1.Based on the quantity model,the traditional methods could not analyze the product disassembling in a conceptual design.传统的方法基于定量模型,无法在概念设计阶段分析出产品的可拆卸性
2.This paper studied the disassembling sieve in disassembly graph model systemically.系统地研究了构造拆卸图模型过程中的可拆卸性筛子。

1.This paper studied the disassembling sieve in disassembly graph model systemically.系统地研究了构造拆卸图模型过程中的可拆卸性筛子。
2.The Design of Technology Research of Disassembling for Medium and Petty Sized Vessel;中小型船舶的可拆卸性设计技术研究
3.Research on Product Disassembly Based on CATIA Virtual Environment;基于CATIA环境下电子产品可拆卸性研究
4.The Enable tool of design for disassembly is studied in this paper, which makes the rules and methods of design for disassembly operability.研究了支持可拆卸性设计的使能工具,使可拆卸性设计的准则和方法具有可操作性。
5.Research and Framework on the Design for Disassembly of Machinery;机电产品可拆卸性设计理论研究及实现
6.The Research of Method and Application of Product Design of Disassembly Based on Graph Theory;基于图论的产品可拆卸性设计方法及应用研究
7.Study on Model of End-of-Life Engine Recycling Based on Disassembly;基于可拆卸性的废旧发动机回收利用模型研究
8.Evaluation of Product Disassemblability Based on Fuzzy Expert System基于模糊专家系统的产品可拆卸性评价的研究
9.Research of Recycling Oriented Disassembly Technology面向产品回收的可拆卸性设计技术的研究
10.Research of Feasibility Checking for Disassembly Sequence and Simulation for Disassembly Process;拆卸序列可行性检验及拆卸过程仿真的研究
11.a sectional furniture(可拆卸拼拢的)组合家具
12.maneton clamp bolt可拆卸曲柄颊夹紧螺栓
13.Research on Disassembly and Recycling Technique for Spindle System of Numerical Control Lathe;绿色数控车床主轴组件的可拆卸与可回收性技术研究
14.Stripped Bonds and Stripped Coupons拆卸债券及拆卸息票
15.Detachable serrated nozzle, water flow control outlet attachable).可拆卸水嘴,可加接防溅起泡器。
16.The water pump can be removed without discharging the air conditioning system (if equipped).不需拆卸空调系统即可拆下水泵(如果配备)。
17.Easy-disassembly desing make the door for material incoming.cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy.易拆式设计;入料斗,碎料刀,过滤网均可拆卸。
18.combination body活顶车(车顶可拆卸),组合车身

1.Research of Recycling Oriented Disassembly Technology面向产品回收的可拆卸性设计技术的研究
2.Design for disassembly is one of the great contents of green design.绿色设计以节约能源和保护环境为设计理念,因此,农机企业开展产品的绿色设计是企业适应可持续发展社会的必然,而可拆卸性设计是产品绿色设计的主要内容之一。
3.For the purpose of developing a new way of end-of-life engine recycling, a disassembly experiment of end-of-life engine is given.为研究废旧发动机回收利用的合理模式,本文对Chevrolet500型汽车发动机进行可拆卸性试验,从可直接利用、可再制造后利用、不可再利用三方面对废旧汽车发动机的回收进行了统计与分析,进而提出一种理想的废旧发动机回收循环利用模型。
1.This approach computes the range of all feasible local directions of removal for the component and considers the mating conditions of components in calculating disassemblability and feasible removal direction for the component.提出了基于装配约束的离散化单位球面的拆卸方向计算方法首先利用离散化的单位球面计算局部拆卸方向集,通过离散点坐标的加权平均求取拆卸方向集的质心;然后通过可拆卸性判断获得可行的全局拆卸方向应用表明,该方法可有效地降低复杂产品拆卸方向求解的计算复杂
2.This paper analyses the evaluation index of disassemblability, gives a systemic index system, marking standard of each index, evaluation method and uses Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process to decide the weight of index, so the practice can avoid the difficult problem of consistent judgment.通过一个实例说明产品或零部件可拆卸性评价方法的具体应用,比较系统全面地实现了对可拆卸性的评价,而且可以指导设计者对结构等进行修改。
4)Product disassembility产品可拆卸性
5)design for disassembly可拆卸性设计
1.The system composition of design for disassembly;可拆卸性设计的系统构成
6)estimate of disassembility可拆卸性的评价
1.Combined with the specific example of Z50E loader, the dis- sertation has an analysis of an estimate of disassembility and detailed revising suggestions for products.结合Z50E装载机的具体实例,进行 了产品可拆卸性的评价分析及相应的设计修改建议。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-