方便面,instant noodles
1)instant noodles方便面
1.The effect of different methods of cooking and drying on instant noodles quality;不同熟制干制方法对方便面品质的影响
2.Technical analysis on IOD of instant noodles;方便面碘呈色度的工艺分析
3.Natural Antioxidant Tea Polyphenols' Application onOil and Food:Study on inhibiting the deterioration ofsalad oil and instant noodles;天然抗氧化剂茶多酚在油脂和食品保鲜中的应用──色拉油和方便面保鲜试验研究

1.Instant noodles, instant dishes and refreshments are all for people's convenience.方便面、方便菜、方便点心,为的是方便百姓。
2.I am going to show you how to make instant noodles.我教你怎样煮方便面
3.Improving Experiment of Flour Used in Instant Noodle(Ⅰ )制作方便面用面粉的改良试验(一)
4.Effect of dough gelatinization on concentration of oil in instant noodle面团α化对油炸方便面含油率的影响
5.The Pricing Strategy of the Instant Noodle Industry--Taking Longhuariqing Instant Noodle as the Example;方便面产品定价策略探讨——以华龙日清方便面为例
6.Abstract Instant noodles more and more go down well with extensive consumer, an instant noodle is amounts maximal production and marketing fast food but be the most universal.方便面越来越受广大消费者的欢迎,而方便面则是最普及,产销量最大的方便食品。
7.This kind of instant noodles is ready to eat immediately after Being opened without cooking.这种方便面,不用烧煮,即拆即食。
8.Application of natural edible pigments in instant noodle天然食用色素在方便面中的应用研究
9.IOD contrast experiment of instant noodle end product,clammy noodle方便面成品、湿条碘呈色度对比实验
10.Hydrolysed Animal Protein and Its Application in Instant Noodle动物水解蛋白及其在方便面中的应用
11.Processing And Equipment Choose of Fired-free Instant Noodle免油炸方便面的生产工艺及设备选型
12.The Study on the Instant Noodles Marketing Strategy of Lanzhou Branch of the President Corporation;统一兰州分公司方便面营销策略研究
14.Application of Multiple Food Additives in The Instant Noodle Body方便面面身复合食品添加剂的应用研究
15.Use typing mode for new notes~~Displays the input panel for new notes.对新便笺使用键入方式~~为新便笺显示输入面板。
16.We shall find it convenient to adopt the following notation.采用下面的记号是方便的。
17.a business of manageable size在规模方面便于管理的企业.
18.I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.希望能在您方便时候与你面谈。

instant noodle方便面
1.The current situation and tendencies of instant noodle seasonings;方便面汤料的现状及发展趋势
2.Application of gardenia yellow in instant noodle;栀子黄色素在方便面中的应用研究
3.Seasoning's production of goulash instant noodle with soup concentrate style;浓汤型红烧牛肉方便面汤料的制作
3)convenient noodle's方便面条
1.Texture soy protein convenient noodle's hydrospic properties was enhanced by alkalization and dehydration processing, the result indicated that (8% salt,1.通过对组织化大豆蛋白的碱性腌制和干燥脱水 ,有效改善了组织化大豆蛋白方便面条的复水性能。
4)fresh instant noodle湿方便面
1.This context makes analysis and exploratory discussions on the technology and equipment of fresh instant noodles.湿方便面是一种不经油炸和干燥的新鲜面,是面条经蒸煮后装袋杀菌而成,是方便面第三代产品,新鲜面已成为我国及国际方便面的发展趋势。
5)instant noodle machine方便面机
6)instant flour方便面粉
