1.A Comparative Readability Study of Texts from English Textbooks for Vocational College Students;高职英语教材主课文易读性对比研究
2.On Readability Formula in Chinese News Language;试论我国新闻语言中字母词的易读性测量
3.Research on Readability of English Text and Development of IRMS System Based on Information Computation;基于信息计算的英语易读性研究及IRMS应用系统开发

1.The Introduction of the Cultural Background Knowledge and the Readability of the Text文化背景知识的导入与语篇的易读性
2.Legibility of Architectural Layout and Wayfinding in Commercial Complex;商业综合体建筑布局的易读性与“寻路”
3.A Comparative Readability Study of Texts from English Textbooks for Vocational College Students;高职英语教材主课文易读性对比研究
4.Just as readability is the essence of the content of books, legibility is the core of book design.可读性是书籍内容的核心,易读性则是书籍设计的核心。
5.Legibility is usually measured through speed of reading, with comprehension scores used to check for effectiveness (ie, not a rushed or careless read).易读性一般通过阅读速度来衡量,用阅读理解的得分来检验阅读效率。
6.In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read.与之相对,易读性描述的是排印文本阅读时的轻松和舒适程度。
7.On Readability Formula in Chinese News Language;试论我国新闻语言中字母词的易读性测量
8.Research on Readability of English Text and Development of IRMS System Based on Information Computation;基于信息计算的英语易读性研究及IRMS应用系统开发
9.Readability: The ease with which a passage can be read and understood.可读性:整段文字的容易阅读及理解的程度。
10.Feasibility of establishing plea-bargaining legislation in China;“辩诉交易”立法可行性的相对合理解读
11.Introduction of National System and Software Usability Index Series《系统与软件易用性》国家标准解读
12.Reality.Illusion.Personality--Intepretation of Ibsen's play Theory真实·幻觉·性格——易卜生戏剧理论解读
13.” Readers sympathize with3 his huge ego4 and irritable5 personality.读者对它狂妄自大和暴躁易怒的性格颇为认同。
14.References 5 and 6 give very readable introductory discussions.参考文献5和6给出了十分易读的介绍性讨论。
15.Paradise Regained: Reading Women in Louise Erdrich s Fictional World;复乐园——露易丝·厄德里奇小说世界中的女性解读
16.Political Ulcer and Pain of the Human Nature--On YI Zhong-tian s The Empire s Melancholy;政治溃疡与人性之痛——读易中天《帝国的惆怅》
17.It makes philosophy as readable as a newspaper article, but it also has the scholarship and the depth of genuine philosophy.它使哲学既像报纸文章一样易读易懂,也具有真正哲学的学术性和深刻性。
18.Indeed, readers familiar with the fundamentals of algebraic topology can easily prove the correctness of this presentation.事实上,熟悉代数拓扑基本原理的读者容易证明这个表示的正确性。

1.Just as readability is the essence of the content of books, legibility is the core of book design.可读性是书籍内容的核心,易读性则是书籍设计的核心。
3)variant pronunciations of different functions易性异读
4)label legibility注记易读性
5)feature legibility地物易读性
6)Readability formulas易读性公式

易读性易读性legibility  易读性(legibility)由字体大小、空间排列、空间距离等因素引起阅读文字材料的难易变化。包括印刷物易读性和书写文字易读性。最早用实验心理学方法来研究此问题的是中国心理学家杜佐同。他认为,汉字横排存在一定的优越性。有关英文印刷物研究的基本结论指出,易读性受以下因素影响:(l)字体种类。(2)被试年龄。(3)字母间距、词间距、字行间距与段的间距。(4)每行的长度。(5)文字与背景的对比度。 (卢永奎撰成立夫市)