空间诱变,space mutation
1)space mutation空间诱变
1.Space mutation breeding technique and its applications in cucurbits breeding;空间诱变育种及其在瓜类上的应用
2.Research progress in resistance of rice to blast by space mutation;水稻空间诱变育种抗稻瘟病研究进展
3.Variation of major agronomic characters and resistance to blast of mutant lines by space mutation in Oryza sativa;水稻空间诱变突变品系主要农艺经济性状及稻瘟病抗性变异

1.Preliminarily Studies on the Mutation Effects of Return Satellite Flight and Variation Mechanism on Hot Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.);辣椒空间诱变效果及变异机理的初步研究
2.No distinct chromosome abnormality is found among bio-engineering cells muted by outer space.②发现空间诱变后的肿瘤细胞无明显染色体异常。
3.Studies on the Biological Effect and Molecular Polymorphism of Rice Mutants from Spaceflight;水稻空间诱变生物学效应及分子多态性的初探
4.Strategy and Methodology to Identify the Original Variety of Space Induced Mutant Rice by Using Molecular Marker Techniques分子标志鉴定空间诱变水稻原种的策略方法
5.Effect of Space Mutageneis on Long Floral Axis and Short Pod-Branch of Soybeans空间诱变对大豆长花序短果枝性状的影响
6.Screening of Salt Tolerance in Barley Materials of Space Mutation and Identification in Fields空间诱变大麦的耐盐性筛选及大田鉴定
7.Space Mutation Breeding Technique and Selection of Cantaloupe Hermaphrodite Line from Space Treatment空间诱变育种选育哈密瓜完全花株系的研究
8.Fluctuating asymmetry in honeybee offspring under the condition of space mutation空间诱变条件下蜜蜂后代的波动性不对称
9.Research Progress and Prospect of Space Mutation Rice Breeding in Hunan湖南水稻空间诱变育种研究进展及其展望
10.Extraction of DNA from the Space Mutation in Stylo by Improved CTAB Method基于改进CTAB法提取空间诱变柱花草总DNA研究
11.Selection of Space Flight Mutation of Alfalfa and Its Polymorphic Analysis by RAPD紫花苜蓿空间诱变突变体筛选及其RAPD多态性分析(简报)
12.Effect of satellite carrying on seeds with different moisture contents in alfalfa紫花苜蓿种子含水量对当代叶片空间诱变效应的影响
13.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Environment on Wheat Seed;空间环境对小麦种子诱变效应的研究
14.Mutagenic Effects of Space Conditions on Rice Varieties空间条件对不同水稻品种的诱变效应
16.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Flight and Gamma Rays on Turfgrass;空间飞行与γ射线辐射对草坪草诱变效应研究
17.Study on Mutagenic Effects of Space Environment on Wheat M_2;空间环境处理对小麦M_2代诱变效应的研究
18.Research Characters and Low Phytic Acid Mutation by Space Conditions for Indica Cultivar "9311";空间技术诱发水稻“9311”低植酸突变及其特性研究

space mutagenesis空间诱变
1.The general research situation and using condition of rice space mutagenesis breeding are stated.简要地综述了对水稻空间诱变育种的研究概况、取得的成果及对SP后代遗传变异规律的有关研究,分析了水稻空间诱变育种的方法;指出空间诱变育种是水稻育种的一条重要途径。
2.In order to obtain high-yield strains of wanlongmycin,the starting strain C2507 was treated by space mutagenesis twice sequentially.为获得万隆霉素高产菌株,以菌株C2507为出发菌株连续2次进行空间诱变,正突变率分别为21。
3.),which can proceduce a kind of new antibiotic(Antimycin A17),was treated with natural breeding,ultraviolet radiation and space mutagenesis,then one mutation strain named TK1 was selected by series of experiments.采用自然选育、紫外线和空间诱变相结合,对抑菌霉素A17(Antimycin A17)的产生菌——放线菌GAAS7310(Streptomycessp。
3)Space mutation breeding空间诱变育种
1.Application of molecular marker techniques in study of space mutation breeding mechanism;分子标记技术在植物空间诱变育种机理研究中的应用
2.The application of space mutation technique in China s crop and flower new variety breeding is reviewed and the nondirective superiority of space mutation breeding and the possibility of successful space mutation breeding are discussed.回顾了空间诱变技术在我国农作物、花卉新品种选育工作中取得的成就 ,并探讨了花卉新品种培育中应用空间诱变的不定向性的优势及花卉空间诱变成功的可能性 ,对未来花卉空间诱变育种的应用前景进行了展
4)Sapce environment-induced mutation空间环境诱变
5)space mutation technique空间诱变技术
6)Space-induced rice line空间诱变品系

插入诱变分子式:CAS号:性质:又称插入突变(insertional mutation)。DNA链上由于插入额外的核苷酸或DNA片段而引起的突变。