1.The surface micrographs of halo and cross-sections of glass and kovar were investigated by SEM,and the chemical composition of halos was studied by EDS analysis.用数码显微镜测量硅硼玻璃在可伐合金表面的接触角和润湿直径,用SEM研究晕圈的表面形貌以及玻璃和金属的截面形貌,并用能谱分析不同晕圈处的化学成分。

1.Halo phenomena of solidification microstructure of Al-Si alloysAl-Si合金凝固组织中的晕圈现象
2.Their glossy barks are a faint light green with hazy silver spots.它的皮,光滑而有银色的晕圈,微微泛出淡青色。
3.Microtubules often have a halo around the outside which is only slightly stained.围绕着微管的外周,常有一层仅能着色很浅的晕圈
4.In photography, a halo around bright highlight areas caused by light reflected from the back of the negative.拍摄亮物时,影象周围现出的一种晕圈,它是由底片背面的反射光形成的。
5.Corona Corrosion of the Hydrogenerator Stator Coil and Its Treatment Method水轮发电机定子线圈电晕腐蚀规律与处理方法
6.In a slaughter house the cattle are driven into a knocking pen where they are stunned with a compression gun.在屠宰房里,牛被赶进一个圈中,在那儿,牛被压缩枪击晕。
7.The priest's grey nimbus in a niche where he dressed discreetly.壁龛里是神父的一圈灰色光晕,他正在那儿细心地穿上衣服[132]。
8.Faint and dizzy, he worked to bring the big fish nearer with each turn.老人感到头晕目眩,但他尽力把大鱼在每转一圈时拉得更近一些。
9.Test & Study about Influence of Air Relative Humidity on Corona Initial Voltage of Coils for High Voltage Electrical Machine空气相对湿度对高压电机线圈电晕起始电压影响的试验研究
10.David: LEFT, LEFT, LEFT and yes LEFRT again! Everyone will be dizzy from driving around in such a small circles for so many courves.大卫:左、、不停的向坐,像那样在那么小的圈子里转了那么多圈,每个人都会头晕目眩的。
11.A small ring of color around a center portion, as about the nipple of the breast or the part of the iris surrounding the pupil of the eye.乳晕,瞳仁围绕中心部分的一小圈颜色,如乳房的乳头或环绕瞳孔的虹膜部分
12.a good [ bad ] sailor不晕船[晕船]的人
13.A loop, as of metal, rope, or thread.金属圈,绳圈,线圈
14.I was dizzy and close to fainting.我头晕眼花,差一点晕倒。
15.Small circle, small circle, small circle, big circle.小圈、小圈,小圈、大圈,
16.I would be airsick. (Ship sick) Please give me some pills.我有一点晕机(晕船)可否给我一些晕机(船)药?
17.Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy.头晕的,眼花缭乱的有旋转或晕眩感觉的;眩晕的
18.suffer from(an attack of)vertigo感到(一阵)眩晕.

corrosion rings腐蚀晕圈
3)halo effect晕圈作用
4)tonal halo色调晕圈
5)halo error晕圈错误
