
1.Private Domain Expansion and"Privatization"of Present Media Culture私人领域的凸现与当今媒介文化的“私人化
2.On City Female Writers’ Subculture Existence and Private Writing;都市女性的亚文化生存与私人化写作
3.concerning things deeply private and personal.与非常个人和私人化的事情有关。
4.The Change of "Personalization of Female Sex Writing" in 1990s;九十年代“女性私人化写作”的嬗变
5.Women Literature:Private Writing;女性文学:狂欢于“私人化”写作的坚冰上
6.Consideration on Transformation of Product Innovative Design from Individual to Public产品创新设计由“私人化”到“公众化”转化的思考
7.A woman's private sitting room, dressing room, or bedroom.闺房女人的私人起居室、化妆室或卧室
8.Persons in Private Law?--The reorganization of legal person system sequence;私法中的“人”——法人体系的序列化思考
10.Some people want to legalize the possession of cannabis.有些人想将私有大麻合法化.
11.The Sovereign Rights,Human Rights and Private Rights Analysis on Diversity of Cultural Expression;文化多样性的主权、人权与私权分析
12.Fission and Transformation in “Private Media” and Mass Culture;“私人媒介”与大众文化的裂变与转型
13.Personal Assistant to Principal Private Secretary首席私人秘书私人助理
14.personal document method私人文件法 私人文件法
15.A Lonely Stranger--On the Personality of Chen Ran s Novel Private Life;孤独的陌生人——试论陈染小说《私人生活》的个人化
16.someone who makes and sells illegal liquor.酿私酒和私卖酒的人。
17.On Publicity and Dispelling of Humanity in History of Love;无情化有,私情化公——《情史》对人性的张扬与消解
18.He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar.他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。

personal writing私人化写作
1.Whether Dingling and Suqing s controversial writing in 1930s to 1940s or personal writing in 1980s to 1990s,female writers selected the strategy of the body return and heart experience spontaneously,which stressed females subject life consciousness.然而,不管是三、四十年代的丁玲、苏青颇有反响与争议的创作,还是八、九十年代引人注目的私人化写作,女作家们不约而同地选择回归自身的身体与心灵的女性书写策略,突出了女性的主体生命意识,其实质是对男性话语权的挑战,体现出女性为建构自身话语权的努力。
3)personalized writing私人化写作
1.But there exist many limitations in this personalized writing,since it may possibly become the tool to pursue economic interests and then strengthen the female s position of being subjected to the male.但这种私人化写作本身存在很大的局限性,极有可能成为某些人追逐经济利益的工具,从而进一步强化女人“第二性”的地位。
2.Besides, the personalized writing with brilliant style topples the discourse central in the ideology.与20世纪80年代相比,20世纪90年代的女性文学一改往日的温情与浪漫,呈现一种深刻的自审意识和与世抗辩的文化姿态,另外也以风格鲜明的私人化写作表现出对意识形态中心话语的颠覆。
4)the aesthetic value私人化创作
5)private writing私人化写作
1.Several problems of great importance in the study of female literature are analyzed in this thesis,such as "female literature blooming","private writing","aesthetic consciousness","cultural construction"and"sister-hood",etc.穿越女性文学异彩纷呈的外部表象诸如“私人化写作”、“审丑意识”、“文化建构”、“姐妹情谊”、“母女关系”等等 ,思索考察作为当代一种重要的文化现象存在的女性书写行为将会发掘出一个具有新的知识增长点的学术领域。
2.In the 1990s, the“private writing”community represented by Chen Ran, Lin Bai, Hai Nan, Hong Ying and Xu Xiaobin, shows unique feminine angle of view and novel psychological sensation by means of“monolog”in the social edge against the“Grand narrative”.上世纪九十年代,以陈染、林白、海男、虹影、徐小斌为创作主体的私人化写作群体,在彰显独特的女性视角和新异的心理感知力“独语”于边缘之中与“宏大叙事”对抗的同时,又形成一种新的虚构性、想象性,甚至在一定程度上形成了批判性,因为它不断打击、挑战男性世界中固有的经验世界和想象世界,一定程度上完成了对一个时代的真实书写。
3.There are some confusions between individual writing and private writing."个人化写作"与"私人化写作"在使用中存在着混乱。
6)private narrative私人化叙事
1.The private narrative which is different from the mainstream fictions in Ding Ling and Zhang Xinxin s early writings aroused wide attention, but it was soon hidden by the mainstream speech situated in the center of politics and culture and did not continue.在她们的创作转变中 ,流露出了私人化叙事向主流话语靠拢的趋

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理