1.By means of fluid heterogeneity inversion on hydrocarbon filling direction, high - waxy oil in Damintun depression is mainly considered to come from Anfutun sag and Shengdong sag, and Anfutu sag is the primary hydrocarbon kitchen.通过流体非均质性反演了基岩油气藏油气充注方向,认为大民屯凹陷高蜡油主要来源于安福屯洼陷和胜东洼陷,其中安福屯洼陷为主要油源区。

1.(1) where the trademark is falsely represented as registered;(1)冒充注册商标的;
2.Zadak looked at the guard. 'Your captain's going to kill you. '扎达充注视着那个卫兵:“你们队长会杀了你的。”
3.He is fully alive to the possible dangers.他充分注意到会有危险.
4.Be sure to keep warm and have enough rest.要注意保暖和充分休息。
5.positive injection gravel compaction metering unit砾石注入充填计量装置
6.Investigation about Composite Filling and Pre-grouting Material and Spreading Theory;复合充填注浆材料与扩散充填注浆理论的研究
7.A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.注释补充或解释,如在课文的一段中的注释
8.Outline of a New Software Package for Numerical Simulationof Cavity-filling of Gas-assisted Injection Molding;气体辅助注射注气充填数值模拟软件的开发
9.the trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities.自始至终给予自己的职责充分的关注。
10.Trust Aaron to start on food.充满渴望的亚伦开始注意食物。
11.an idea that preoccupies the mind and holds the attention.充塞在脑中让人全神贯注的念头。
12.To treat, combine, or infuse with oxygen.充氧用氧处理、结合或注入
13.Sufficient quantities of all denominations of coins have been maintained for injection into the market when required.这些硬币存量充足,有需要时可注入市
14.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟
15.The Dilemma in Improving Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio: Reducing Tax or Recapitalization?;提高银行资本充足率:减税还是注资?
16.How to Exert Supervising Role of Certified Public Accountants;如何充分发挥注册会计师的监督作用
17.A Note on the Eassy “Adding a kind of Integrable Function;关于《补充一类可积函数》一文的注记
18.Research on grouting filling material experiment in the goaf under highway公路下采空区注浆充填材料试验研究

1.The former is characterized by three charging periods and the reservoirs have mainly been formed in the middle and late stages.安棚 -赵凹型油气藏样式的最大特点是油气具 3期充注过程 ,且以中、晚期为主成藏期。
3)filling history充注史
1.A study on the hydrocarbon filling history of Damintun Depression;大民屯凹陷油气充注史研究
2.This paper illustrates theory base from heterogeneity, filling history and fluid/rock interaction.文章从非均质性、充注史和流体 -岩石相互作用三个方面来论述油藏地球化学研究的理论基
3.In this paper, we illustrate the theoretical basis from heterogeneity, filling history and fluid/rock interaction, and generalize the striking progress in this field.本文从油藏非均质性、充注史和流体-岩石相互作用三个方面论述了油藏地球化学研究的理论基础,并简要总结了油藏地球化学近年来的长足发展以及产生的一些新兴研究内容。
4)hydrocarbon charging油气充注
1.Based on the Eh2 reservoir core samples from the Dongzhuang,Zhangdian and Beimazhuang Oilfields of Nanyang sag,a systematic analysis of fluid inclusions is employed to study the hydrocarbon charging histories in the reservoir.根据南阳凹陷东庄、张店和北马庄油田古近系核桃园组二段储集层岩心样品的流体包裹体资料,对核二段储集层油气充注史和主成藏期进行了研究。
5)episodic charging幕式充注
1.Characteristics of relative early reservoiring and episodic charging of lithologic oil pools in Erlian basin;二连盆地岩性油藏的幕式充注和相对早期成藏特征分析
6)Injection filling注塑充模
