形状控制,shape control
1)shape control形状控制
1.Finite Element Analysis and Shape Control of the Beam-Shell Structrues;压电曲壳曲梁组合结构的有限元分析和形状控制
2.In this paper, the basic principles of shape control during spray forming processing and their applications are discussed, as the basis for the optimized control of the ncar-net shape spray forming process.重点讨论雾化喷射沉积成形过程中沉积坯件几何形状控制的基本原理及其应用,这是实现喷射沉积成形近终型成形优化控制的基础。
3.In this paper,quasi-static shape control equations of smart truss structures are presented which are valid in linear elastic range.导出了智能桁架结构静态形状控制方程,在线弹性范围内适用;一般主动杆件数远小于结构杆件数目,且主动杆件的配置问题取决于控制能量和杆件强度等因素,因此基于最短行程和最小导力指标对主动杆件进行了优化建模。

1.Research on Simulation of Shape and Width Control of Steel Plate by Edger Roll立辊调宽控制钢板平面形状控制的模拟研究
2.Modeling、Analysis and Optimization for Shape Control of the Intelligent Truss;智能桁架形状控制建模、优化与分析
3.Curve Interpolation and Shape Control of Loop Subdivision Surfaces;Loop细分曲面的曲线插值与形状控制
4.Research on Shape Control of Intelligent Antenna Structure with Random Parameters;随机参数智能天线结构形状控制研究
5.Granulation and Shape Control of Ceramic Corundum Abrasives;陶瓷刚玉磨料的造粒与形状控制研究
6.Shape Preserving Interpolation and Shape Control of Rational Functions;有理函数的保形插值方法及形状控制理论研究
7.The Research of Smoke Simulation and Rendering Based on Shape Controlling;基于形状控制的烟雾模拟与绘制的研究
8.Finite-Element Simulation of Plan View Pattern Control during Plate Rolling Process中厚板轧制平面形状控制的有限元模拟研究
9.Study on Shape Control Techniques of Cavities in Salt Formation for Underground Gas Storage;盐层储气库溶腔形状控制模拟技术研究
10.Shape Control and Design Optimization of Piezoelectric Smart Laminated Plate;压电智能复合材料板的形状控制及其优化设计
11.Unstressed state control method for process control of structure formed by stages分阶段成形结构过程控制的无应力状态控制法
12.Identify the 'Tracked' shpe's control point by entering it's row number within the controls section of the shape sheet.在形状工作表的控件区段内输入其行号,找到“被跟踪”形状的控制点。
13.This is slightly more difficult to control because of the pocket shape.由于口袋的形状特殊,因此有点难控制。
14.The shape of the control box is arbitrary.控制单元的形状是任意的。
15.SMA Actuator Design and Control Technique Research;形状记忆合金驱动器设计及控制研究
16.Intelligent Control for Forming Process of Cylindrical Spray Deposition柱状喷射沉积坯成形过程的智能控制
17.TMD semi-active control with shape memory alloy基于形状记忆合金的TMD半主动控制
18.Use control handles to glue the star's connectors to multiple shapes.使用控制手柄可将星形连接线粘附到多个形状。

1.In recent years, shape-controlled synthesis of nanoparticles has been attracting more and more attention.近年来 ,纳米金属粒子的形状控制合成正受到越来越多的关注 ;其中 ,VIII族和IB族金属的研究已取得一定进展。
2.Studies on the preparation and shape-controlled mechanism of various nanoparticles have received much attention in the recent years.各种具有特殊形状纳米粒子的合成及其形状控制机理的研究正受到越来越多学者的关注。
3)shape controlling形状控制
1.In order to enhance expressing ability of subdivision method and satisfy actual demand of surface shape controlling, this thesis mainly studies modeling and application of subdivision surfaces, the discussed point is how to interpolate the given curves in the subdivision surface and how to control the shape of subdivision surfaces.为了增强细分方法表达曲面的能力,满足实际生产应用中对曲面形状控制的需求,本文主要对细分曲面造型方法及其应用进行研究,重点研究细分曲面插值已知曲线和细分曲面的形状控制问题。
4)Shape-control point形状控制点
5)plan view pattern control平面形状控制
1.The theory control model for the plan view pattern control function was simplified;the relation between the thickness and the length of the taper was simplified and a linear relationship was obtained.对平面形状控制理论模型进行简化,将厚度变化区间内厚度变化量与长度简化成线性关系;应用考虑全粘着条件的前滑模型,通过离散化处理计算楔形段轧制过程时间;确定平面形状控制参数,并进行极限值的检查修正。
2.This paper studies and analyzes the plan view pattern control in plate rolling.基于对中厚板平面形状控制具体特点的分析与研究 ,提出了中厚板平面形状控制方案。
3.To realize plan view pattern control,a forecast model is set up based on genetic programming(GP),in order to increase the rate of finished products.为实现平面形状控制,提高成材率,应用遗传规划算法建立了中厚板边部和头尾的预测模型。
6)plan view control平面形状控制
1. In order to reduce the plate loss of side and end cutting, to increase the finishing product rate, the test research of the plan view control of the MAS(Mizushima automatic plan view pattern control system) method was completed.为减少轧制中钢板的切边、切头尾量,提高钢板的成材率,利用厚板展宽轧制法(MAS)对轧制过程中钢板的平面形状控制进行了试验研究。

板材平面形状控制板材平面形状控制plane shape control of plate  或接近矩形的控制技术,其实质是控制板宽达到显著减少宽度偏差、提高成材率等目的。若将宽度偏差范围减少lmm时,在现代厚板札机上就能节约金属大约Ikg/t.传统的板材轧制重点是厚度方向上的压缩和长度方向上的延伸,但在板材实际生产中也存在着不容忽视的宽展。在常规生产厚板的精整工序中,因切头、切尾和切边造成的损失约占总成材损失率的一半。为减少这一损失,使板材的平面形状矩形化,实施板材平面形状控制是极其重要的。常用的方法有厚边展宽轧制法、狗骨轧制法、薄边展宽轧制法、立辊轧边法、咬边返回轧制法和留尾轧制法等。 厚边展宽轧制法在板材轧制过程中,通过控制辊缝大小,对板材中部施加一定的带钢压下轧制,使板材头、尾二端厚度偏厚;再通过常规压下轧制改变板材厚度,达到板材最终平面形状矩形化的目的。 狗骨(dog bone)轧制法相似于厚边展宽轧制法,是预先将板坯断面轧制成狗骨形状来获得成品板材最终平面形状矩形化。这种方法可提高成材率约2%。 薄边展宽轧制法在展宽札制后紧接着将轧辊倾斜,以二道次分别对板坯的两个侧边进行压边轧制,使轧制的板坯平面形状接近矩形,然后把板坯转90。进行正常轧制。这种方法可提高成材率约1%。 立辊轧边法利用厚板轧机所附带的立辊,对板材的宽度方向进行绝对厚度控制、宽度自动控制(AWC)和短行程控制等方法,达到板材平面形状控制的目的。这种方法可使厚板成材率提高约3%。 咬边返回轧制法以钢锭为坯料时,在展宽轧制完成后,根据设定的咬边压下量确定辊缝值,先将轧件的一个侧边送入轧辊并咬入一定长度,停机使轧辊反转退出轧件;然后把轧件转18扩再将其另一个侧边送入轧辊并咬入相同长度,停机使轧辊反转退出轧件;最后把轧件转900纵轧二道消除轧件边部凹边,达到头尾两个端部都是平齐端部的目的。 留尾轧制法当坯料为钢锭时,由于锭身有锥度、尾部有圆角,用传统工艺生产的成品板材尾部较窄,则增大了切边量。采用留尾轧制法将钢锭纵轧到一定厚度之后留一段尾巴不轧,停机使轧辊反转退出轧件,再将轧件转90。后进行展宽轧制,达到提高尾部宽展量、减少切边损失的目的。baneai Pingmlan xingzhuong kongzhJ板材平面形状控制(p一ane shape control ofplate)厚板轧制中保证板材平面形状呈全矩形