1.In this paper three types of self-bonding wire materials for thermal spraying were introduced.介绍了3种具有自结合特性的金属喷涂丝材,它们作为结合底层材料,制备的涂层可以大幅度提高工作涂层与基体的结合强度。
2)Automatic Block Integration自闭结合
3)voluntary association自愿结合

1.The trade union in a joint venture is a mass organization formed by the staff and workers.合营企业工会是职工自愿结合的群众性组织。
2.Article 2 Trade unions are mass organizations formed by the working classes of their own free will.第二条工会是职工自愿结合的工人阶级的群众组织。
3.The Government guidance is to be combined with the people's wishes.国家指导与群众自愿相结合。
4.III. Combination of State Guidance with Voluntary Participation by the Masses三、国家指导与群众自愿相结合
5.They got married to each other against their parents' wishes.他俩的结合违背了各自父母的愿望。
6.consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻
7."In conducting our family planning work we should make our policy decisions by considering population and development in a comprehensive way, and adhere to the combination of government guidance with the participation of the general public on a voluntary basis."坚持人口与发展综合决策,坚持国家指导与群众自愿相结合。
8.willing co-operation, help, support, etc自愿的合作、 帮助、 支持等.
9.Special Voluntary Programme for Technical Cooperation技术合作特别自愿方案
10.Demonstrative Study of Intergrating AIDS Voluntary Counseling Testing with Regular Work of Family Planning;艾滋病自愿咨询检测与计划生育工作结合示范性研究
11.John preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.约翰情愿独自经商,不愿与人合伙。
12.He preferred to go into business alone rather than to team up with anyone else.他情愿独自经商,而不愿与人合伙。
13.She will not chance cycling on the icy roads.她不愿在结了冰的路上冒险骑自行车。
14.The labor contract is to be freely entered into by both partners.劳动契约仿佛是由双方自愿缔结的。
15.She married against her relatives' wishes.她的结婚违背了自己亲属们的愿望。
16.A Survey of Voluntary Counseling and Testing on HIV艾滋病自愿咨询检测的调查结果分析
17.Hsichin Township, Shuangcheng County, has worked out a comprehensive plan for the whole township on the basis of leadership by the Party combined with the voluntary participation of the masses.“双城县的希勤村,以村为单位,采取领导和群众自愿相结合的方法,进行了全面规划。
18.China adheres to the principle of combining government guidance with the wishes of the masses when carrying out its family planning policy.中国在推行计划生育政策时,坚持国家指导和群众自愿相结合的原则。

Automatic Block Integration自闭结合
3)voluntary association自愿结合
4)Binding free energy结合自由能
1.In the paper, the absolute binding free energy of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 with a potent purine-base inhibitor NU6102 was calculated by molecular dynamics simulation with MM-PBSA/GBSA methods, and reasonable results were obtained.本文中采用分子动力学取样 ,运用MM PBSA/GBSA两种方法计算了CDK2 NU610 2复合物的绝对结合自由能 。
2.In order to design novel tacrine-huperzine A hybrid (Huperzine X) derivatives, a new practical proposal was built to calculate binding free energy.为了合理化设计、指导具有高活性、低毒性的石杉碱甲杂合体(Huprine X)衍生物的合成,建立了一个计算结合自由能的新方案,以实现对该类衍生物活性排列顺序的预测。
3.On this basis,structural characteristics were analyzed and the binding free energy for three studied duplex.方法对含有16个碱基序列的DNA∶DNA杂交双链d(T)16∶d(A)16(D0∶D)以及异核苷isoT掺入的两条杂交双链D1∶D和D2∶D分别以标准A型和B型双螺旋结构为起始模型,进行了4 ns时间内水溶液中的分子动力学模拟研究,并在此基础上进行结构分析以及结合自由能的计算。
5)self-adjoint method自结合方法
1.A self-adjoint method is proposed to derive the guided-wave restriction condition.提出自结合方法,导出波传播的限定条件,在找到相应的正交序列后,完全得到弹性波导系统中解析形式的频散方程、群速度方程和稳态响应。
6)free associative ring自由结合环

自由结合代数自由结合代数free associative algebra 自由结合代数[五.己别弥吠如.e吻曲.;eoo6o及.a:ae-co双.aTll二a,a月re6Pal 域k上非交换变元取在X中的多项式代数k在同构意义下由下列泛性质(训j祀ISal pro-伴甸)唯一确定:存在一个映射i:X~k使得X到介上含有单位元的代数A的映射以唯一方式通过派作因子分解.介的基本性质有: 1)k可嵌人于一个除环中(M翻卜I暇B-N已u住胭田。定理(Mai、℃v一卜殆u汀么rm出eorem)); 2)天有一个弱除法算法,这就是,对于a.,b,〔k,a,不等于零(l簇i成”)且d(a,)提…续d(a,),则下面关系式 “〔,么一”,」《一{d(一卜‘(。万)}总蕴含着:存在一个整数r(l簇r簇n)及元素c,,…,c,一、,使得 ‘卜r一葺一{·,(·;)及 d(a)+d(e,)簇d(a;),l簇派(r一l(这里d(a)表示多项式a任人的通常意义下的次数,d(0)二一的); 3)此是一个左(或右)自由理想环(即火的任何左(或右)理想是有唯一秩的自由模); 4)k中非系数元的中心化子(即与一个己给元素交换的元素的集合)同构于k上一元多项式代数(玫吧皿m定理(价rgr几In th印规))·