1.Teachers should take different measures according to different questions,make the teaching vivid and interesting and will achieve good teaching result.教师教学时应针对不同的问题采用不同的教学方法,使数学教学形象化、趣味化,这样将会收到良好的教学效果。
2.To overcome traditionary sole forms for moral teaching lesson in junior middle schools characterized by socializing,interesting,cooperative and true to life.为克服传统的单一的作业形式,文章从以人为本的角度,关注学生发展潜能,设计了社会化、生活化、趣味化、合作化的多种作业形式,旨在让学生用最少的时间和精力,获得最好的成绩和最大限度的成长。

1.On Shen Congwen's "Interesting Style" of Biographical Narrative论沈从文传记叙事的“趣味化”问题
2.On the Trends of Lyricalness and Interest in Fu Creations in the Late Eastern Han Dynasty;论汉末赋体创作中抒情化与趣味化的发展
3.Research on the teaching designs of interesting chemistry demonstration experiment for middle schools中学趣味化学演示实验的教学设计探究
4.The Application of Chinese Folk Toy s Characteristics in Joyful Product Design;我国民间玩具的特性在趣味化产品设计中的运用
5.The Turn of the Appreciaqion Tastes and Habits of Modern Receivers from the Perspective of the Vision Culture;视觉文化与当代读者审美趣味的转向
6.Discussion of Traditional Feeling Knot of Chinese Chrysanthemum Culture Appreciates Beauty Interesting Aspect论中国菊花文化传统情结的审美趣味
7.A New Viewpoint on Vulgarization of Chinese Television Program in the Eye of Audience s Cultural Gusto;从受众文化趣味看电视“庸俗化”的深层内因
8.Cultivation of students’Interest through Interesting Experiments In Chemical Teaching;在化学教学中通过趣味性实验培养学生学习兴趣
9.Teacher should vary their lesson to make them more interesting为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化
10.Teachers should vary their lessons to make them more interesting.为了增加趣味,教师应该使自己的课多样化。
11.On the Esthetic Taste of Contemporary Micro-fiction in the Context of Popular Culture;大众文化语境中当代小小说的审美趣味
12.The Interest of West China" and Culture Stance--On the Film of the West China;“西部趣味”与文化姿态——解读中国西部电影
13.The Developments of People's Humanity and the Changes of Popular Taste in Contemporary China论当代中国的人性发展与大众审美趣味的变化
14.The public's general interest is totally aesthetic standards, which focus on feeling while neglecting reason, under the background of popular culture.【中英文摘要】大众日常趣味在大众文化背景下总体表现为重感觉轻理性的审美趣味。
15.The Meaning of "Taste"--Liang Qichao s Aesthetic Interpretation of "Taste";“趣味”的意涵——梁启超对“趣味”的审美阐释
16.In Zhu Guangqian's opinion, poeticized life means a moral、 tasteful、 transcendent and perfect life.朱光潜认为人生艺术化意味着人生的道德化、趣化、脱化。
17.A Discussion of the Chinese Classical Fiction s Cultural Meaning about Its Aesthetical Tendency of Strangeness from the Angle of Cultural Poetics;中国古典小说“崇奇”审美趣味的文化意蕴——以文化诗学为视角
18.He complained that pieces by Mozart and Beethoven were being waltzified to please the public taste.他还说,莫扎特和贝多芬的作品正被“华尔兹化”,以迎合公众趣味。

amusing chemistry趣味化学
3)cultural interesting文化趣味
4)interesting design趣味化设计
5)joyful product趣味化产品
1.The development of the Chinese folk toys is more and more difficult, whereas the joyful product develop more and more faster.在现代社会,民间玩具发展困难,但是趣味化产品却发展快速。
6)interesting chemistry experiment趣味化学实验

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理