1.The baton is one of routine equipment for armed policeman ensuring public security.对新型复合材料警棍的制造进行了研究 ,探索了几种不同复合材料芯材的结构和成型工艺 ,确定警棍内部芯材为圆柱弹簧形式 。

1.A club carried by a police officer.警棍警官携带的棍棒
2.The police waded into the crowd with their clubs.警察挥舞警棍冲进人群。
3.cried the officer, swinging his club."警察喊道,挥舞着警棍
4.The police made a baton charge.警察用警棍将群众驱退。
5.The policeman used his baton to battle with the rascal.警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。
6."Club in hand, he rushed after that man. "就提着警棍,追了过去。
7.Club in hand, the policeman rushed after that man.警察手里拿着警棍,追赶那个人。
8.The reactionary police made a baton charge on the demonstrating crowd.反动警察用警棍驱散示威的人群。
9.The policeman twirled his club and took a step or two.警官舞动着警棍,走了一两步。
10.The police were armed with truncheons and riot shields.警察用警棍和防暴盾牌来武装的。
11.The guard Brandished his club at the intruders卫兵向入侵者挥舞着警棍
12.Crack came an officer's club on his forehead.啪地一声,他的前额挨了一警棍
13.He would flog her to death with a rubber truncheon.他用橡皮警棍把她活活抽死。
14.Some of the prisoners were beaten about the head with rubber truncheons.一些囚犯头部遭到橡皮警棍的击打。
15.With a club in his hand, the officer tried doors as he walked,警官手中拿着警棍,边走边检查着每家每户的门道,
16.The policeman saw a man half-way down the block running to catch a car. With drawn club he joined in the pursuit.警察看到半条街外有个人正跑去赶一辆车,便挥舞着警棍追了上去。
17.The police glomed the thugs.警方把那些恶棍抓起来。
18.All he had eyes for was the truncheon in the guard's hand.他看到的只有那个警卫手中的橡皮棍。

billy club警棍, 棍棒
3)Electric billyclub电警棍
5)Waving a baton.挥舞着警棍
6)expandable baton伸缩型警棍
