.方法采用手术切取患者自身1~2粒新鲜疣体埋植于上臂内侧皮下。
3.Study of General Toxicity of Melatonin Implant Dosage and Application Effect on Sheep;选用甘肃高山细毛母羊做埋植实验,结果表明:0~15d、15~30d麦拉托灵+孕马血清激素组体增重分别显著低于对照组(P<0。
1.Controlled release of lysozyme-loaded microspheres in hydrogel implants;载有溶菌酶微球的凝胶埋植剂的释药特性
2.Serum mifepristone level and effect of mifepristone-releasing implants on the endometriosis in rats;大白鼠皮下植入米非司酮埋植剂血药浓度和抑制异位子宫内膜效果的观察
3.Inhibitory Effect of Mifepristone-releasing Implants on Endometriosis in Rats;米非司酮皮下埋植剂抑制大鼠异位子宫内膜的效果观察
1.Study on the targeting chemotherapy using paclitaxel-implants administered subcutaneously against lymph node metastasis of H22 hepatoma carcinoma cell;紫杉醇埋植剂对小鼠H22肝癌细胞淋巴结转移的治疗作用
2.Methods: This article focused on the classification, pharmacology, applications in the treatment of prostate cancer of LHRH analogues and their formulations, including implants and microspheres.结果:LHRH类似物的药理作用较为广泛,其剂型主要为埋植剂和微球,二者相比,微球制剂具有更大的优势。
6)button implant埋植钮
1.Methods Intra-aortic button implants of collagen-coated polyurethane films with antibody tethered AdGFP were sutured into the infrarenal aorta of adult pigs and pulmonary valve leaflet in juvenile sheep was replaced by polyurethane pulmonary valve cusp replacement with .方法将涂覆胶原的聚氨酯膜通过抗体免疫偶联编码绿色荧光蛋白的腺病毒(AdGFP)制备成聚氨酯-胶原膜埋植钮装置并植入猪肾下腹主动脉中,7d后取出埋植钮及其周围组织进行切片、荧光显微镜检测及PCR分析;将抗腺病毒抗体直接通过共价连接在带有硫醇化烷基的功能化聚氨酯膜上实现与AdGFP的免疫偶联,制备成聚氨酯人工瓣膜并植入羊肺中,7d后取出肺部小叶及其周围组织进行荧光显微镜检测及PCR分析。

D-甲炔诺酮埋植剂药物名称:D-甲炔诺酮埋植剂英文名:性状: 由2或6根硅胶囊管组成,内含避孕药。 作用: 本品为皮下埋植缓释系统,通过药物低量恒定缓慢释放,避孕有效时间可达5年。在植入的5年中,无排卵月经周期达一半左右;其余周期虽有排卵,也表现黄体功能不全。还能使宫颈粘液非常粘稠,使精子难于穿透;还有抑制子宫内膜的发育,阻止孕卵着床的作用。 体内过程: 本品植入后药物迅速释放进入血液,经24小时即能达到避孕有效浓度。血浆LNG水平,第1年约为400pg/ml,至第5年时为300pg/ml;药物释放速率,第一年为60-70mg/天,一年后约为30mg/天,并维持此释药水平至5年左右。 适应症: 用于不想手术绝育又随时可以恢复生育能力的育龄妇女,使用方便避孕效果好。可随时取出埋植剂。 用法用量: 皮下埋植:在月经第7天,于上臂或前臂内侧局麻下,行3-4mm切口,用10号套针将6枚囊管呈扇形埋入皮下。不要深埋否则难于取出。 规格: D-甲炔诺酮埋植剂:每枚含D-甲炔诺酮36mg。D-甲炔诺酮埋植剂-2:由2根聚二甲基硅氧烷与LNG的均质小棒组成 .类别:避孕药