胚胎着床,embryo implantation
1)embryo implantation胚胎着床
1.A research on correlation between IVF-EI and embryo implantation;体外受精-胚胎移植与胚胎着床相关性的研究
2.Primary test of the targets of mouse mir-21,a mouse embryo implantation-related gene小鼠胚胎着床相关基因中mir-21靶基因的初步验证
3.Objectives To study the efect of MRP-1/CD9 antibody on embryo implantation.目的研究外源性MRP-1/CD9抗体对小鼠胚胎着床的影响。

1.A research on correlation between IVF-EI and embryo implantation体外受精-胚胎移植与胚胎着床相关性的研究
2.Progress of Osteopontin and Embryo Implantation as well as Embryonic Development骨桥蛋白与胚胎着床及胚胎发育的研究进展
3.Influence of TGF-β and Its Receptor on Embryo ImplantationTGF-β及其受体对胚胎着床的影响
4.Effect of PCNA in the mouse uterus during embryo implantationPCNA在小鼠胚胎着床过程中的作用
5.The Preliminary Effect and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbal Medicine Scutellaria Baicalensis Georgi and Atractylodes Macrocephala Koidz in the Embryonic Implantation and Embryo Transplantation of Mice;中药黄芩、白术在胚胎着床、胚胎移植过程中的作用及机制研究
6.Effect of serum estradiol and progesterone levels during luteal phase on embryo implantation in in-vitro fertilization cycle体外受精-胚胎移植周期中血清性激素水平对胚胎着床的影响
7.Correlation between the Pronuclear Nucleoli and the Developmental Competence with Implantation Potential for Human Embryos合子联合卵裂期胚胎评级与胚胎着床关系的研究
8.Immunoregulation of Cytokines and Apoptosis during the Embryonic Implantation;胚胎着床期细胞因子及细胞凋亡的免疫调控
9.Role of Sialyl Lewis X and Lewis Y Oligosaccharides in Embryo ImplantationsLeX和LeY寡糖抗原表达及其调控与胚胎着床
10.The Different Expression of MicroRNAs in Endometrium of Early Pregnant Mouse during Embryo Implantation早孕小鼠胚胎着床前后子宫内膜microRNAs差异表达
11.Effects of acupuncture on the luteal function of rats with dysfunctional embryo implantation针刺对胚胎着床障碍大鼠黄体功能的影响
12.Function Study of IL-1、β1, 4-galactosyltransferase Ⅰ in Embryo Implantation and the Correlation of Them on Other Implantation Factors ExpressionIL-1、β1,4-GalTⅠ在胚胎着床中的作用及对其它着床相关因子表达的影响
13.Expression and Regulation of Prostaglandin E Synthase in Mouse Uterus During Implantation and Decidualization;前列腺毒E合成酶与小鼠胚胎着床和蜕膜化的关系
14.The Effect of Exogenous Progesterone Supplement on Immunology during Embryo Implantation;外源性孕激素补充影响胚胎着床期免疫的实验研究
15.The Effects of Lymphocytes on Human Endometrial Stroma Cells Decidulization and Embryo Implantation;淋巴细胞对子宫内膜蜕膜化及胚胎着床行为的影响
16.Expression of IL-1β in Human Endometrium and Granulosa Cells and Relationship to the Implantation of Embryo;白介素-1β在人子宫内膜、颗粒细胞上的表达及其与胚胎着床的关系
17.Effect of tumor metastasis inhibitory factor ME491/CD63 gene on embryo development and implantation in miceME491/CD63对小鼠胚胎发育及着床的影响
18.Expression profilings of miRNA in mouse preimplantation embryosmiRNA在小鼠着床前胚胎的表达

1.Studies on the Expression of C-erbB_2 Protein in the Periimplantation Mouse Uterus and the Effects on the Implantation of Mice Blastocyst in Vitro;C-erbB_2蛋白在小鼠围着床期子宫中的表达及其对体外胚胎着床影响的研究
2.Delayed implantation occurs when the conceptus enters a state of suspended animation at the blastocyst stage of development.利用在小鼠或大鼠中建立的延迟着床模型,可模拟正常的胚胎着床过程,有利于研究胚胎着床过程中的分子调控机制。
3)Blastocyst implantation胚胎着床
1.To probe the role of calreticulin(CRT) in blastocyst implantation,we have detected expression of CRT mRNA and the protein in endometria from mice of non-pregnancy and pregnancy on days 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,respectively by RT-PCR,indirect immunofluorescence histochemistry,Western blot and in situ hybridization techniques.采用RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光组织化学、Western印迹及原位杂交技术分别检测未孕(d0)和妊娠d1、d2、d3、d4、d5、d6、d7天小鼠子宫内膜中钙网蛋白(calreticulin,CRT)的表达规律,探讨CRT在胚胎着床中的作用。
2.The expression of tumor suppressor gene p16INK4a in mouse endometrium during early pregnancy and its possible role in blastocyst implantation were investigated in the present study.本研究旨在检测肿瘤抑制基因p16INK4a(inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase4a)在早孕小鼠子宫内膜中的表达规律,探讨p16INK4a在小鼠胚胎着床过程中的作用。
4)Embryonic implantation胚胎着床
1.The embryonic implantation is the complicated immune tolerance of matrix-fetus.在胚胎着床过程中,母体复杂的免疫应答和免疫调节的结果是母体对胚胎这种半同种异体产生免疫耐受。
2.The experiment had researched whether and why Chinese herbal medicine Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz had effects on the concentration level of Thl/Th2 cytokines, nitric oxide (NO) and on the embryonic implantation and embryo transfer initially and preliminarily.另一组供受体组在妊娠第3天进行胚胎移植,第16天将受体母鼠剖检,记录成活胎鼠数、胚胎着床数、胚胎吸收数及胎鼠畸形数。
3.In order to characterize the functions of Meis1 in embryonic implantation,introduced Meis1 in the endometrium by the liposome-mediated gene transfection,then observed its effect on endometrial receptivity.通过宫腔内脂质体转染改变小鼠子宫内Meis1基因的表达水平,研究其对子宫内膜容受性的影响,从而推测Meis1基因在胚胎着床中的作用。
5)Implantation rate胚胎着床率
1.The difference of the pregnancy and implantation rate was compared between the ovarian stimulation and normal pregnancy models,and the relationship between Lif-protein levels and the pregnancy and implantation rate was analyzed.方法:建立超排周期胚胎和自然周期胚胎移植小鼠模型,比较妊娠率、胚胎着床率的差异及其与Lif蛋白的表达水平之间的关系。
6)preimplantation embryo着床前胚胎
1.Purpose: To establish a new modal system to evaluate the genetic toxicity of aneugens and to investigate the effects of colchicine (COL) on preimplantation embryo cells.目的 :建立检测化学物对着床前胚胎是否具有非整倍诱变性的动物模型 ,探讨非整倍性诱变剂秋水仙素 (colchicine ,COL)对着床前胚胎细胞的影响。

胚胎着床胚胎着床  卵受精后6天后在宫腔内形成囊胚从透明带中孵出,向子宫内膜靠近,以滋养层细胞面定位向内膜(apposition),并粘着而侵入内膜(penetration),并融合(fusion)。以后胚胎在内膜中发育成长,着床的成功,依靠胚胎的质量及子宫内膜的发育情况,目前认为着床期的“窗口”可有3~4天。