1.Thinking of the Actual Effects of Moral Education Work for Junior Middle School Students in No.4 Middle School of Linhe;临河四中初中生德育工作实效性的思索

1.She stopped and racked her brain.思嘉停下来苦苦思索
2.To ponder over a problem in an effort to solve or understand it.苦思,思索求解思索某问题以解决或理解它
3.The prisoner studied ways to escape.犯人思索逃走的办法。
4.He revolved the main points in his mind.他在心中思索要点。
5.Yet he would not stop his mind from working.然而,他又不能不去思索
6.The old man appeared to think deeply.老头儿似乎在苦苦思索
7.The regimental commander racked his brains over the problem of crossing the river.团长苦苦思索渡河问题。
8.rack one's Brain绞尽脑汁,努力思索
9.He threw away the book without thought.他不假思索地将书扔了。
10.pondering on the meaning of life深深地思索人生的意义
11.Helene frowned and thought hard.海伦颦眉苦苦思索
12."I have been silently giving my thoughts to Fang daifu."“我在思索方大夫的问题。”
13.Truth is properly no more than contemplation.真理的特点是思索
14.The old man did not think anything, so weighted up two and half of carrots for me.老乡连思索都没有思索,称了五斤黄萝卜给我。
15.To reflect or consider with thoroughness and care.信心思索彻底且仔细地思考或考虑
16.We finally puzzled out the meaning of the poem.我们苦苦思索终于理解这首诗的意思。
17.Marx "Thinks Deeply about the Law from After" and its the Present Price;马克思的“从后思索法”及其现代价值
18.Reflection on the Principles of Marxism Education;马克思主义理论教育原则的几点思索

1.Reflection On Teaching Reform Of Mechanical Drawing And CAD;《机械制图与CAD》课程教改思索
2.Query and Reflection on the Theory about Nature of Goodwill;对商誉本质理论研究的质疑与思索
3.A century practice of socialism movement an its reflection;社会主义运动的百年实践及其思索
4)exploring thinking探索思维
1.Starting with a experimental item of subplot drawing and aiming at knowledge-gained methods,this paper discusses how to promote the students exploring thinking.从MATLAB环境下子图的绘制这一实验教学环节中,融合知识获取方法,谈谈如何促进学生探索思维。
5)thinking exploration思维探索
1.In this paper,the author states the characteristics as well as procedures and principles of the mode of "thinking exploration" in experimental class on biology.阐述了中学生物实验课“思维探索”教学的特点 ,实施过程及实施原则。
6)Thinking Again再思索
