1.In addition,they take"vividness of spiritual flavor"as a vital aesthetic standard and believe that black ink is more capable of showing the beauty of artistic conception,therefore,the lyricism of colors cannot be fully exhibited.在源于禅道“五色令人目盲”的古典美学思想引导下,色彩在中国画发展历史中的被不少画家所轻视;又因为传统中国画以“气韵生动”为重要的审美标准,而水墨所演绎的笔墨情韵更容易体现这种意境美,所以色彩的抒情性更加无法充分展现。
2.Ink sprinkling figure paintings initiated by LIANG Kai in the Song Dynasty, characterized by meaningful ink image language, and quite different from paintings characterized by traditional line language.宋代梁楷的泼墨人物画,以其独特的"墨象语言"拉开了与传统"线型语言"的距离,但是,由于长期封建专制的险恶环境和极难攻克的人物造型等因素的困扰,水墨人物画一直裹足不前。
3.The traditional chinese ink_painting embodies illusory vista through "dao","chan", "calligraphy",meantime,The poetic charm melted into "water and color"is much valued by the traditional watercolor painting.中国传统水墨画主要从“道”、“禅”、“书法”入手,讲究虚灵、淡远的气韵情趣,体现出一种简淡玄远的精神境界。

1.Study on the Development of Ink Image and Figure Paintings;水墨墨象与水墨人物画演进历程试探
2.The Utilization of Chinese Ink Painting in Ink Animation浅谈中国水墨画在水墨动画中的运用
3.Research on Computer Simulation of Diffusion of Chinese Ink Paint水墨画计算机仿真的墨扩散效果研究
4.Humanism in Feng Jicai s Paintings;人文精神,写意水墨——读冯骥才的《心灵的水墨》、《水墨文字》
5.A small reservoir for ink.墨水池小型贮墨水容器
6.The ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper.墨水很快渗入吸墨纸中。
7.magnetic (ink) character磁性[磁墨水]字符
8.To mark, coat, or stain with ink.涂墨水,以墨水做记号用墨标记、覆盖或弄脏
9.B-the wet ink with a clean blotter please!请用干净的吸墨水纸把墨水吸干。
10.There is a little ink left in the inkbottle.墨水瓶里只剩下一点墨水了。
11.There is as much ink in this bottle as in that one.这个瓶的墨水和那个瓶的墨水一样多。
12.A tray or rack for pens and bottles of ink.墨水台一个放钢笔和墨水瓶的盘或架
13.There be less ink in that bottle than that in this one .那瓶里的墨水比这瓶里的墨水少。
14.Make sure the right ink is for your cartridge before you refill ink.填充墨水前请确认是用正确的墨水。
15.I want some black ink and some glue.我还要些黑墨水和胶水。
16.Use a blotter to take up the spilt ink.用一张吸墨纸把溅出来的墨水吸掉。
17.He blotted the wet ink with a clean blotter.他用干净的吸墨纸吸干墨水。
18.Indian ink: Intensely black drawing ink.印度墨汁:浓黑的绘图墨水。

wash painting水墨
1.It has been long customary to think that the term "wash painting" is equal to the term "Chinese Painting",this ambiguous and unscientific thinking has caused hot discussion among many scholars,and its researching and practicing directly relates to the development and innovation of modern Chinese painting.长期以来,中国画界有一种不成文的理解:水墨画就是中国画。
2.The series of wash paintings "Men--Men" by Pu Guo chang create a new and strong wash painting technique modality, which synthesizes bright elements in his works and relies on the strong fleshy desire of human body.贵州画家蒲国昌的系列水墨画作品《人———人》通过过往作品中鲜明元素的综合 ,并依托身体题材中强烈的肉欲化激情 ,构建起新颖而强烈的水墨技法样式 ,从而也构建起一种新颖而强烈的绘画快感模式 ,即所谓艺术的“暴力”模式。
3)water ink水墨
1.The facial makeup in operas,water ink drawing,Dunhuang fresco and so on are the essence elements in Chinese traditional culture.中国传统文化中的戏剧脸谱、门神年画、水墨绘画、敦煌壁画等博大而精深的中国元素,因为其民族性、独特性、地域性等鲜明特征,而在动画角色设计中展现了独特魅力,传承和发扬了中华民族深厚的文化精粹和博大的人文情怀,构建了动画角色真正的灵魂。
2.Its carrier is the water ink, the creative main body is scholar.它的载体是水墨,创作主体是文人学士。
4)water and ink水墨
1.This paper gives a theoretical study in the possibility of Chinese painting toward comprehensive development from single pattern of ink-water based on the views of liberating painting thought,adopting a correct attitude towards tradition,absorbing excellent foreign culture and exploring painting materials and skil.文章通过从解放绘画思想、正确认识传统、合理借鉴外来优秀文化和开拓绘画的材料与技法等方面的阐述,从理论上探索中国绘画从单一的“水墨”模式走向综合发展的可能性。
2.Construction vs. Ink-Water: On the Design of CRLand Phoenix Art Centre;藉水墨即兴展开一个创作试验,从中探讨艺术与建筑的边界。
6)ink jet ink喷墨墨水
1.Preparation and property of modified polyacrylated binder material for oil-based ink jet ink;溶剂型喷墨墨水连接料的合成及性能研究

水墨1.水和墨。多用以指一种不着彩色,纯以水墨点染的绘画法。 2.水墨画的简称。 3.浅黑色。常形容或借指烟云。