气密性试验,tightness test
1)tightness test气密性试验

1.Determination of hermeticity of expansion alloysGB/T5778-1986膨胀合金气密性试验方法
2.Air seal test method of glass-lined equipmentsGB/T7995-1987搪玻璃设备气密性试验方法
3.Pressure test (or gas tight test) reports耐压(气密性)试验报告
4.air pressure test for strength and tightness气压强度及气密试验
5.Experimental Study of a Combined Elastic Ring Seal in a Helium Turbine Compressor氦气透平压气机组合弹性环密封试验研究
6.Air retention test method for tubeless aircraft tyreGB/T11194-1989航空无内胎轮胎气密性能试验方法
7.method for measuring smoke density and concentration of gases evolved by incineration or decomposition of plastics塑料塑料燃烧性能试验方法-烟气及烟密度法
8.Air tightness test for auxiliary boiler (economize boiler) on board.辅锅炉(废气锅炉)装船后气密试验。
9.water pressure test for strength and tightness水压强度和密封性试验
10.Ref. Freon piping to be done air-tightness test and vacuum test.冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验和真空试验。
11.oil pressure test for strength and tightness强度和密封性油压试验油压及强度密封试验
12.Tightness test(opening and closing test,emergency opening and closing test)for cargo hatch cover.货舱舱口盖密性试验(启闭试验、应急启闭试验)。
13.Superstructure compressed air (water supply、fire fighting、smoke detection)piping to be done air-tightness test.上层建筑压缩空气管系(供水管、消防管、烟雾探测管)密性试验。
14.oil pressure test for tightness油密试验油压密封试验
15.Packaging packing containers Air-tight test methodGB/T17344-1998包装包装容器气密试验方法
16.Dense shaped refractory products-Determination of permeability to gases致密定形耐火制品透气度试验方法
17.Compressed air testing can be carried out only, if accepted by the classification society.如果船级社同意,可以只做气密试验。
18.Experimental Analysis on Multi-tube Pnumatic System for Ash Conveying;双管紊流密相气力除灰系统试验研究

air-tight test气密性试验;气密试验
3)air-sealed experiment气密封性试验
1.Study on a leakage test method in air-sealed experiments;气密封性试验中的泄漏测试方法研究
4)air impermeability test of rubber橡胶气密性试验
5)sud test皂水气密性试验
6)tightness test of air box空气箱密性试验
